Page 62 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 62
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

million (approx. US$74 million) during the 14th 2025) action plan in August 2022 with the goal of
Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) to further positioning Guangdong as a global leader in the
accelerate the construction of charging facilities22. hydrogen vehicle industry. According to the plan,
In Hong Kong, there are a total of 39, 114 EVs Guangdong aims to have more than 10,000 fuel-
and 5, 283 public EV charges as of September cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on the road, build
202223. The HKSAR Government has released more than 200 hydrogen refuelling stations, and
the Hong Kong Roadmap on the Popularization increase annual hydrogen supply capacity to more
of Electric Vehicles, which outlined long-term than 100,000 metric tons by 2025. The province
policy objectives and plans to promote the will also provide subsidies of up to RMB2.5 million
adoption of EVs and supporting infrastructure. (approx. US$350,000) to hydrogen refuelling
Key measures outlined in the roadmap include the stations that begin operations between 2021 and
cessation of new registrations for fuel-propelled 2025 and have a daily refuelling capacity of more
and hybrid private cars in 2035 or earlier, trials than 500 kg27.
for electric public transport and commercial
vehicles, and the expansion of the EV charging At present, Hong Kong has yet to set its own
network across Hong Kong24. As part of these hydrogen-specific targets and strategies. To
efforts, the HKSAR Government will provide an promote the local adoption of FCEVs, the HKSAR
additional 7,000 parking spaces with EV chargers Government established an inter-departmental
in government premises by 2025, as outlined in working group in 2021. The working group is
the recently announced Policy Address 202225. tasked with assessing the implementation issues
The government has also established a HK$3.5 for FCEVs, including the supply of hydrogen
billion (approx. US$450 million) Home Subsidy energy, supporting infrastructure, safety
Scheme to subsidize the installation of EV chargers considerations, and regulation and legislation28. In
for existing private residential buildings26. The August 2022, a leading bus company in Hong Kong
widespread adoption of EVs will help improve introduced Hong Kong's first hydrogen-powered
roadside air quality and reduce GHG emissions, double-decker bus, which was specially designed
ultimately helping Hong Kong achieve zero and built for the region's unique topography. The
vehicular emissions before 2050 and contributing bus is equipped with a 450 kWh battery and has
to the region's carbon neutrality targets. an estimated range of over 200 km29. However, the
hydrogen-powered bus has not yet been put into
Hydrogen as an alternative fuel operation due to the lack of relevant regulations in
Hong Kong.
Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity with
minimal pollution by converting hydrogen and The deployment of hydrogen in the
oxygen into electricity. While still in its early stages, transportation sector requires a comprehensive
hydrogen can potentially play a significant role policy and regulatory framework. Several
in decarbonizing energy-intensive industries, jurisdictions, including South Korea, have passed
particularly in transportation. hydrogen-specific legislation governing the
production, storage, transportation, distribution
The Guangdong Provincial Development and
Reform Commission released a three-year (2022- 27 Guangdong Provincial Development and Re-
form Commission,
22 China Economic Net, post_3993253.html
est/202210/31/t20221031_38201259.shtml 28 HKSAR Government press releases,
23 Environmental Protection Department, P2022021600224.htm
hk/air/promotion_ev/promotion_ev.html 29 Yahoo news,
24 Environmental Protection Department, news/hong-kongs-first-ever-double-044100406. html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly-
policy_documents/index.html 93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQA-
25 Policy Address 2022, The Chief Executive’s AAAj7-BKeiMxChxwhb8CC3tKStIi11oBSITJBeexiApbsm-
2022 Policy Address saeUm3PQuQyTg62SoR3gDO9916XsOliZGc9pu9edG-
26 Environmental Protection Department, YaUGfjiY9I3rMOVsT5TyOq2hNATLFgjpb2WVSoIHBd- QdzqV0TNyV4h_vQa7OsnOQ3gi4bOv48lJgYVRI9F3x2E

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