Page 13 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 13
orting a positive overall ROI in China. 49% of the ·尽管美资企业对中国市场增长的信心出现一定程度
companies consider their overall ROI in China to be higher 的波动,但仍有过半美资企业持续看好中国市场。
than their global overall ROI.
·Although the confidence of American companies in 将中国视为最重要的投资目的地之一。尽管将中国作为投资
the business outlook in China oscillates to some extent, over 首选的外资企业比例连续第二年出现下降,但仍有过半外资
50% of them still stay sanguine about the Chinese market. 企业将中国列为全球前三大投资目的地。

·China is still deemed as the most attractive · 企业投资热情继续高涨,2022年进行在华实际再投
destination for investment. More than 90% of the 资的企业比例达80%。
participating companies select China as one of the
most important investment destinations. Although the ·2022年落实2.5亿美元以下的在华实际再投资比例
proportion of foreign companies that regard China as the 高于去年。但企业对大额投资持谨慎态度,具体而言,2022
first choice for investment has declined for the second 年,10%的受访企业原计划在华进行超过2.5亿美元再投资,
consecutive year, more than 50% still list China as the top 但2022年最终落实超过2.5亿美元在华再投资的企业比例仅
three investment destinations. 为5%。美资企业与消费产品及服务企业落实大额投资情况
·The investment enthusiasm of companies is on
an upward trajectory, with four-fifths of companies that ·2022年,74%的受访企业选择不向中国以外的国家
actually reinvested in China in 2022. 转移投资,没有任何企业完全撤离中国。

·Compared with the past year, more companies chose ·大部分企业仍将中国市场视为其未来战略发展计划
to reinvest less than US$250 million in China in 2022. However, 中的一大重要组成部分。75%的受访企业计划在2023年进
companies are cautious about large investments. Specifically, 行在华再投资,其中,68%的美资企业将继续深耕中国市场。
while 10% of the companies had each budgeted to reinvest
US$250 million or more in China in 2022, only 5% actually ·预计2023年及未来三到五年企业在华利润再投资预
reinvested that amount in the same year. But American 算额将达183亿美元,相较去年显著下降30.98%。
companies and companies engaged in consumption products
and services take an optimistic view of very large reinvestment · 企业放缓了在华业务扩张的步伐,69%的受访企业
projects, accounting for the highest proportion and reaching 在未来三年有在华扩张的计划,较去年同比下降3%。
7% and 8% respectively.
·In 2022, 74% of the participating companies chose 迎的投资城市,其次是深圳、上海、北京。
not to shift their investments out of China. Not a single
company has intention to leave China entirely. · 今年调查显示,企业对华南地区营商环境持些许悲
·Most companies still consider China as a critical part 例同比下降9%,而认为华南地区整体营商环境有所下降的
in their future strategic development plans. 75% of the 受访企业比例同比上升11%。2022年,运营成本上升及人力
participating companies plan to reinvest in China in 2023, 资源成本增加均是企业在华南地区发展所面临的最大挑战。
including 68% of American companies that are determined
to dig deeper into the Chinese market. ·高达97%的受访企业表示由于新冠病毒导致的签证
·It is estimated that companies will reserve US$18.3
billion from profits for reinvestment in China in 2023 and the 13
next three to five years, a sharp fall of approximately 30.98%
compared with the previous year.

·Companies are slowing down their business
expansion in China, with 3% fewer companies (69%)
planning to expand over the next three years.

·Guangzhou has been recognized as the top preferred
investment destination in China six years in a row, followed
by Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing.

·Research this year reveals a trace of pessimism
over the business environment in South China. 9% fewer
companies rate the business environment as “excellent” or
“good” while 11% more companies see a deterioration in
the business environment. Rising operation costs and rising
labor costs are identified as the two biggest challenges that
companies face in South China in 2022.

·Up to 97% of the participating companies stated that
their operations have been impacted by visa and travel
restrictions induced by COVID-19.
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