Page 306 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 306
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
the names of foreign public schools. As a result, the strict legislation, 20 schools were scheduled
schools are beginning to announce school name to open in China in 2022 to deliver international
changes. Other schools are also in the process education, and at least 37 more are planned for
of making changes. It is believed that demand by forthcoming years. Existing and new schools
local Chinese parents for international education in China offering international education are
in China will continue regardless of school name currently faced with a unique recruitment
changes. Regulations impacting international scenario. As a result of the harsh COVID controls,
schools in China are complex and have been for it is proving impossible for most of them to
some time. They differ depending on the school attract and recruit enough expatriate teachers.
type and the children who can be enrolled. Some Understanding what is driving the teacher
regulations are official, such as a ban in bilingual recruitment market and what remuneration
schools (also known as Chinese-owned private offerings are attracting teachers to a particular
schools) on the use of foreign textbooks during the location is informing how international schools
compulsory years of education – which in China are responding in order to remain competitive.
span grades 1 to 9 (ages 6 to 15). Other regulations Schools find this particularly valuable during times
have been announced by the government, but of challenge or high competition (Shaw).
not yet mandated, such as a plan to discourage
Chinese students from studying abroad. And some On-Line Self Teaching
regulations are, for now, speculation, such as a
possible extension to the period of compulsory The coronavirus pandemic has created a
education. Whether authorized or not, all policy situation where online education has reached a
changes suggest more control over private new level of widespread use and user recognition
education, particularly international education, by in China. At the same time, competition among
the Chinese government. Regulations issued over companies is fierce and the market shows various
the past two years mostly impact the compulsory signs of becoming oversaturated. With so many
years of learning within the Chinese-owned newcomers taking advantage of the newfound need
private schools that are allowed to enroll local for online education, a certain kind of consolidation
Chinese children. However, the schools in China might be inevitable after the pandemic. Over the
accessible to the children of foreign nationals i.e. past five years, online education has seen robust
the more traditional international schools that, market growth in China. Due to the pandemic,
by law, cannot enroll local Chinese children, are growth accelerated significantly in 2020. However,
also likely to be under greater scrutiny from the as many offline providers extended their services
Chinese government in the future. This, coupled online, and new service formats are being
with the very strict measures placed on all people developed, the actual size of the online market is
in China due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is causing difficult to assess. According to a broad market
significant challenges to schools and their staff. definition, including online education tools and
Since February 2020, schooling in some Chinese apps, online education in China reached a market
cities and provinces has been mostly off-campus, size of around 423 billion RMB in 2020, with a user
delivered through remote learning. In addition, size of 331 million. In 2020, investment in online
expatriate educators working in China have found education companies saw a new boom. When
travel in and out of the country virtually impossible, looking at investment events in China, the value
other than terminating an employment contract. of investment in online education Companies
As a result of the harsh containment measures, reached 53.9 billion RMB more than in the four
interest in China as an employment destination preceding years together. At the same time, most
by expatriate workers in all sectors, particularly of the companies were making losses, and the
in education, has dropped dramatically. Even with money raised was mainly being used to increase
the extensive impact of the pandemic on China, the user base. As most of the money is invested
student enrolment at international schools in the in large companies, and many smaller online and
country has increased by 3.4% over the past two ofline education providers face severe difficulties,
years whilst the number of schools has remained market consolidation is likely to increase in the
relatively static, increasing by just 0.45%. Despite
the names of foreign public schools. As a result, the strict legislation, 20 schools were scheduled
schools are beginning to announce school name to open in China in 2022 to deliver international
changes. Other schools are also in the process education, and at least 37 more are planned for
of making changes. It is believed that demand by forthcoming years. Existing and new schools
local Chinese parents for international education in China offering international education are
in China will continue regardless of school name currently faced with a unique recruitment
changes. Regulations impacting international scenario. As a result of the harsh COVID controls,
schools in China are complex and have been for it is proving impossible for most of them to
some time. They differ depending on the school attract and recruit enough expatriate teachers.
type and the children who can be enrolled. Some Understanding what is driving the teacher
regulations are official, such as a ban in bilingual recruitment market and what remuneration
schools (also known as Chinese-owned private offerings are attracting teachers to a particular
schools) on the use of foreign textbooks during the location is informing how international schools
compulsory years of education – which in China are responding in order to remain competitive.
span grades 1 to 9 (ages 6 to 15). Other regulations Schools find this particularly valuable during times
have been announced by the government, but of challenge or high competition (Shaw).
not yet mandated, such as a plan to discourage
Chinese students from studying abroad. And some On-Line Self Teaching
regulations are, for now, speculation, such as a
possible extension to the period of compulsory The coronavirus pandemic has created a
education. Whether authorized or not, all policy situation where online education has reached a
changes suggest more control over private new level of widespread use and user recognition
education, particularly international education, by in China. At the same time, competition among
the Chinese government. Regulations issued over companies is fierce and the market shows various
the past two years mostly impact the compulsory signs of becoming oversaturated. With so many
years of learning within the Chinese-owned newcomers taking advantage of the newfound need
private schools that are allowed to enroll local for online education, a certain kind of consolidation
Chinese children. However, the schools in China might be inevitable after the pandemic. Over the
accessible to the children of foreign nationals i.e. past five years, online education has seen robust
the more traditional international schools that, market growth in China. Due to the pandemic,
by law, cannot enroll local Chinese children, are growth accelerated significantly in 2020. However,
also likely to be under greater scrutiny from the as many offline providers extended their services
Chinese government in the future. This, coupled online, and new service formats are being
with the very strict measures placed on all people developed, the actual size of the online market is
in China due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is causing difficult to assess. According to a broad market
significant challenges to schools and their staff. definition, including online education tools and
Since February 2020, schooling in some Chinese apps, online education in China reached a market
cities and provinces has been mostly off-campus, size of around 423 billion RMB in 2020, with a user
delivered through remote learning. In addition, size of 331 million. In 2020, investment in online
expatriate educators working in China have found education companies saw a new boom. When
travel in and out of the country virtually impossible, looking at investment events in China, the value
other than terminating an employment contract. of investment in online education Companies
As a result of the harsh containment measures, reached 53.9 billion RMB more than in the four
interest in China as an employment destination preceding years together. At the same time, most
by expatriate workers in all sectors, particularly of the companies were making losses, and the
in education, has dropped dramatically. Even with money raised was mainly being used to increase
the extensive impact of the pandemic on China, the user base. As most of the money is invested
student enrolment at international schools in the in large companies, and many smaller online and
country has increased by 3.4% over the past two ofline education providers face severe difficulties,
years whilst the number of schools has remained market consolidation is likely to increase in the
relatively static, increasing by just 0.45%. Despite