Page 8 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 8
icy Watch: Brief Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three Influential International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral Trade Agreement
ing the scale and potential of Chinese economy, the 欧洲议会当地时间2021年5月20日通过了冻结中
FDI of EU in China is still a modest sum. 欧投资协定的议案。21日,中国外交部发言人赵
According to the core of the Agreement in Principle 立坚在例行记者会上表示,中欧投资协定是一份
published by the European Commission on 30th De- 平衡、互利共赢的协定,不是谁对谁的恩赐。中
cember 2020, if the CAI is concluded, it will replace 方始终抱有诚意促进双方合作,希望欧方同我们
the Bilateral Investment Treaty between China and all 相向而行,少一些情绪宣泄,多一些理性思考,
the EU member states (except Ireland), and agree to 作出符合自身利益的正确决定。德国总理默克尔
the terms related to market access. The CAI will im- 接受媒体采访时表示,她可以继续为自2013年
prove environment for fair competition and reduce 起就开始谈判的中欧投资协定的“每个字”价值担
market access barriers in order to achieve investment 保。如果该协定能够生效,欧洲公司在中国的市
liberalization. In addition to rules on prohibition of 场准入将得到改善,气候保护和劳工标准也将得
compulsory technology transfer, CAI will be the first 到解决。但她同时承认,“北京的制裁”使欧洲议
to require state-owned enterprises to perform certain 会批准该协定更加困难。
obligations , fully disclose the subsidies and commits
on sustainable development. CAI will make sure that 4. 介绍ETA
EU investors can more easily enter the consuming mar-
ket with a 1.4 billion population, and that they can ETA系于2020年1月15日签订,主要覆盖中美两
compete in a fair competition environment in China. 国在经济贸易谈判过程中涉及的核心议题,包括
This has significant meaning for global competitiveness 知识产权、技术转让、食品和农产品贸易、金融
and future development of EU industry. 服务、宏观经济政策、汇率问题和透明度、扩大
On 30th December 2020, after negotiations 35 times 贸易等共八章6。
over 7 years, the leaders of China and EU jointly an-
nounced the conclusion of CAI negotiations as sched- 美国贸易代表戴琦2021年5月5日在《金融时报》
uled. However, since 2021, the China-EU relations 组织的一场虚拟会议上表示,预期将在“近期”
went into a sharp downturn. In March 2021, the EU 会见她的中国对口官员,讨论和评估特朗普时期
imposed sanctions on the certain individuals and enti- 两国达成的第一阶段贸易协议。她还表示,美国
ties in China on the grounds of infringement of hu- 现政府将在特朗普政府与中国达成的贸易协议基
man rights, while China decided to impose counter- 础上继续努力,尊重第一阶段协议连续性。
sanctions on the relevant individuals and entities in
the EU. Later, the EU announced the cancellation of 根据ETA,中国承诺在2021年底前再购买2000亿
ratification meetings of the CAI. In May 2020, Val- 美元的美国商品和服务,并减少贸易壁垒。数据
dis Dombrovskis, the Vice President of the European 显示,截至2020年年中,中国兑现了该协议当中
Commissioner for Trade said, due to “deterioration in 大概50%的承诺。2020年10月23日,美国贸易代
EU-China diplomatic relationship” after their mutual 表办公室和美国农业部联合发布报告,称中国已
sanctions, the ratification of CAI was “paused”. How- 经购买了价值超过230亿美元的农产品,约占第
ever, the EU later denied such statement and stated that 一阶段协议目标的71%。
CAI is still in the legal ratification process, so far, the
question on whether CAI can still be officially signed 2021年4月1日,美国贸易代表办公室发布的
remains uncertain5. 《2021年国家贸易评估报告》肯定了特朗普政府
On 20th May 2021 (Europe local time), the Euro- 与中国签订的中美第一阶段贸易协议,称其“建
pean parliament has voted to freeze any consideration 立了强有力的争端解决系统,可确保迅速有效地
of China-EU agreement on investment. On 21st May 实施和执行”。
2021, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Zhao
Lijian, said at regular press conference that the CAI is 与此同时,特朗普政府希望减少美国对华贸易逆
5 Recently, the EU has announced that the Agreement is un-
der further considered. 6 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
8 阶段贸易协议。反华情绪呼吁了两大经济体脱钩,故意模糊
ing the scale and potential of Chinese economy, the 欧洲议会当地时间2021年5月20日通过了冻结中
FDI of EU in China is still a modest sum. 欧投资协定的议案。21日,中国外交部发言人赵
According to the core of the Agreement in Principle 立坚在例行记者会上表示,中欧投资协定是一份
published by the European Commission on 30th De- 平衡、互利共赢的协定,不是谁对谁的恩赐。中
cember 2020, if the CAI is concluded, it will replace 方始终抱有诚意促进双方合作,希望欧方同我们
the Bilateral Investment Treaty between China and all 相向而行,少一些情绪宣泄,多一些理性思考,
the EU member states (except Ireland), and agree to 作出符合自身利益的正确决定。德国总理默克尔
the terms related to market access. The CAI will im- 接受媒体采访时表示,她可以继续为自2013年
prove environment for fair competition and reduce 起就开始谈判的中欧投资协定的“每个字”价值担
market access barriers in order to achieve investment 保。如果该协定能够生效,欧洲公司在中国的市
liberalization. In addition to rules on prohibition of 场准入将得到改善,气候保护和劳工标准也将得
compulsory technology transfer, CAI will be the first 到解决。但她同时承认,“北京的制裁”使欧洲议
to require state-owned enterprises to perform certain 会批准该协定更加困难。
obligations , fully disclose the subsidies and commits
on sustainable development. CAI will make sure that 4. 介绍ETA
EU investors can more easily enter the consuming mar-
ket with a 1.4 billion population, and that they can ETA系于2020年1月15日签订,主要覆盖中美两
compete in a fair competition environment in China. 国在经济贸易谈判过程中涉及的核心议题,包括
This has significant meaning for global competitiveness 知识产权、技术转让、食品和农产品贸易、金融
and future development of EU industry. 服务、宏观经济政策、汇率问题和透明度、扩大
On 30th December 2020, after negotiations 35 times 贸易等共八章6。
over 7 years, the leaders of China and EU jointly an-
nounced the conclusion of CAI negotiations as sched- 美国贸易代表戴琦2021年5月5日在《金融时报》
uled. However, since 2021, the China-EU relations 组织的一场虚拟会议上表示,预期将在“近期”
went into a sharp downturn. In March 2021, the EU 会见她的中国对口官员,讨论和评估特朗普时期
imposed sanctions on the certain individuals and enti- 两国达成的第一阶段贸易协议。她还表示,美国
ties in China on the grounds of infringement of hu- 现政府将在特朗普政府与中国达成的贸易协议基
man rights, while China decided to impose counter- 础上继续努力,尊重第一阶段协议连续性。
sanctions on the relevant individuals and entities in
the EU. Later, the EU announced the cancellation of 根据ETA,中国承诺在2021年底前再购买2000亿
ratification meetings of the CAI. In May 2020, Val- 美元的美国商品和服务,并减少贸易壁垒。数据
dis Dombrovskis, the Vice President of the European 显示,截至2020年年中,中国兑现了该协议当中
Commissioner for Trade said, due to “deterioration in 大概50%的承诺。2020年10月23日,美国贸易代
EU-China diplomatic relationship” after their mutual 表办公室和美国农业部联合发布报告,称中国已
sanctions, the ratification of CAI was “paused”. How- 经购买了价值超过230亿美元的农产品,约占第
ever, the EU later denied such statement and stated that 一阶段协议目标的71%。
CAI is still in the legal ratification process, so far, the
question on whether CAI can still be officially signed 2021年4月1日,美国贸易代表办公室发布的
remains uncertain5. 《2021年国家贸易评估报告》肯定了特朗普政府
On 20th May 2021 (Europe local time), the Euro- 与中国签订的中美第一阶段贸易协议,称其“建
pean parliament has voted to freeze any consideration 立了强有力的争端解决系统,可确保迅速有效地
of China-EU agreement on investment. On 21st May 实施和执行”。
2021, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Zhao
Lijian, said at regular press conference that the CAI is 与此同时,特朗普政府希望减少美国对华贸易逆
5 Recently, the EU has announced that the Agreement is un-
der further considered. 6 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
8 阶段贸易协议。反华情绪呼吁了两大经济体脱钩,故意模糊