Page 58 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 58
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China industries such as hydrogen energy, energy
storage and smart energy. Among these, hydrogen
Development of key indus- energy is considered one of the main alternatives
tries under the ESG trend to fossil fuels due to its wide availability. At least
five cities in the GBA have announced plans for the
New energy development of hydrogen energy and have begun
conducting feasibility studies and experiments on
Overview of new energy development in the GBA hydrogen, particularly hydrogen fuel cells.

Transforming the energy sector is critical to According to documents from the Guangdong
decarbonization efforts. In recent years, experts Provincial Development and Reform Commission,
have explored a variety of renewable energy the GBA aims to become a hub for the development
sources in order to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. of the hydrogen energy industry and to expand
Solar and wind power have received the majority the hydrogen energy application market through
of investment in renewable energy, resulting multiple channels. Guangzhou and Shenzhen
in well-developed and mature industry chains aim to become research and development and
globally. As the world's factory, China has a large manufacturing bases for high-temperature
market share in the manufacturing of solar and fuel cells and systems. Guangzhou, Foshan and
wind energy devices, including photovoltaic panels Dongguan are targeting the development of high-
and wind turbines. end hydrogen energy equipment industries. Cities
such as Huizhou and Dongguan are focusing on
According to the International Energy Agency the development of hydrogen energy storage and
(IEA), China is predicted to supply nearly all of the transportation industries.
key building blocks for solar panel production
worldwide through 2025. China's share of Case study: Smart energy demonstration
global polysilicon, ingot and wafer production community in Nanhai
is expected to reach almost 95% in 202513. Data
from the Global Wind Energy Council's Market Nanhai District in Foshan is home to China's
Intelligence shows that China holds a 58% market first intelligent energy demonstration community17,
share of global wind turbine manufacturing located in the town of Danzao. The community
capacity14. According to BloombergNEF15, six of aims to industrialize fuel cell distributed facilities
the top 10 global wind turbine makers in 2020 that provide both heat and electricity and will be
were Chinese companies. the first carbon-neutral neighborhood in mainland
China. It is also a key part of the Foshan Nanhai
Although the GBA is not a major manufacturing Hydrogen Energy Center, which is being developed
area for these products, the region's high energy with the support of the Nanhai government to
demand and low energy self-sufficiency rate16 become a leading hydrogen energy center in the
remain key challenges on its decarbonization region, attracting research and development,
journey. In line with national decarbonization human capital and other resources. The center will
policies, the Energy Bureau of Guangdong include a Hydrogen Energy Museum, a hostel, and
Province released the 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy will be located near the Nanhai Danzao Japanese
Development in early 2022, which aims to vigorously SME Industrial Park.
develop advanced offshore wind and solar
power and accelerate the cultivation of emerging The ultimate goal of the community project is
to create a complementary smart energy system
13 IEA, using wind, light, electricity and gas. The core
global-supply-chains/executive-summary of the system is a multi-energy complementary
14 Global Wind Energy Council, https://gwec. microgrid that is powered by fuel cell distributed
port-2022_screen_final_April.pdf 17 Department of Housing and Urban-Rural
15 Bloomberg, Development of Guangdong Province, http://zfcxjst.
16 People’s Government of Guangdong Prov-

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