Page 9 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 9
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
a balanced and win-win deal that benefits both sides, 美货物贸易额5601亿美元,同比上升0.4%,占
rather than a ‘gift’ or favor bestowed by one side to the 美货物贸易总额的14.9%。由于美国加征中国商
other. China is always sincere about advancing bilateral 品关税导致自中国进口急剧下降。美自华进口
relations. China hopes the EU side will work toward 额4354.5亿美元,同比下降3.6%,占美进口总额
the same direction as China, could do less emotional 的18.6%;对华出口额1246.5亿美元,同比上升
venting and more rational thinking, and make correct 17.1%,占美出口总额的8.7%。
decisions in line with its own interests. German Chan- 虽然新冠病毒疫情对中美经济都造成重大冲击,
cellor, Angela Merkel told the press that she could con- 但拜登政府认为中国兑现增加购买美国产品的承
tinue to guarantee the value of “every word” of the Chi- 诺履行情况离期待不是太远。因此,拜登政府关
na-EU investment agreement under negotiation since 注的重点将放在中国承诺进行的结构性改革上。
2013. If the agreement can take effect, market access CPTPP的前身TPP最终文本知识产权条款位于第
for European companies in China will be improved, 18章,共83条,涵盖商标、版权、专利、地理标
and climate protection and labor standards will also be 志、商业秘密等实体保护规定与知识产权相关的
addressed. However, she admitted that “Beijing’s sanc- 程序性规定,其多数条款相较于RCEP对知识产
tion” made it more difficult for the European parlia- 权保护提出更高的要求。CPTPP全部或部分暂
ment to ratify the Agreement. 停适用TPP知识产权章节中的11条后,其相较于
4. Introduction to ETA 覆盖中美两国在经济贸易谈判过程中涉及的核心
ETA was signed on 15th January 2020. It mainly cov- 贸易、金融服务、宏观经济政策、汇率问题和透
ers core issues involved in economic and trade negotia- 明度、扩大贸易等共八章,聚焦于中美之间的核
tions between China and the United States, including 心问题。由于CAI目前没有公布详细文本,此处
8 chapters regarding intellectual property, technology 仅做简单分析。
transfer, food and agricultural trade, financial services,
macroeconomic policy, exchange rate matters, trans- 9
parency, and expanding trade.6
On 5th May 2021, Katherine Tai, US Trade Represen-
tative spoke at a virtual forum held by the Financial
Times, that she expected to meet her Chinese counter-
part “soon” to discuss and assess the US-China Phase
1 Trade Agreement concluded in Trump’s administra-
tion. She also said, the current US government would
work from the trade agreement with China by Trump’s
administration and she would respect the continuity of
Phase 1 Trade Agreement.
According to ETA, China committed to further pur-
chase American goods and services valued US $200
billion by the end of 2021, with to reduce trade barri-
ers. Data reported that, by the middle of 2020, China
implemented about 50% of the commitment. On 23rd
October 2020, the Office of the US Trade Represen-
6 The ETA is not a treaty, but a first stage in a trade agreement
between two countries having the largest economies in the world, China
and the USA. Anti-Chinese sentiment is calling for decoupling of two
economies, deliberately obscuring the advantage of trade, including the
fact that China is purchasing billions of dollars of farm products from
the USA
a balanced and win-win deal that benefits both sides, 美货物贸易额5601亿美元,同比上升0.4%,占
rather than a ‘gift’ or favor bestowed by one side to the 美货物贸易总额的14.9%。由于美国加征中国商
other. China is always sincere about advancing bilateral 品关税导致自中国进口急剧下降。美自华进口
relations. China hopes the EU side will work toward 额4354.5亿美元,同比下降3.6%,占美进口总额
the same direction as China, could do less emotional 的18.6%;对华出口额1246.5亿美元,同比上升
venting and more rational thinking, and make correct 17.1%,占美出口总额的8.7%。
decisions in line with its own interests. German Chan- 虽然新冠病毒疫情对中美经济都造成重大冲击,
cellor, Angela Merkel told the press that she could con- 但拜登政府认为中国兑现增加购买美国产品的承
tinue to guarantee the value of “every word” of the Chi- 诺履行情况离期待不是太远。因此,拜登政府关
na-EU investment agreement under negotiation since 注的重点将放在中国承诺进行的结构性改革上。
2013. If the agreement can take effect, market access CPTPP的前身TPP最终文本知识产权条款位于第
for European companies in China will be improved, 18章,共83条,涵盖商标、版权、专利、地理标
and climate protection and labor standards will also be 志、商业秘密等实体保护规定与知识产权相关的
addressed. However, she admitted that “Beijing’s sanc- 程序性规定,其多数条款相较于RCEP对知识产
tion” made it more difficult for the European parlia- 权保护提出更高的要求。CPTPP全部或部分暂
ment to ratify the Agreement. 停适用TPP知识产权章节中的11条后,其相较于
4. Introduction to ETA 覆盖中美两国在经济贸易谈判过程中涉及的核心
ETA was signed on 15th January 2020. It mainly cov- 贸易、金融服务、宏观经济政策、汇率问题和透
ers core issues involved in economic and trade negotia- 明度、扩大贸易等共八章,聚焦于中美之间的核
tions between China and the United States, including 心问题。由于CAI目前没有公布详细文本,此处
8 chapters regarding intellectual property, technology 仅做简单分析。
transfer, food and agricultural trade, financial services,
macroeconomic policy, exchange rate matters, trans- 9
parency, and expanding trade.6
On 5th May 2021, Katherine Tai, US Trade Represen-
tative spoke at a virtual forum held by the Financial
Times, that she expected to meet her Chinese counter-
part “soon” to discuss and assess the US-China Phase
1 Trade Agreement concluded in Trump’s administra-
tion. She also said, the current US government would
work from the trade agreement with China by Trump’s
administration and she would respect the continuity of
Phase 1 Trade Agreement.
According to ETA, China committed to further pur-
chase American goods and services valued US $200
billion by the end of 2021, with to reduce trade barri-
ers. Data reported that, by the middle of 2020, China
implemented about 50% of the commitment. On 23rd
October 2020, the Office of the US Trade Represen-
6 The ETA is not a treaty, but a first stage in a trade agreement
between two countries having the largest economies in the world, China
and the USA. Anti-Chinese sentiment is calling for decoupling of two
economies, deliberately obscuring the advantage of trade, including the
fact that China is purchasing billions of dollars of farm products from
the USA