Page 304 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 304
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
treatment. The resulting boom in rehabilitation class Chinese families from falling into a rat race.
services has attracted a group of passionate, if They worry that the rise of private schools in China,
not overly qualified individuals to the field. As together with the associated social standing, will
demand for rehabilitation services grew, the have a long-term negative impact on the country.
industry found itself faced with a severe labor China’s Ministry of Education said in August 2021
shortage. As of 2020, only 23,000 people had that private education would be abolished in
acquired an autism rehabilitation certification the country by August of 2023. The Ministry of
from the China Disabled Persons’ Federation— Education has also established a department to
theoretically a requirement to work in the field. supervise off-campus education and training. It
That year, there was just one qualified autism also has the responsibility of delivering “reforms
specialist for every 130 children diagnosed with to the off-campus education and training sector.”
the disorder. Because of the acute shortage of Since then, the CPC has made it clear that it intends
qualified professionals, many teachers are hired to clamp down on private tuition institutions. As a
first, and get qualified later. Some institutions result, there was an effort to reduce homework and
have decided to eschew their charitable origins other after-school educational activities. This led to
and embark on a thoroughly market-oriented a comprehensive revision of China’s US$100 billion
path. Many of China’s best-known early-childhood education technology industry, which culminated
intervention centers are courting investors, in the prohibition of profit-making, capital-
offering paid online classes, or expanding their raising, and public offerings by businesses that
physical footprint. Others have been acquired teach the school curriculum. China’s educational
and restructured by large-scale conglomerates. establishments are reportedly prohibited from
Even institutions that advertise their low tuition “offering subject-based tutoring on national
and take their responsibility to parents seriously statutory holidays, rest days, or winter and summer
often survive only by exploiting teachers. Thus, vacations.” According to the most current industry
while the industry has made strides toward figures, 75% of pupils in elementary and secondary
professionalization, it is also facing an exodus schools had after-school tutoring. The leadership
of its most experienced front-line practitioners of the CPC considers this to be a dangerous pattern
(Xinhua, Can China). for society as a whole. Xi personally scolded
parents for the pressure they put on themselves
Private Schools to raise their children in order to get them into the
top schools. According to Xi, this culture places
China’s private schools are being nationalized, an additional financial strain on parents, which in
an education reform aimed at aligning it with turn discourages them from having more children.
President Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” goals. As a result, Xi’s objective of increasing China’s birth
As a result of these changes, the Communist rate is hampered (Edernet).
Party of China will have direct authority over
every educational institution in the country (CPC). International Schools
The goal is to progressively integrate private
institutions into the public sector. Having said Recent education policy changes in China are
that, it is not something that can be done all impacting schools in the country, notably the
at once. As a consequence, specific goals have schools that offer an international education.
been established for every district in the country. Several government changes beginning in 2021
Several private schools are being taken over by and into 2022 are gaining public attention as
the government, allowing kids to attend without impact of the regulations is becoming visible. One
paying tuition. The government has lowered or example of this was a directive to all private schools
eliminated tuition at other institutions. Critics of in China, issued by the Chinese government in
the CPC’s decision believe that private schools will May 2021, to not include certain words in their
not be able to enroll children if the tuition charge school names. Included in this list were the words
is too expensive. People who support CPC’s move ‘China’, ‘international’, and references to foreign
believe that it is necessary and will prevent middle- places and educational institutions including
treatment. The resulting boom in rehabilitation class Chinese families from falling into a rat race.
services has attracted a group of passionate, if They worry that the rise of private schools in China,
not overly qualified individuals to the field. As together with the associated social standing, will
demand for rehabilitation services grew, the have a long-term negative impact on the country.
industry found itself faced with a severe labor China’s Ministry of Education said in August 2021
shortage. As of 2020, only 23,000 people had that private education would be abolished in
acquired an autism rehabilitation certification the country by August of 2023. The Ministry of
from the China Disabled Persons’ Federation— Education has also established a department to
theoretically a requirement to work in the field. supervise off-campus education and training. It
That year, there was just one qualified autism also has the responsibility of delivering “reforms
specialist for every 130 children diagnosed with to the off-campus education and training sector.”
the disorder. Because of the acute shortage of Since then, the CPC has made it clear that it intends
qualified professionals, many teachers are hired to clamp down on private tuition institutions. As a
first, and get qualified later. Some institutions result, there was an effort to reduce homework and
have decided to eschew their charitable origins other after-school educational activities. This led to
and embark on a thoroughly market-oriented a comprehensive revision of China’s US$100 billion
path. Many of China’s best-known early-childhood education technology industry, which culminated
intervention centers are courting investors, in the prohibition of profit-making, capital-
offering paid online classes, or expanding their raising, and public offerings by businesses that
physical footprint. Others have been acquired teach the school curriculum. China’s educational
and restructured by large-scale conglomerates. establishments are reportedly prohibited from
Even institutions that advertise their low tuition “offering subject-based tutoring on national
and take their responsibility to parents seriously statutory holidays, rest days, or winter and summer
often survive only by exploiting teachers. Thus, vacations.” According to the most current industry
while the industry has made strides toward figures, 75% of pupils in elementary and secondary
professionalization, it is also facing an exodus schools had after-school tutoring. The leadership
of its most experienced front-line practitioners of the CPC considers this to be a dangerous pattern
(Xinhua, Can China). for society as a whole. Xi personally scolded
parents for the pressure they put on themselves
Private Schools to raise their children in order to get them into the
top schools. According to Xi, this culture places
China’s private schools are being nationalized, an additional financial strain on parents, which in
an education reform aimed at aligning it with turn discourages them from having more children.
President Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” goals. As a result, Xi’s objective of increasing China’s birth
As a result of these changes, the Communist rate is hampered (Edernet).
Party of China will have direct authority over
every educational institution in the country (CPC). International Schools
The goal is to progressively integrate private
institutions into the public sector. Having said Recent education policy changes in China are
that, it is not something that can be done all impacting schools in the country, notably the
at once. As a consequence, specific goals have schools that offer an international education.
been established for every district in the country. Several government changes beginning in 2021
Several private schools are being taken over by and into 2022 are gaining public attention as
the government, allowing kids to attend without impact of the regulations is becoming visible. One
paying tuition. The government has lowered or example of this was a directive to all private schools
eliminated tuition at other institutions. Critics of in China, issued by the Chinese government in
the CPC’s decision believe that private schools will May 2021, to not include certain words in their
not be able to enroll children if the tuition charge school names. Included in this list were the words
is too expensive. People who support CPC’s move ‘China’, ‘international’, and references to foreign
believe that it is necessary and will prevent middle- places and educational institutions including