Page 308 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 308
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
future. Backed by growing user recognition, online institutions to provide academic classes for
education in China has seen many innovations in primary and middle school students, and added
recent years, most prominently in the field of online- that the number of such entities should be
merge-offline formats (for example the double reduced considerably. Public schools should
teacher classroom format), and Al implementation. also offer after-class services for students and
At the same time, the government is tightening improve the quality of classroom teaching to
market regulation in order to ensure user safety meet their demands, it said. The guideline was
and educational quality. Although market growth aimed at "effectively reducing" the burdens of
rates are forecast to cool down in the upcoming excessive homework and after-school tutoring
years, online education has obviously reached a on students within one year and to achieve
new level of development in China (Statista). "significant outcomes" within three. To better
implement the policy, the Ministry of Education
China's massive open online courses (MOOC) established a new body, the Department of
have attracted 979 million learners as of November Supervision of After-school Tutoring Institutions,
2022. The MOOC platform provides more than to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools.
61,900 online courses, with 402 million registered The department is responsible for regulating
users. The educational platform was launched private providers that target children from
in 2012. In the past 10 years, especially since the kindergarten to high school and for formulating
outbreak of COVID-19, China has practiced online policies on the establishment, content, course
education on an unprecedented scale, relying on hours, employee qualifications and fees charged
MOOC and other online education resources, by such institutions, both online and offline. It
which are profoundly changing teaching, learning, also guides comprehensive law enforcement on
and school management. China has organized extracurricular tutoring and handles major issues
over 10 global online education dialogues since in the sector. Since the central guideline was
the establishment of the Global MOOC and Online issued, more than 20 new measures have been
Education Union in 2020. A total of 168 global issued by different government departments to
hybrid classrooms have been opened and 13 fully implement the policy (Zou, All Provincial).
world-famous universities from 11 countries have
achieved mutual recognition of credits. In addition, All 25 Chinese tutoring companies listed on
eight global open English classes have been stock markets at home or overseas no longer offer
launched attracting 7.3 million learners around the academic tutoring services to primary and middle
world. Meanwhile. China has promoted a MOOC school students following government efforts to
plan in west China. Currently 725 universities alleviate students' academic workloads. According
in west China have provided online and hybrid to the policy, academic tutoring institutions are
courses using MOOC, accounting for 97.3% of banned from going public for financing, and
the universities in west China, which has greatly investment in them by listed companies and
improved talent training in the region ( foreign capital is barred. Institutions and people
caught seriously violating extracurricular tutoring
Tutoring and Extracurricular Activities regulations will face hefty fines and a lifetime ban
from working in the education sector. "Serious
Guideline issued in 2021 by the general offices violations" are defined as national or cross-regional
of the CPC Central Committee and the State incidents that lead to significant impacts and grave
Council, China's Cabinet ordered all private danger, and "hefty fines" means one to five times
academic tutoring institutions to register as their illegal gains. The ministry is working on a
nonprofit organizations and barred them from new guideline on the specifics of administrative
raising money from the public. The policy also punishment. The double reduction policy also
forbade such institutions from holding classes stipulated that academic tutoring companies for
at weekends, during national holidays or winter high school students should conform with the
and summer vacations. It said local governments requirements for primary and middle school
should not give approval for any new tutoring students. Local governments are following the
policy closely in regulating tutoring companies for
future. Backed by growing user recognition, online institutions to provide academic classes for
education in China has seen many innovations in primary and middle school students, and added
recent years, most prominently in the field of online- that the number of such entities should be
merge-offline formats (for example the double reduced considerably. Public schools should
teacher classroom format), and Al implementation. also offer after-class services for students and
At the same time, the government is tightening improve the quality of classroom teaching to
market regulation in order to ensure user safety meet their demands, it said. The guideline was
and educational quality. Although market growth aimed at "effectively reducing" the burdens of
rates are forecast to cool down in the upcoming excessive homework and after-school tutoring
years, online education has obviously reached a on students within one year and to achieve
new level of development in China (Statista). "significant outcomes" within three. To better
implement the policy, the Ministry of Education
China's massive open online courses (MOOC) established a new body, the Department of
have attracted 979 million learners as of November Supervision of After-school Tutoring Institutions,
2022. The MOOC platform provides more than to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools.
61,900 online courses, with 402 million registered The department is responsible for regulating
users. The educational platform was launched private providers that target children from
in 2012. In the past 10 years, especially since the kindergarten to high school and for formulating
outbreak of COVID-19, China has practiced online policies on the establishment, content, course
education on an unprecedented scale, relying on hours, employee qualifications and fees charged
MOOC and other online education resources, by such institutions, both online and offline. It
which are profoundly changing teaching, learning, also guides comprehensive law enforcement on
and school management. China has organized extracurricular tutoring and handles major issues
over 10 global online education dialogues since in the sector. Since the central guideline was
the establishment of the Global MOOC and Online issued, more than 20 new measures have been
Education Union in 2020. A total of 168 global issued by different government departments to
hybrid classrooms have been opened and 13 fully implement the policy (Zou, All Provincial).
world-famous universities from 11 countries have
achieved mutual recognition of credits. In addition, All 25 Chinese tutoring companies listed on
eight global open English classes have been stock markets at home or overseas no longer offer
launched attracting 7.3 million learners around the academic tutoring services to primary and middle
world. Meanwhile. China has promoted a MOOC school students following government efforts to
plan in west China. Currently 725 universities alleviate students' academic workloads. According
in west China have provided online and hybrid to the policy, academic tutoring institutions are
courses using MOOC, accounting for 97.3% of banned from going public for financing, and
the universities in west China, which has greatly investment in them by listed companies and
improved talent training in the region ( foreign capital is barred. Institutions and people
caught seriously violating extracurricular tutoring
Tutoring and Extracurricular Activities regulations will face hefty fines and a lifetime ban
from working in the education sector. "Serious
Guideline issued in 2021 by the general offices violations" are defined as national or cross-regional
of the CPC Central Committee and the State incidents that lead to significant impacts and grave
Council, China's Cabinet ordered all private danger, and "hefty fines" means one to five times
academic tutoring institutions to register as their illegal gains. The ministry is working on a
nonprofit organizations and barred them from new guideline on the specifics of administrative
raising money from the public. The policy also punishment. The double reduction policy also
forbade such institutions from holding classes stipulated that academic tutoring companies for
at weekends, during national holidays or winter high school students should conform with the
and summer vacations. It said local governments requirements for primary and middle school
should not give approval for any new tutoring students. Local governments are following the
policy closely in regulating tutoring companies for