Page 60 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 60
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

cogeneration equipment. Through this system, However, there are also challenges to be
the demonstration community will be able to addressed. For example, the potential of
promote the interconnection of renewable terminal application scenarios has not yet been
energy and the trial implementation of national fully explored. While the transportation sector
standards and norms for hydrogen energy in is currently a key focus for the downstream
housing and buildings. application market of the hydrogen energy
industry, other potential fields such as energy
The project is divided into two phases. During storage, petrochemical, steel and construction
the first phase, the community relies on the have not yet been fully tapped due to limited
existing urban gas supply network to provide supplies and high fuel costs. To fully realize the
energy to most of the community through fuel potential of hydrogen as a sustainable energy
cells. A smart energy management control system source, global efforts in the development of green
is also introduced to increase energy efficiency. hydrogen will be necessary.
Upon completion of the first phase, the second
phase will introduce photovoltaic devices to Green transportation
generate electricity, which will be used to produce
hydrogen through the electrolysis of water18. This Transportation is a significant contributor to
will allow the community to completely sever its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for
reliance on the electricity grid and gas pipeline, approximately one quarter of global GHG emissions
becoming a truly carbon-neutral community. in 201919. To meet carbon neutrality targets, it is
crucial to decarbonize the transportation sector. The
In comparison with current practices, the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have implemented
demonstration community is expected to reduce a range of policies and measures to promote
carbon emissions and costs by about 50% and green transportation and decarbonization. Key
45% respectively. This will accelerate the low- developments in this area include electric vehicles
carbon development of cities in China and (EVs) and supporting infrastructure, hydrogen as an
the development of hydrogen communities. alternative fuel and intercity railway networks.
By building the country's first smart energy
community demonstration project, the GBA Promoting the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
has the opportunity to take a leading role in to pursue zero vehicular emissions
the development of the smart energy industry,
quickly forming a smart energy industrialization Through a series of policies including
base and gathering industrial clusters for the government strategies, regulations and incentives,
development of future urban industries. It will China has seen significant growth in its EV market.
also create a new opportunity for China's fuel According to the China Association of Automobile
cell distributed energy and smart energy industry Manufacturers, the penetration rate of new energy
and help achieve “carbon peaking and carbon vehicles in China reached 33.8% in November
neutrality” as soon as possible. 2022, up from 5.4% in 202020.

Opportunity and challenges of new energy According to the China Electric Vehicle Charging
in the GBA Infrastructure Promotion Alliance21, Guangdong
has the largest EV charging network in China,
The GBA presents several opportunities for with 345,126 public charges and 19,116 charging
green and low-carbon development, particularly stations as of September 2022. Guangdong
in the areas of power supply and grid integration. Power Grid Corporation plans to invest RMB532
Hydrogen energy is seen as a key direction for
new energy development, and the region is 19 IPCC,
well-positioned to take advantage of emerging AR6_WGIII_Full_Report.pdf
applications in this field. 20 China Association of Automobile Manufactur-
18 南方日报, 21
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