Page 9 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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nomies in particular are grappling with 额外压力。依赖石油进口的经济体将出现财政赤字和
disrupted trade, supply chains, and remittances 贸易逆差扩大,通胀压力上升,而中东和非洲的一些主
as well as an historic surge in refugee flows. 要出口国则受益于更高的出口价格。
And three, reduced business confidence and
higher investor uncertainty weighs on asset 俄乌冲突或将进一步加剧发达市场、新兴市场和
prices, tightening financial conditions and 发展中国家之间的分化。在更广泛的意义上,全球经
potentially spurring capital outflows from 济可能会分化成为不同的“地缘政治集团”,它们实施
emerging markets. Russia and Ukraine are major 不同的技术标准、跨境支付体系和储备货币。这种结
commodities producers, and disruptions have 构性变化给过去75年来规范国际关系和经济关系的
caused global prices to soar, especially for oil 规则体系带来了严重挑战,过去数十年来取得的成果
and natural gas. Food costs have jumped, with 或将功亏一篑。顺利解决俄乌冲突,恢复和平秩序,是
wheat, for which Ukraine and Russia make up 对全球经济前景最有利的方式,但在此之前,各国政
30 percent of global exports, reaching a record. 府应当采取措施推动经济实现更强劲持续的复苏。俄
Beyond global spillovers, countries with direct 乌冲突的某些影响可能在许多年内都不会受到人们
trade, tourism, and financial exposures will feel 的关注,但如今已经出现的一个明显信号是,冲突及
additional pressures. Economies reliant on oil 其导致的关键大宗商品成本暴涨将使得一些国家的
imports will see wider fiscal and trade deficits and 决策者更难在遏制通胀和支持疫后经济恢复之间实
more inflation pressure, though some exporters 现微妙平衡。
such as those in the Middle East and Africa may
benefit from higher prices. 2022年,即使在欧美对华进口需求减弱、新冠疫
The war in Ukraine may contribute to the 美元,破历史纪录。对华外商直接投资达到1891.3亿美
dangerous divergence between advanced and 元,同比增长8%。许多世界组织上调了2023年中国经
emerging market and developing economies. 济增长预期:国际货币基金组织将中国经济增长率预
More broadly, it risks fragmenting the global 期由4.4%上调至5.2%,世界银行调整为4.5%,高盛将
economy into geopolitical blocs with distinct 由4.5%上调至5.2%,摩根士丹利则先由5.2%上调至
technology standards, cross-border payment 5.4%,再上调至5.7%。我们的《2023特别报告》及时反
systems, and reserve currencies. Such a tectonic 映了商会成员对在华外资企业未来的看法。
shift represents the most serious challenge
to the rules-based system that has governed 我 们 完 成 调 研 后 数 日,中 国 宣 布 结 束“ 动 态 清
international and economic relations for the last 零 ”政 策 。因 此,我 们 的 调 研 和 报 告 反 映 了 企 业 的 真
75 years, jeopardizing the gains made over the 实 看 法,这 些 看 法 没 有 受 到 政 策 变 动 带 来 的 直 接 影
past several decades. An end to the war and a just 响 。我 们 认 为 疫 情 防 控 政 策 的 重 大 变 动 对 商 业 决 策
peace for Ukraine would be the most impactful 的影响直到2023年下半年才会显现。届时,我们将对
way to affect the economic outlook, but until this 商 界 再 次 进 行 调 查,以 考 察 政 策 变 动 是 否 对 商 业 计
happens, governments should deploy measures 划 造 成 任 何 影 响 。今 年 我 们 观 察 到 了 一 些 有 趣 的 现
for a stronger and sustainable recovery. While 象,比如,75%的受访企业计划在2023年进行在华再
some effects may not fully come into focus for 投 资,该 比 例 同 比 增 长 3 %,其 中 包 括 6 8 % 的 美 资 企
many years, there are already clear signs that 业。2023年,企业对大额投资持谨慎态度。2023年在
the war and resulting jump in costs for essential 华预算再投资额超过2.5亿美元的企业比例同比大幅
commodities will make it harder for policymakers 下降至4%,为近五年新低。中国经济终将摆脱去年的
in some countries to strike the delicate balance 困境,触底反弹,尽管2022年最终落实大额在华再投
between containing inflation and supporting the 资项目的企业比例有所减少,但2023年一季度将逐步
economic recovery from the pandemic. 恢复。后三个季度,中国经济将迅速恢复,作为全球增
China’s trade surplus swelled to a record 多企业将在2023年中期调整投资预算,重启许多因严
US$877.6 billion in 2022 despite weakening US 格防疫措施实施期间无法派遣外籍人员来华而搁置
and European demand and COVID-19 control 的大规模项目。
measures; FDI into the Chinese mainland, in actual
use, expanded 8% year-on-year to US$189.13
billion. As for international organizations’
expectations for China’s economic growth in
2023, most revised China’s growth outlook higher
for 2023: IMF from 4.4% to 5.2%; World Bank:
4.5%; Goldman Sachs from 4.5% to 5.2%; Morgan
Stanley from 5.2% to 5.4% then to 5.7%. Our 2023
Special Report created a certain snapshot in time

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