Page 4 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 4
icy Watch: Brief Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three Influential International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral Trade Agreement

President’s Message

Dear Members, 亲爱的会员,

The following essay provides a brief analysis of the intellectual property 本书简要分析三个影响贸易的协定及一个双边贸易协议的
sections of three influential international trade agreements and one bi- 知识产权部分:《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(
lateral trade agreement: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for 以下简称“CPTPP”)、《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚
Trans-Pacific Partnership (hereinafter, “CPTPP”), the Economic and 合众国政府经济贸易协议》(以下简称“ETA”)、《区域
Trade Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China 全面经济伙伴关系协定》(以下简称“RCEP”)以及《中
and the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter, “ETA”), 欧全面投资协定》(以下简称“CAI”)。
the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (hereinaf-
ter, “RCEP”), and the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Invest- 本书的研究成果是在华南美国商会知识产权委员会主席、
ment (hereinafter, “CAI”) 华南美国商会理事包恒先生以及他所在的美国安与恩事务
The analysis was performed under the guidance of our IPR Committee 贡献表示衷心的谢意。
Chair and member of our Board of Governors, Dr. David Buxbaum
and his firm, Anderson and Anderson. I am most grateful to David for 华南美国商会通过属下的知识产权委员会多年来一直致力
his generosity and contributions to our business community. 于推动有效的在华知识产权保护。中国近年来在知识产权
Our Chamber, through its IPR Committee, has for many years led 在北京、上海以及广州设立知识产权法院,这对于我们来
the way in helping to bring about effective IPR protection in China. 说是极大的鼓舞。这一举措正对在华知识产权纠纷的裁判
While China has made substantial progress in the areas of legislation 产生重大的影响。鉴于超过90%的知识产权个案涉及的主体
and enforcement, we were highly encouraged by China’s decision 均为中国企业,我们相信知识产权法院的设立,不仅有利
that established intellectual property courts in Beijing, Shanghai, and 于外国企业,而且有利于中国企业。华南美国商会将一如
Guangzhou. This move is already having a significant impact on the ad- 既往传播有关中国知识产权法律法规发展的准确、最新信
judication of IPR disputes in China. With more than 90% of IPR cases 息, 以帮助我商会会员企业在中国的成长和发展。
filed involving Chinese companies against Chinese companies, the in-
tellectual property courts are benefiting foreign and Chinese companies
alike. AmCham South China will continue to disseminate accurate and
up to date information on China’s IPR developments to help our mem-
bers expand and grow in China.

Dr. Harley Seyedin 哈利•赛亚丁博士
President, American Chamber of Commerce in South China 华南美国商会 会长
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award (together with Elon Musk) 2017年奥斯陆商业促和平奖 获奖者 (同期获奖者包括伊隆•
Awarded by the Award Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics 马斯克)
Among fewer than 20 individuals in 230 years to be awarded the 由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会授予
Thomas Jefferson initiated Peace Through Commerce Medal by the US 美国商务部颁发的“商业促和平奖”得主(由托马斯杰斐
Government – The Highest civilian honor awarded by the US Depart- 逊于创设至今230年间,全球荣获该奖章的个人不超过20
ment of Commerce 位)
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University 暨南大学 访问学者
President, Allelon Energy Partners 阿来龙能源 总裁

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