Page 12 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 12
Takeaways 关键要点

Nearlythree years into the pandemic, 新 冠 肺 炎 近 三 年 后,中 国 全 面 解 除 疫 情 防 控 限
China’s economy is gradually on 制,经 济 逐 渐 步 入 稳 定 复 苏 轨 道,现 在 和 未 来
track for a steady rebound as the pandemic restrictions 一年的首要任务将是刺激经济增长。2023年,中国强劲的
were completely lifted and the priority now and for 2023 增长势头将为低迷的全球经济提供重要动力。值得注意的
will be stimulating economic growth. The country’s strong 是,对于国际商界而言,2022年无疑是跌宕起伏的一年,除
growth momentum will provide an important impetus 了努力应对各种严峻挑战,还面临着疫情带来的持续干扰。
to a sluggish global economy in 2023. It is crucial to note 今年是华南美国商会进行华南地区经济情况问卷调查的第
that 2022 was certainly a year of ups and downs for the 十九个年头。为了评估新冠肺炎疫情对商业的持续影响,我
international business community as they struggled to 们对商界进行了全面的定量研究与分析,该研究成果发布
tackle with various severe challenges and faced ongoing 在《2023年华南地区经济情况特别报告》中。该报告对通过
disruption from the pandemic. In order to evaluate the 随机抽样邀请的会员企业进行经济情况调查,这些企业代
continued impact of COVID-19 on business, AmCham 表了来自不同国家和地区、不同行业且拥有在华业务的公
South China conducted a comprehensive and quantitative 司,能客观真实地反映出企业在华南地区的发展情况。
study of the business community for the 19th consecutive
year, the results of which are published in this 2023 Special
Report on the State of Business in South China. The study
presents an assessment of the state of business involving
a randomly selected number of companies representing
a cross section of business from various nations and
regions with existing operations in China, and therefore
provides an accurate and objective view of the economic
development of the companies in South China.

Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:

·Albeit a moderate decrease in the proportion of ·尽管在2022年增加了在华雇员的企业比例较去年略
companies reporting to have increased headcount in 2022, 有下降,但大部分企业对未来一年的招聘计划依旧充满信
most companies are upbeat about their employment 心,其中,44%的受访企业计划在2023年显著增加或少量增
expansion plans, with 44% of them planning to augment 加雇员。
their headcount significantly or slightly in 2023.
· 过半受访企业超过百分之三十的全球收入来自中
·More than half of the participating companies 国,相较去年增加了4%。45%的受访企业2022年在华营收
gained over 30% of their global revenue from China, 显著增加或少量增长,其中,美资企业占比43%,制造业企业
an increase of 4%. 45% of the participating companies 占比49%。
registered a significant or slight increase in their revenue
from China, including 43% of American companies and ·2022年,企业在华盈利情况相较去年有所好转,88%
49% of manufacturing companies. 的受访企业表示已在中国实现盈利,相较去年增长了6%,其
·Companies’ profitability shows signs of 企业中有54%表示已实现盈利且达到预期。
improvement in 2022. 88% of the participating companies
are reported to have gained profits in China, an increase ·企业对盈利所需时间的预期持更加乐观的态度,绝大
of 6%. Up to 90% of American companies have achieved 部分仍未盈利的受访企业预计能在两年内实现盈利,仅4%
profitability. Moreover, 54% of those who are profitable in 的受访企业认为实现盈利所需时间超过六年,比去年减少了
China reported to have met their budget expectations. 三倍。

·There is a greater sense of optimism among the ·企业认为中国市场拥有较高投资回报率,76%的受访
participating companies towards their expected time to 企业表示在华总体投资回报率为正值。49%的受访企业认为
reach profitability. A vast majority of them expect to attain 相比全球总体投资回报率,其在华总体投资回报率更高。
profitability within two years, while only 4% believe that it
will take over six years to reach that goal, three times less
than that of a year earlier.

·China is believed to enjoy a high return on
investment (ROI) with 76% of the participating companies

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