Page 20 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 20
icy Watch: Brief Analysis of the Intellectual Property Sections of Three Influential International Trade Agreements and one Bilateral Trade Agreement

(2) Fair Use 未有相关规定。CPTPP要求保护农业化学品未
RCEP provides that an act may infringe a patent if it 安全性和有效性的未披露试验或其他数据作为上
is done for experimental purposes.20 However, CPTPP 市许可条件的,禁止第三方在该化学品获得上市
does not specify any fair use of patent. 许可之日起至少10年内未经同意而上市销售基于
(3) Procedures of Opposition and Filing Third-Par- 许可销售的相同或相似产品21。
ty Opinions
RCEP states that before a patent has been granted, one 药品,缔约国应当保护药品为获得上市许可提交
may provide the competent authority with informa- 的关于产品安全性和有效性未披露试验或其他数
tion that could deny novelty or inventive step of an 据至少五年。而ETA对于为获得上市许可提交的
invention claimed in the patent application. However, 关于产品安全性和有效性未披露试验或其他数据
CPTPP does not provide such opportunity. 没有规定保护期限,而规定了专利纠纷早期解决
(4) Patent Term Adjustment for Unreasonable
Granting Authority Delays 4. 地理标志

CPTPP requires that if there are unreasonable delays CPTPP和RCEP要求每一缔约国在其法律法规中
in processing patent application, a Party shall provide 存在充分而有效的保护地理标志的方式,包括国
the means to, and at the request of the patent owner 内行政程序、异议和注销等,本质上是要求缔约
shall, adjust the terms of the patent to compensate for 国建立地理标志保护制度。ETA是在已有的制度
such delays. Explanation shall be further provided for 上要求中国的地理标志保护措施不会减损出口至
the unreasonable delay that at least shall include a delay 中国的美国货物和服务的市场准入,三者在地理
in the issuance of a patent of more than 5 years from 标志的侧重不同。
the date of filing of the application in the territory of
the Party, or 3 years after a request for examination of 5. 遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术
the application has been made, whichever is later. Such
requirement is not made in RCEP, but has been made RCEP强调制定措施对遗传资源、传统知识和民
in the ETA. The definition of unreasonable delays in 间文学艺术提供保护,并使利害关系人和其他缔
ETA is different from the one in CPTPP. ETA de- 约方了解有关遗传资源的来源或起源的披露要
fines that in the event of a delay in the issuance of the 求。CPTPP仅提出缔约方应开展合作增进对于
patent of more than 4 years from the date of filing of 传统知识和遗传资源的理解。ETA未对此作任何
the application in China, or 3 years after a request for 规定。
examination of the application, patent terms shall be
extended. ETA has a higher requirement than CPTPP. 6. 不正当竞争

(5) Agricultural Chemical Products and Pharma- CPTPP要求对于不正当竞争行为规定刑事程序
ceutical Products 和处罚,但RCEP未有此类相关规定。

CPTPP sets separate chapters for agricultural chemical ETA在如何保护商业秘密上作出了详细规定,包
products and pharmaceutical products, while ETA has 括商业秘密的相关定义、民事诉讼程序的举证责
a separate section for intellectual property related to 任和刑事保护等。RCEP没有提及商业秘密,而
pharmaceutical products, but does not provide for ag- 是保护未披露信息,两者不相同。
ricultural chemical products. RCEP does not contain
clauses on either of the said products. CPTPP requires 21 《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》第六节:专利,
protection for undisclosed tests and other data of an 第18.47条
agricultural chemical product, by specifying the sub-

20 RCEP, Section D, Article 40

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