Page 300 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 300
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
2.15 Education Industry
Key Take-Aways first deals with the modernization of the sector
until 2022, whereas the second designs a long-
• China will promote the development term vision and outlines ideas until 2035. On the
and enhancement of special education with the whole, the Chinese modernization strategy aims
aim of initially establishing a high-quality special to strike a balance between universal enrollment
education system by 2025, with the enrollment in primary and secondary education (especially
rate of school-age children with disabilities in by eliminating inequalities between urban
compulsory education reaching 97%. and rural areas), the subsequent registration
of students in higher education or vocational
• China’s private schools are being training programs, and the integration of those
nationalized, and as a result the Communist Party programs into the updated industry standards.
of China will have direct authority over every According to the Chinese Ministry of Education,
educational institution in the country. the enrollment rate to higher education increased
from 30% in 2012 to 57.8% in 2021. Additionally,
• All private schools in China are no longer the building of world-class universities is another
allowed to use certain words in their school critical element of the modernization strategy.
names. Included in this list were the words ‘China’, Among other things, "the Double First-Class
‘international’, and references to foreign places Initiative" offers a financing scheme to promote
and educational institutions including the names talent training and measure their performance
of foreign public schools. at selected universities. The first phase of the
program was announced in 2016 and the second
Background in February 2022. As technology and science are
at the epicenter of attention, the contribution of
Education is the principal foundation for a artificial intelligence (AI) to education could not
country's progress. China gives high priority pass unnoticed. China's relevant next-generation
to education development to nurture young development plan makes several references to
people and cements an ambitious and promising the need to carry out AI education programs.
way forward. The more the Chinese youth has Although China is elaborating on, adjusting,
access to education the easier strategic goals and implementing education policies itself, it
can be realized. In 2015, "Quality Education" values international cooperation. International
was categorized by the UN as a Sustainable exchanges and collaboration, for example,
Development Goal (SDG). The purpose is to are identified as the ninth goal of the 2035
promote lifelong learning and enhance access modernization plan. Although the pandemic has
to education that is illustrated as "key to seriously impacted physical exchanges, online
escaping poverty." China, which at that time was synergies offered a temporary alternative in
accelerating its titanic effort to alleviate poverty, lockdown periods. Accordingly, China's interest
could not but find a better incentive. In the in engaging with the world was recently outlined
aftermath of the launch of SDGs, China organized during the organization of the World Youth
several conferences in coordination with relevant Development Forum in Beijing. Supported by UN
UN agencies. China's emphasis on strengthening agencies and other international organizations,
education led to the publication of two the forum was an opportunity to exchange views
development plans at the beginning of 2019. The on quality education and share the thoughts of
young people across the globe (Tzogopoulos).
2.15 Education Industry
Key Take-Aways first deals with the modernization of the sector
until 2022, whereas the second designs a long-
• China will promote the development term vision and outlines ideas until 2035. On the
and enhancement of special education with the whole, the Chinese modernization strategy aims
aim of initially establishing a high-quality special to strike a balance between universal enrollment
education system by 2025, with the enrollment in primary and secondary education (especially
rate of school-age children with disabilities in by eliminating inequalities between urban
compulsory education reaching 97%. and rural areas), the subsequent registration
of students in higher education or vocational
• China’s private schools are being training programs, and the integration of those
nationalized, and as a result the Communist Party programs into the updated industry standards.
of China will have direct authority over every According to the Chinese Ministry of Education,
educational institution in the country. the enrollment rate to higher education increased
from 30% in 2012 to 57.8% in 2021. Additionally,
• All private schools in China are no longer the building of world-class universities is another
allowed to use certain words in their school critical element of the modernization strategy.
names. Included in this list were the words ‘China’, Among other things, "the Double First-Class
‘international’, and references to foreign places Initiative" offers a financing scheme to promote
and educational institutions including the names talent training and measure their performance
of foreign public schools. at selected universities. The first phase of the
program was announced in 2016 and the second
Background in February 2022. As technology and science are
at the epicenter of attention, the contribution of
Education is the principal foundation for a artificial intelligence (AI) to education could not
country's progress. China gives high priority pass unnoticed. China's relevant next-generation
to education development to nurture young development plan makes several references to
people and cements an ambitious and promising the need to carry out AI education programs.
way forward. The more the Chinese youth has Although China is elaborating on, adjusting,
access to education the easier strategic goals and implementing education policies itself, it
can be realized. In 2015, "Quality Education" values international cooperation. International
was categorized by the UN as a Sustainable exchanges and collaboration, for example,
Development Goal (SDG). The purpose is to are identified as the ninth goal of the 2035
promote lifelong learning and enhance access modernization plan. Although the pandemic has
to education that is illustrated as "key to seriously impacted physical exchanges, online
escaping poverty." China, which at that time was synergies offered a temporary alternative in
accelerating its titanic effort to alleviate poverty, lockdown periods. Accordingly, China's interest
could not but find a better incentive. In the in engaging with the world was recently outlined
aftermath of the launch of SDGs, China organized during the organization of the World Youth
several conferences in coordination with relevant Development Forum in Beijing. Supported by UN
UN agencies. China's emphasis on strengthening agencies and other international organizations,
education led to the publication of two the forum was an opportunity to exchange views
development plans at the beginning of 2019. The on quality education and share the thoughts of
young people across the globe (Tzogopoulos).