Page 6 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 6
icy Watch: Brief Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three Influential International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral Trade Agreement

1. Introduction to CPTPP 1. 介绍CPTPP

In 2005, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore and Bru- 2005年智利、新西兰、新加坡和文莱四国协议
nei initiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agree- 发起跨太平洋伙伴关系,初步签订了“跨太平洋
ments, and initially signed the Trans-Pacific Strate- 战略经济伙伴关系协议”(以下简称“TPSEP”
gic Economic Partnership Agreement (hereinafter, )3,旨在促进亚太地区的贸易自由化。2009年
“TPSEP”)3 that aimed to promote trade liberalization 时任美国总统奥巴马宣布美国将参与以TPSEP为
in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2009, former U.S. Presi- 基础的跨太平洋伙伴协议(以下简称“TPP”)
dent Barack Obama announced that the United States 谈判。2010年3月15日,TPP首轮谈判在澳大利
would participate in negotiations of the TPSEP-based 亚墨尔本举行,参与谈判的共8个成员:美国、
Trans-Pacific Partnership (hereinafter, “TPP”). On 智利、秘鲁、越南、新加坡、新西兰、文莱和澳
15th March 2010, the initial negotiations of the TPP 大利亚。尔后,日本、墨西哥、韩国相继宣布加
were held in Melbourne, Australia, with participation 入TPP谈判。但由于美国内部对TPP分歧较大,
of eight members: the United States, Chile, Peru, Viet- 2017年时任美国总统唐纳德•特朗普签署行政命
nam, Singapore, New Zealand, Brunei and Australia. 令,美国退出TPP,转而寻求与各个国家签署双
Later, Japan, Mexico and South Korea subsequently 边贸易协议。美国退出后,日本等其余十一个国
announced their joining the TPP. However, due to 家继续推进TPP谈判,并最终签署新的自由贸易
great differences inside the US about the TPP, pursu- 协定CPTPP。
ant to an executive order signed by former U.S. Presi-
dent Donald Trump in 2017, the U.S. withdrew from CPTPP成员国经济总量的全球占比由(美国还没
the TPP negotiations, and instead; the U.S. sought to 退出协商时的)40%缩减为13%,为了顺利实施新
conclude separate bilateral trade agreements with each 协定,CPTPP降低了生效门槛,删除了原TPP三
country. After the exit of the U.S., Japan and 10 other 分之一的原始文本,搁置了与美国有关的22项条
countries continued to move forward with the TPP 款,其中搁置的11条与知识产权有关4。删减后的
negotiations and eventually signed a new free trade CPTPP虽然在经济规模和战略影响力低于TPP,但
agreement, the CPTPP. 在国际经贸规则上依然超越当前所有亚太地区所
The total economic aggregate of the CPTPP member 他贸易规则的标准,是一个具有雄心、全面、高
states accounts for 13% of the global economic aggre- 标准的区域贸易协定,有助于降低贸易壁垒,加
gate, decreased from 40% when the US participated in 快区域经济一体化,以促进世界贸易。
the negotiation. In order to successfully implement the
new agreement, CPTPP reduced the requirements of 中国正在谋求加入CPTPP。中国商务部副部长兼
the agreement, removed 1/3 of the original TPP text, 国际贸易谈判副代表王受文于2021年2月24日曾透
and set aside 22 clauses related to the US, including 露中国已经内部对CPTPP的所有条款进行评估、
11 clauses related to intellectual property4. Although 研究和深入的分析,并且和CPTPP十一个成员中
3 TPSEP became effective in New Zealand and Singapore on
1st May 2006, and in Chile and Brunei on 1st July 2009. 3 TPSEP于2006年5月1日对新西兰和新加坡生效,于2009
4 Including the relevant clauses on national treatment, pro- 年7月1日对智利和文莱生效。
tected subject matters, terms of protection and measures of protection. 4 具体内容包含国民待遇条款的相关规定、保护对象的相
For example, the principle of national treatment shall be applied on the
copyright of works, performance or phonograms and the fees for use of 关规定、保护期的相关规定和保护措施的相关规定。例如,
the relevant rights thereof. For example, the patentable subject matters
include new uses of a known product, new methods of using a known 将国民待遇原则应用于包括作品、表演以及录音制品的版权
product, and new processes of using a known product. In compliance
with the relevant rules, patents are available for inventions that are 和相关权利的使用费。例如,可授予专利的客体范围:已知
derived from plants. As for biologics, the terms of protection as of the
first marketing approval and the time of protection are provided. For 产品的新用途、使用已知产品的新方法以及新工序。在遵守
example, the term of protection of pharmaceutical product is 5 or 8
years, and the term of protection of new effects, new formulation or new 相关规则的前提下,专利可以授予源自植物的发明。对生物






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