Page 7 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 7
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
CPTPP is smaller in its economic scale and has less 员进行非正式接触。除此之外,英国、韩国等都
strategic influence than TPP, it still exceeds coverage 在积极考虑加入CPTPP。
of all other free trade agreement in Asia and the Pacific
and the standards in its IP and other trading rules. It is 2. 介绍RCEP
an ambitious, comprehensive, high-level regional trade
agreement, which can lower trade barriers, facilitate re- RCEP系 于 2020年 11月 15日 签 订 , 包 括 货 物 贸
gional economic integration, and promote world trade. 易、原产地规则、海关程序和贸易便利化、服务
China is seeking to join the CPTPP. On 24th Feb- 贸易、投资、知识产权等二十个章节。
ruary 2021, Wang Shouwen, Chinese Vice Minister
of Commerce and Deputy China International Trade RCEP是全球最大的自贸协定,涵盖人口超过35
Representative said, China has been internally assess- 亿,占全球47.4%,国内生产总值占全球32.2%
ing, researching and conducting a thorough analysis of ,外贸额占全球29.1%。RCEP的签署标志着世
all clauses. Wang also revealed that China has some in- 界上最大的自贸区成立。
formal contacts with some of the 11 member countries
of the CPTPP, and is planning on making contacts 3. 介绍CAI
with other CPTPP member countries. Besides China,
UK, Korea and some other countries are also actively 在过去的二十年中,从欧盟流入中国的累计外国
considering joining the CPTPP. 直接投资(FDI)已超过1400亿欧元。中国对欧盟
2. Introduction to RCEP 经济的规模和潜力而言,欧盟在中国的外国直接
The RCEP was signed on 15th November 2020,
consisting of twenty chapters, including trade in 根据欧盟委员会2020年12月30日公布的协定文本
goods, rules of origin, customs procedures and trade 核心内容,CAI若达成将取代中国与除爱尔兰以
facilitation, trade in services, investment, intellec- 外所有欧盟成员国之间订立的双边投资保护协
tual property, etc. 定,协商与市场准入相关的条款,改善公平竞争
RCEP is the world’s largest free trade agreement, cov- 环境,降低市场准入壁垒,以实现投资自由化。
ering a population of over 3.5 billion, namely 47.4% 除了禁止强制转让技术的规则外,CAI还将成为
of the world population. The gross domestic product 首个要求国有企业履行特定义务,对补贴的全
(GDP) of the member states accounts for 32.2% of the 面透明规则以及与可持续发展有关的承诺的协
world GDP, and their foreign trade amount accounts 议。CAI将确保欧盟投资者更好地进入快速增长
for 29.1% of the world’s total foreign trade. The con- 的14亿人口的消费市场,并确保他们在中国的公
clusion of RCEP symbolizes the establishment of the 平竞争环境中竞争。这对于全球竞争力和欧盟工
world’s largest free trade region. 业的未来发展非常重要。
3. Introduction to CAI 2020年12月30日,经过7年35轮谈判,中欧领导
In the past 20 years, total foreign direct investment 年以来,中国与欧盟之间关系急转直下。2021
(FDI) from EU to China has exceeded 140 billion Eu- 年3月,欧盟以侵犯人权为由对中国某些个人和
ros, and China’s total direct investment in the EU was 实体实施制裁,中国进行反击决定对欧盟相关
approximate to 120 billion Euro. However, consider- 人员和实体实施制裁,后欧盟宣布取消CAI审议
method of administration is 3 years. It provides protection of encrypted 东布罗夫斯基斯表示,鉴于在相互制裁后中欧之
program-carrying satellite and cable signals. The violation of the rel- 间的“外交关系恶化”,“已暂停”批准CAI。
evant clauses is determined as crime, which will be imposed criminal 随后,欧盟发表声明否认称,CAI还处于法律审
punishments. The interested persons are granted civil remedies. 查阶段。至此,对于CAI是否能够正式签署,仍
5 最近,EU宣布会继续考虑协议。
CPTPP is smaller in its economic scale and has less 员进行非正式接触。除此之外,英国、韩国等都
strategic influence than TPP, it still exceeds coverage 在积极考虑加入CPTPP。
of all other free trade agreement in Asia and the Pacific
and the standards in its IP and other trading rules. It is 2. 介绍RCEP
an ambitious, comprehensive, high-level regional trade
agreement, which can lower trade barriers, facilitate re- RCEP系 于 2020年 11月 15日 签 订 , 包 括 货 物 贸
gional economic integration, and promote world trade. 易、原产地规则、海关程序和贸易便利化、服务
China is seeking to join the CPTPP. On 24th Feb- 贸易、投资、知识产权等二十个章节。
ruary 2021, Wang Shouwen, Chinese Vice Minister
of Commerce and Deputy China International Trade RCEP是全球最大的自贸协定,涵盖人口超过35
Representative said, China has been internally assess- 亿,占全球47.4%,国内生产总值占全球32.2%
ing, researching and conducting a thorough analysis of ,外贸额占全球29.1%。RCEP的签署标志着世
all clauses. Wang also revealed that China has some in- 界上最大的自贸区成立。
formal contacts with some of the 11 member countries
of the CPTPP, and is planning on making contacts 3. 介绍CAI
with other CPTPP member countries. Besides China,
UK, Korea and some other countries are also actively 在过去的二十年中,从欧盟流入中国的累计外国
considering joining the CPTPP. 直接投资(FDI)已超过1400亿欧元。中国对欧盟
2. Introduction to RCEP 经济的规模和潜力而言,欧盟在中国的外国直接
The RCEP was signed on 15th November 2020,
consisting of twenty chapters, including trade in 根据欧盟委员会2020年12月30日公布的协定文本
goods, rules of origin, customs procedures and trade 核心内容,CAI若达成将取代中国与除爱尔兰以
facilitation, trade in services, investment, intellec- 外所有欧盟成员国之间订立的双边投资保护协
tual property, etc. 定,协商与市场准入相关的条款,改善公平竞争
RCEP is the world’s largest free trade agreement, cov- 环境,降低市场准入壁垒,以实现投资自由化。
ering a population of over 3.5 billion, namely 47.4% 除了禁止强制转让技术的规则外,CAI还将成为
of the world population. The gross domestic product 首个要求国有企业履行特定义务,对补贴的全
(GDP) of the member states accounts for 32.2% of the 面透明规则以及与可持续发展有关的承诺的协
world GDP, and their foreign trade amount accounts 议。CAI将确保欧盟投资者更好地进入快速增长
for 29.1% of the world’s total foreign trade. The con- 的14亿人口的消费市场,并确保他们在中国的公
clusion of RCEP symbolizes the establishment of the 平竞争环境中竞争。这对于全球竞争力和欧盟工
world’s largest free trade region. 业的未来发展非常重要。
3. Introduction to CAI 2020年12月30日,经过7年35轮谈判,中欧领导
In the past 20 years, total foreign direct investment 年以来,中国与欧盟之间关系急转直下。2021
(FDI) from EU to China has exceeded 140 billion Eu- 年3月,欧盟以侵犯人权为由对中国某些个人和
ros, and China’s total direct investment in the EU was 实体实施制裁,中国进行反击决定对欧盟相关
approximate to 120 billion Euro. However, consider- 人员和实体实施制裁,后欧盟宣布取消CAI审议
method of administration is 3 years. It provides protection of encrypted 东布罗夫斯基斯表示,鉴于在相互制裁后中欧之
program-carrying satellite and cable signals. The violation of the rel- 间的“外交关系恶化”,“已暂停”批准CAI。
evant clauses is determined as crime, which will be imposed criminal 随后,欧盟发表声明否认称,CAI还处于法律审
punishments. The interested persons are granted civil remedies. 查阶段。至此,对于CAI是否能够正式签署,仍
5 最近,EU宣布会继续考虑协议。