Page 21 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 21
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
mission of undisclosed test or other data concerning 7. 知识产权权利的实施
the safety and efficacy of the product as a condition of
marketing, and prohibiting any third persons, without RCEP和CPTPP要求每一缔约国成立知识产权保
the consent, to market the same or a similar product on 护制度,打击侵权行为,而ETA是在已有的知识
the basis of that information or the marketing approval 产权保护制度,要求中国加强打击力度。
granted to the person that submitted such test or other
data for at least 10 years from the date of marketing ap- RCEP和CPTPP规定的知识产权保护制度分为民
proval of such agricultural chemical product.21 事救济、边境措施和刑事救济。除此之外,ETA
As for pharmaceutical products, CPTPP provides that 更多地着重关注行政救济,例如要求中国采取有
each Party shall ensure that undisclosed test or other 效和迅速的执法行动、增加执法行动次数等。
data concerning the safety and efficacy of the pharma-
ceutical products submitted for marketing approval RCEP民事救济强调公平和合理的程序,每一缔约
shall be protected for at least five years. However, ETA 国应当使权利持有人可获得有关执行知识产权涵
does not provide protection terms for undisclosed tests 盖的任何民事司法程序。被告应当有权获得及时
or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the 的和包含足够细节的书面通知,包括权利请求的
pharmaceutical products submitted for marketing ap- 根据。应当允许程序的所有当事方由独立的法律
proval. Instead, it provides an early resolution mecha- 顾问代表,并且程序不得施加强制本人出庭的繁
nism for patent disputes. 重要求。同时,允许使用替代性争端解决程序解
4. Geographical Indications 救济方面要求简化文书认证以及给予邀请专家或
证人并在庭审中对证人证言进行质询的机会23 。
CPTPP and RCEP requires each Party to ensure, in
its laws and regulations, adequate and effective means 在确定知识产权侵权民事损害赔偿时,RCEP要
to protect geographical indications, including domes- 求侵权人向权利持有人支付“因知识产权侵权所
tic administrative procedures, objections and cancel- 受损害的赔偿”,换言之,RCEP奉行“填平原则”
lations, which, in the essence, requires the Parties to ,即侵权人支付之欠款未超过权利持有人所受损
establish a protection system for geographical indica- 害之数额,未规定惩罚性赔偿。司法机关考虑权
tions. The ETA, on the other hand, based on the exist- 利持有人提出的任何合法的价值评估,或者明知
ing system, requests that China’s protection measures 或有合理理由知道自己从事侵权活动的侵权人向
for geographical indication shall not impair market 权利持有人支付因侵权获得的利润来确定损害
access for U.S. goods and services exported to China. 赔偿24。同时赔偿包括为维权支付的合理费用,
The three agreements focus on different aspects of geo- 包括诉讼成本和合理的律师费。然而在CPTPP
graphical indications. 中,第18.74条规定了“额外赔偿”之制度,其内
5. Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge 仍超越了 “填平原则”,为“惩罚性赔偿规则”搭好
and Folklore 了框架。ETA要求中国接近或达到最高法定处罚
RCEP emphasizes the measures for protection of ge- 行为。
netic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore,
and enables the interested party and other Parties to RCEP要求至少对具有商业规模的故意的著作权
know the requirements for disclosure of the origin or 或相关权利盗版或商标侵权的情况适用刑事程序
birth of genetic resources. CPTPP only indicates that 和刑罚。如未经授权以商业规模从电影院放映中
the Parties shall cooperate to promote understanding 复制电影作品,从而在市场上对该作品的权利持
on questions about traditional knowledge and the ge-
netic resources. ETA does not have any relevant provi- 22 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》第十一章第十节第五十
sions on these matters. 九条
23 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
21 CPTPP, Section F: Patents, Article 18.47 议》第一章第八节第1.31条
24 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》第十一章第十节第六十条
mission of undisclosed test or other data concerning 7. 知识产权权利的实施
the safety and efficacy of the product as a condition of
marketing, and prohibiting any third persons, without RCEP和CPTPP要求每一缔约国成立知识产权保
the consent, to market the same or a similar product on 护制度,打击侵权行为,而ETA是在已有的知识
the basis of that information or the marketing approval 产权保护制度,要求中国加强打击力度。
granted to the person that submitted such test or other
data for at least 10 years from the date of marketing ap- RCEP和CPTPP规定的知识产权保护制度分为民
proval of such agricultural chemical product.21 事救济、边境措施和刑事救济。除此之外,ETA
As for pharmaceutical products, CPTPP provides that 更多地着重关注行政救济,例如要求中国采取有
each Party shall ensure that undisclosed test or other 效和迅速的执法行动、增加执法行动次数等。
data concerning the safety and efficacy of the pharma-
ceutical products submitted for marketing approval RCEP民事救济强调公平和合理的程序,每一缔约
shall be protected for at least five years. However, ETA 国应当使权利持有人可获得有关执行知识产权涵
does not provide protection terms for undisclosed tests 盖的任何民事司法程序。被告应当有权获得及时
or other data concerning the safety and efficacy of the 的和包含足够细节的书面通知,包括权利请求的
pharmaceutical products submitted for marketing ap- 根据。应当允许程序的所有当事方由独立的法律
proval. Instead, it provides an early resolution mecha- 顾问代表,并且程序不得施加强制本人出庭的繁
nism for patent disputes. 重要求。同时,允许使用替代性争端解决程序解
4. Geographical Indications 救济方面要求简化文书认证以及给予邀请专家或
证人并在庭审中对证人证言进行质询的机会23 。
CPTPP and RCEP requires each Party to ensure, in
its laws and regulations, adequate and effective means 在确定知识产权侵权民事损害赔偿时,RCEP要
to protect geographical indications, including domes- 求侵权人向权利持有人支付“因知识产权侵权所
tic administrative procedures, objections and cancel- 受损害的赔偿”,换言之,RCEP奉行“填平原则”
lations, which, in the essence, requires the Parties to ,即侵权人支付之欠款未超过权利持有人所受损
establish a protection system for geographical indica- 害之数额,未规定惩罚性赔偿。司法机关考虑权
tions. The ETA, on the other hand, based on the exist- 利持有人提出的任何合法的价值评估,或者明知
ing system, requests that China’s protection measures 或有合理理由知道自己从事侵权活动的侵权人向
for geographical indication shall not impair market 权利持有人支付因侵权获得的利润来确定损害
access for U.S. goods and services exported to China. 赔偿24。同时赔偿包括为维权支付的合理费用,
The three agreements focus on different aspects of geo- 包括诉讼成本和合理的律师费。然而在CPTPP
graphical indications. 中,第18.74条规定了“额外赔偿”之制度,其内
5. Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge 仍超越了 “填平原则”,为“惩罚性赔偿规则”搭好
and Folklore 了框架。ETA要求中国接近或达到最高法定处罚
RCEP emphasizes the measures for protection of ge- 行为。
netic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore,
and enables the interested party and other Parties to RCEP要求至少对具有商业规模的故意的著作权
know the requirements for disclosure of the origin or 或相关权利盗版或商标侵权的情况适用刑事程序
birth of genetic resources. CPTPP only indicates that 和刑罚。如未经授权以商业规模从电影院放映中
the Parties shall cooperate to promote understanding 复制电影作品,从而在市场上对该作品的权利持
on questions about traditional knowledge and the ge-
netic resources. ETA does not have any relevant provi- 22 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》第十一章第十节第五十
sions on these matters. 九条
23 《中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府经济贸易协
21 CPTPP, Section F: Patents, Article 18.47 议》第一章第八节第1.31条
24 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》第十一章第十节第六十条