Page 22 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 22
icy Watch: Brief Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three Influential International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral Trade Agreement
6. Unfair Competition 有人造成重大损害的问题,应当采取或维持措
CPTPP provides criminal proceedings and penalty for 处罚包括与适用于同等严重程度犯罪的刑罚水平
unfair competition, while RCEP does not have these 的威慑力相一致的有期徒刑和罚金,二者不必同
relevant requirements. 时使用。
The ETA specifies on how to protect trade secrets, in-
cluding the relevant definitions of trade secrets, the CPTPP和ETA要求刑事救济适用于所有的知识产
burden of proof in civil proceedings and criminal pro- 权种类,并且要求存在“合理嫌疑”时行政部门需
tection. While RCEP does not mention trade secrets, it 要将案件移交刑事执法部门25。
rather provides for protection of undisclosed informa-
tion, which is different from the ETA. RCEP简单地要求数字环境中侵犯著作权或相关
7. Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights 救济和刑事救济。ETA侧重于电子商务平台,详
RCEP requires each Party to establish an intellectual 权假冒行为。而且,ETA没有把范围限定于著作
property protection system against infringement, while 权和商标,专利等其他知识产权种类也属于ETA
the ETA, based on the existing intellectual property 规定范围。ETA要求中国实施有效的通知及下架
protection systems, requires China to reinforce mea- 制度打击网络侵权,同时要求中国吊销屡次未能
sures against infringement. 遏制假冒或盗版商品销售的电商平台网络经营许
In terms of an intellectual property protection system, 可。CPTPP单独设置一小节阐述互联网服务提
RCEP divides it into civil remedies, border measures 供商的权利义务以及安全港原则,RCEP和ETA
and criminal remedies. In addition, the ETA empha- 对此未作任何规定。ETA要求建立有效的通知和
sizes administrative remedies. For example, it requires 快速下架制度,应对网络侵权。
China to take effective and fast enforcement action and
increase the frequency of enforcement actions. CPTPP、 RCEP和 ETA均 要 求 销 毁 侵 权 货
RCEP civil remedies emphasize fair and reasonable 物,ETA还要求持续增加受训的海关执法人员的
procedures, where each Party should provide the right 数量。但RCEP留有选择余地,表明司法机关可
holders access to any civil judicial proceedings related 以在商业渠道以外处置商品而不作销毁。对于
to the enforcement of intellectual property. The de- 侵权材料和工具,CPTPP规定司法机关有权责
fendants shall be provided timely written notice with 令将侵权货物生产或制造中使用的材料和工具
sufficient details, including the basis of claims. All the 无不当延迟且不作任何补偿地销毁或清除出商
parties concerned in the proceedings should be al- 业渠道。RCEP还规定司法机关可以销毁。
lowed to be represented by independent legal counsel,
and the proceedings should not impose excessive re- 25 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
quirements to compel such persons to appear in court. 议》第一章第八节第1.26条
At the same time, alternative dispute resolution can be
used to settle civil disputes related to intellectual prop-
erty22. For civil remedies, the ETA requires simplified
document certification and gives opportunity to invite
experts or witnesses for cross-examination of witness
testimony at trials23.
22 RCEP Chapter 11, Section J, Article 59
23 ETA Chapter 1, Section H, Article 1.31
6. Unfair Competition 有人造成重大损害的问题,应当采取或维持措
CPTPP provides criminal proceedings and penalty for 处罚包括与适用于同等严重程度犯罪的刑罚水平
unfair competition, while RCEP does not have these 的威慑力相一致的有期徒刑和罚金,二者不必同
relevant requirements. 时使用。
The ETA specifies on how to protect trade secrets, in-
cluding the relevant definitions of trade secrets, the CPTPP和ETA要求刑事救济适用于所有的知识产
burden of proof in civil proceedings and criminal pro- 权种类,并且要求存在“合理嫌疑”时行政部门需
tection. While RCEP does not mention trade secrets, it 要将案件移交刑事执法部门25。
rather provides for protection of undisclosed informa-
tion, which is different from the ETA. RCEP简单地要求数字环境中侵犯著作权或相关
7. Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights 救济和刑事救济。ETA侧重于电子商务平台,详
RCEP requires each Party to establish an intellectual 权假冒行为。而且,ETA没有把范围限定于著作
property protection system against infringement, while 权和商标,专利等其他知识产权种类也属于ETA
the ETA, based on the existing intellectual property 规定范围。ETA要求中国实施有效的通知及下架
protection systems, requires China to reinforce mea- 制度打击网络侵权,同时要求中国吊销屡次未能
sures against infringement. 遏制假冒或盗版商品销售的电商平台网络经营许
In terms of an intellectual property protection system, 可。CPTPP单独设置一小节阐述互联网服务提
RCEP divides it into civil remedies, border measures 供商的权利义务以及安全港原则,RCEP和ETA
and criminal remedies. In addition, the ETA empha- 对此未作任何规定。ETA要求建立有效的通知和
sizes administrative remedies. For example, it requires 快速下架制度,应对网络侵权。
China to take effective and fast enforcement action and
increase the frequency of enforcement actions. CPTPP、 RCEP和 ETA均 要 求 销 毁 侵 权 货
RCEP civil remedies emphasize fair and reasonable 物,ETA还要求持续增加受训的海关执法人员的
procedures, where each Party should provide the right 数量。但RCEP留有选择余地,表明司法机关可
holders access to any civil judicial proceedings related 以在商业渠道以外处置商品而不作销毁。对于
to the enforcement of intellectual property. The de- 侵权材料和工具,CPTPP规定司法机关有权责
fendants shall be provided timely written notice with 令将侵权货物生产或制造中使用的材料和工具
sufficient details, including the basis of claims. All the 无不当延迟且不作任何补偿地销毁或清除出商
parties concerned in the proceedings should be al- 业渠道。RCEP还规定司法机关可以销毁。
lowed to be represented by independent legal counsel,
and the proceedings should not impose excessive re- 25 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
quirements to compel such persons to appear in court. 议》第一章第八节第1.26条
At the same time, alternative dispute resolution can be
used to settle civil disputes related to intellectual prop-
erty22. For civil remedies, the ETA requires simplified
document certification and gives opportunity to invite
experts or witnesses for cross-examination of witness
testimony at trials23.
22 RCEP Chapter 11, Section J, Article 59
23 ETA Chapter 1, Section H, Article 1.31