Page 310 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 310
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
high school students. The Minors Protection Law million students used day care services provided by
stipulates that proper arrangements should be 210,000 schools during the 2022 summer vacation.
made for children's academic studies so that they To meet students' demands for diversified after-
have time for rest, leisure and physical exercise. A school services, the ministry said it welcomes the
grassroots supervision system for extracurricular participation of outside professionals and social
tutoring consisting of subdistrict and community organizations that can add more scientific, cultural
workers has been established ( and sports courses and improve the attractiveness
and effectiveness of such services. Meanwhile, the
According to the ministry, the combined efforts Ministry of Education has reiterated the ban on off-
of central and local governments have resulted in campus academic tutoring activities and warned
the number of online academic tutoring institutions against excessive homework during vacations. Local
being cut by 84.1% and the number of offline players authorities continue to crack down on academic
slashed by 83.8%. Tutoring giants, including New tutoring offered under the guise of household
Oriental Education and Technology Group and TAL services or winter camps and conduct round-the-
Education Group, shuttered operations for children clock inspections of all online platforms, using a
in primary and middle schools in the final days of combination of technology and workers to root out
2021. Yu Minhong, New Oriental's founder and online academic tutoring (Zou, New Services).
chairman, said the company's revenue declined
by 80% that year and its market capitalization fell Vocational Education
by 90%. Fees for tutoring courses offered by new
nonprofit providers have also been significantly Current China policies indicate a favorable
reduced after local governments introduced their investment environment for vocational education
own guidance fees for such services. A notice issued but foreign investors are advised to conduct
in September 2021 by the National Development proper due diligence on the scope of their market
and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education participation prior to market entry or expansion
and the State Administration for Market Regulation plans. The Vocational Education Law, passed April
ordered local governments to establish guidance 20, 2022, has upgraded the status of this education
fees for curriculum-based courses for primary segment, which is aligned with China’s overall
and middle school students to reduce the burden ambitions for higher quality growth. The Law is
of educational expenses on families. The average one of several measures that the government has
salaries of people working at tutoring companies released that is poised to strengthen the country’s
should not significantly exceed those of teachers at vocational education system. Facing a changing
public schools, the notice said (Zou, Closures). manufacturing landscape and increasing demand
for skilled workers, the Chinese government is
The previously unrestrained, chaotic promoting investment in vocational education
extracurricular tuition market has cooled, with no with increasing urgency to improve the technical
advertisements visible, as investors have swiftly capabilities of its workforce.
withdrawn from the heavily regulated market. The
amount of time spent on homework has also been China's revised law on vocational education
substantially reduced. More than 90% of students will promote equal job opportunities for
reported that they were able to finish written vocational school graduates and advance the
homework in the set time, compared with 46% quality of vocational education. The revision was
before the policy was introduced. The Department recently adopted by the Standing Committee
of Basic Education at the Ministry of Education of the National People's Congress, China's top
found that 92.7% of public schools have opened legislature, marking the first time the law has
after-school arts and sports activities, with 88.3% been revised since it was adopted in 1996.
offering reading and 87.3% operating interest Detailed provisions have been made to resolve
groups and clubs. The proportion of students using the problems faced by vocational school students.
after-school services rose to 92% in the autumn The revision stipulates that vocational education
semester, from 49% in the spring semester during is as important as general education and that
the 2021-22 academic school year. More than 3
high school students. The Minors Protection Law million students used day care services provided by
stipulates that proper arrangements should be 210,000 schools during the 2022 summer vacation.
made for children's academic studies so that they To meet students' demands for diversified after-
have time for rest, leisure and physical exercise. A school services, the ministry said it welcomes the
grassroots supervision system for extracurricular participation of outside professionals and social
tutoring consisting of subdistrict and community organizations that can add more scientific, cultural
workers has been established ( and sports courses and improve the attractiveness
and effectiveness of such services. Meanwhile, the
According to the ministry, the combined efforts Ministry of Education has reiterated the ban on off-
of central and local governments have resulted in campus academic tutoring activities and warned
the number of online academic tutoring institutions against excessive homework during vacations. Local
being cut by 84.1% and the number of offline players authorities continue to crack down on academic
slashed by 83.8%. Tutoring giants, including New tutoring offered under the guise of household
Oriental Education and Technology Group and TAL services or winter camps and conduct round-the-
Education Group, shuttered operations for children clock inspections of all online platforms, using a
in primary and middle schools in the final days of combination of technology and workers to root out
2021. Yu Minhong, New Oriental's founder and online academic tutoring (Zou, New Services).
chairman, said the company's revenue declined
by 80% that year and its market capitalization fell Vocational Education
by 90%. Fees for tutoring courses offered by new
nonprofit providers have also been significantly Current China policies indicate a favorable
reduced after local governments introduced their investment environment for vocational education
own guidance fees for such services. A notice issued but foreign investors are advised to conduct
in September 2021 by the National Development proper due diligence on the scope of their market
and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education participation prior to market entry or expansion
and the State Administration for Market Regulation plans. The Vocational Education Law, passed April
ordered local governments to establish guidance 20, 2022, has upgraded the status of this education
fees for curriculum-based courses for primary segment, which is aligned with China’s overall
and middle school students to reduce the burden ambitions for higher quality growth. The Law is
of educational expenses on families. The average one of several measures that the government has
salaries of people working at tutoring companies released that is poised to strengthen the country’s
should not significantly exceed those of teachers at vocational education system. Facing a changing
public schools, the notice said (Zou, Closures). manufacturing landscape and increasing demand
for skilled workers, the Chinese government is
The previously unrestrained, chaotic promoting investment in vocational education
extracurricular tuition market has cooled, with no with increasing urgency to improve the technical
advertisements visible, as investors have swiftly capabilities of its workforce.
withdrawn from the heavily regulated market. The
amount of time spent on homework has also been China's revised law on vocational education
substantially reduced. More than 90% of students will promote equal job opportunities for
reported that they were able to finish written vocational school graduates and advance the
homework in the set time, compared with 46% quality of vocational education. The revision was
before the policy was introduced. The Department recently adopted by the Standing Committee
of Basic Education at the Ministry of Education of the National People's Congress, China's top
found that 92.7% of public schools have opened legislature, marking the first time the law has
after-school arts and sports activities, with 88.3% been revised since it was adopted in 1996.
offering reading and 87.3% operating interest Detailed provisions have been made to resolve
groups and clubs. The proportion of students using the problems faced by vocational school students.
after-school services rose to 92% in the autumn The revision stipulates that vocational education
semester, from 49% in the spring semester during is as important as general education and that
the 2021-22 academic school year. More than 3