Page 302 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 302
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

A report delivered to the 20th National Congress children and teenagers with special needs
of the Communist Party of China stressed that to learn in regular classrooms. Boosting the
China will implement a workforce development quality of special education requires greater
strategy while increasing international personnel integration with general education, vocational
exchanges and making the best use of talents. It education, as well as medical rehabilitation
will further reform the systems and mechanisms and information technology. The plan further
for talent development and ensure the country stressed enhancing educational infrastructure,
values talent, nurtures them, attracts them and recruiting professional teachers, and improving
puts them to good use. It has long been China's the funding mechanism for special education,
policy to support talents going abroad for studies with the average subsidy from public expenses
and encourage them to return after their studies, increased to over 7,000 RMB (US$1,106) each
while giving them the freedom to make their year for each student in compulsory education
own decisions. This shows an open and inclusive by 2025 (PRC, China Launches).
approach and in order to attract talent, it is
necessary for China to enhance the attractiveness Early intervention for children with
of domestic jobs and undertakings. By broadening developmental disorders is a relatively young
the space for domestic career development China field in China. In contrast to Europe or the
has, over the past decade, attracted many overseas United States, where rehabilitative specialists,
students to return and find jobs or start businesses. usually called therapists, are typically required to
According to Ministry of Education data, from 1978 obtain specific degrees and complete supervised
to the end of 2022, 5.86 million Chinese students internships before they are certified, many
studied abroad, 4.32 million of them completed Chinese practitioners enter the industry with little
their studies, and 3.65 million, or 84.46% of those to no relevant education or experience. Now,
who completed their studies, returned to China for they find themselves caught between a rapidly
development (CD, Luring Talent). growing—and commercializing—industry and
a government finally ready to take the need for
Special Education qualified, professional therapists seriously. China’s
first private rehabilitative institution for children
China will promote the development and with developmental disorders was established
enhancement of special education during the in Beijing in 1993, by the mother of a boy with
14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), according autism. Over the ensuing two decades, families—
to an action plan unveiled in a document issued and not the state—drove the expansion of the
by the General Office of the State Council in Jan early intervention industry in China, as educated
2022. The plan aims to initially establish a high- parents traveled overseas in search of resources
quality special education system by 2025, with and techniques that could help their children,
the enrollment rate of school-age children with which they then introduced into China upon their
disabilities in compulsory education reaching return, often by founding their own rehabilitation
97%. To improve the special education system, the institutions. If “parent-run institutions” kickstarted
plan urged expanding services across different China’s developmental disorder rehabilitation
age groups. More children with special needs industry, the past ten years have seen the issue
should have access to compulsory education, with of neurodevelopmental disorders in children—
eligible special schools encouraged in county- and autism in particular—receive more and
level administrative areas with a population more attention from the Chinese government.
of more than 200,000. Alongside compulsory The Chinese medical community now advocates
education, preschool education and senior for early screening and intervention for children
secondary education mainly serving vocational with developmental disorders, while local officials
purposes also should be boosted, according and disability associations are incorporating
to the plan, through efforts to encourage intervention training for children showing signs
regular kindergartens, secondary vocational of developmental delay into disability prevention
schools and high schools to accommodate projects and enlisting the services of professional
rehabilitation institutions to help provide

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