Page 14 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 14
pter One Demographics
第一章 受访企业

From September 22 to December 14, 2022, 自2022年9月22日至2022年12月14日,
AmCham South China conducted its 19th 华南美国商会通过随机抽样邀请相关会
annual study of companies with established 员企业参加第十九次年度华南地区经济情况问卷
operations in China through random sampling. 调查,并最终回收了233份问卷。为确保数据的高
While 233 companies participated in the study 效完整性,我们最终采用了210家企业提供的有效
in total, responses of 210 companies were 问卷。
eventually adopted.
Overall, the demographics of the participating 企业组成大体一致,受访企业所属行业、企业类型
companies this year is roughly consistent with that 及企业规模均具有广泛代表性,能够客观真实地反
of previous years, with respondents representing 映出企业在华南地区的发展情况。为了更好地体现
a broad range of companies by industry, form of 中国经济环境及受访企业在华发展趋势,我们将受
legal entity, and size. The findings of the study, 访企业所属行业大致分为:第一及第二产业、消费
therefore, provide an accurate and objective view 产品及服务、专业服务及其他服务及机构等。参与
of the economic development of the companies 该年度调查的受访企业来自各行各业,约38%从
in South China. In order to better reflect China’s 事第一及第二产业,22%来自消费产品及服务行
economic situation and the development trend 业,35%为专业性服务。
of companies, the industry classification of the
participating companies is structured into primary
and secondary sectors, consumption products
and services, professional services, as well as
other services and organizations. The studied
companies come from all walks of life, with 38%
engaged in primary and secondary sectors, 22%
from consumption products and services, and
35% from professional services.

Some figures in this report may show deviations from 100% due to rounding up.
本报告中某些数据合计因四舍五入可能偏离 100%。

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