Page 16 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 16
While the bulk of the participating 大部分受访企业的企业背景为美国(28%)
companies come from the United States 及中国大陆(43%),10%的受访企业来
(28%) and Chinese Mainland (43%), 10% are from 自欧洲,其余15%的受访企业则来自中国香港/澳门
Europe and the remaining 15% are from Hong 特别行政区、加拿大及东南亚国家。从企业类型来
Kong or Macau SAR, Canada, and Southeast Asia. 看,外商独资企业(40%)与中资企业(38%)占
A closer look at the forms of legal entity reveals 比几乎持平,而外资企业办公室及中外合资企业仅
roughly equal proportions of wholly foreign-owned 占18%。40%的受访企业为大型企业(超过250名雇
companies (40%) and local Chinese companies 员),34%为中型企业(50-249名雇员),27%为
(38%), and a small proportion of representative 小型企业(10-49名雇员)。
offices of foreign companies and joint venture
(18%). The respondents comprise 40% large-sized
companies (over 250 employees), 34% medium-
sized companies (50 to 249 employees), and 27%
small-sized companies (10 to 49 employees).

Figure 2 Origins of Companies
图表 2 企业背景

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