Page 5 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 5
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China



Recently, many countries have participated in or are plan- 最近,多国相继参与或正在加入多边贸易协议,其
ning to join multilateral trade agreements, including the
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific 中包括2018年签署的《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关
Partnership1 (hereinafter, “CPTPP”) signed in 2018, the 系协定》1(以下简称“CPTPP”)、2020年1月15
Economic and Trade Agreement between the Government of 日签订的《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政
the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the
United States of America (hereinafter, “ETA”) signed on 府经济贸易协议》(以下简称“ETA”)、2020年
15th January 2020, the Regional Comprehensive Economic 签署的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》2(以下简
Partnership Agreement2 (hereinafter, “RCEP”) signed on
2020 and the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on In- 称“RCEP”)以及中国与欧盟之间的正在商议的
vestment (hereinafter, “CAI”) between China and EU 《中欧全面投资协定》(以下简称“CAI”)。本
that is currently under negotiation. Each of these trade 文将重点介绍这些贸易协议中均包含的重要知识产
agreements has an essential IP section, which section
shall be focal point of this article. 权部分。

1 Signed by Japan, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, 1 签署国包括日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、智利、新西兰、新
Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mexico and Peru, after the withdrawal of
the US. In particular, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, New Zealand 加坡、文莱、马来西亚、越南、墨西哥和秘鲁。其中,加拿
and Australia ratified it in 2018. According to CPTPP, the Agreement 大、日本、墨西哥、新加坡、新西兰和澳大利亚在2018年批
became effective on the approval of more than 6 countries. In 2019, Viet- 准,根据CPTPP的条款,六个国家以上批准同意该协定即生
nam ratified CPTPP. 效。2019年,越南本国批准同意CPTPP。
2 Signed by 15 countries, including 10 member states of the As- 2 签署国包括东盟十国、澳大利亚、中国、日本、韩国和新
sociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Australia, China, Japan,
South Korea and New Zealand . So far, China, Thailand and Japan have 西兰,共十五个国家。目前,中国、泰国和日本均在国内批准
internally ratified the Agreement, while other member countries indicated 通过该协定,其他成员国表示将在2021年前批准,使得RCEP
that they will approve by 2021, which may make RCEP effective on 1st 可能在2022年1月1日生效。
January 2022.

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