Page 25 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 25
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China



TRIPs under WTO, together with the Paris Conven- 世界贸易组织管辖下的TRIPs与《保护工业产权
tion for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Berne 巴黎公约》、《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic 、《商标国际注册马德里协定》等多边国际条约
Works, the Madrid Agreement Concerning the Inter- 共同缔造现今世界知识产权保护体系。RCEP知
national Registration of Marks and other multilateral 识产权部分要求缔约国,特别是较为落后的东盟
international treaties, jointly form the current world 十国,在知识产权保护上与国际接轨,推动本国
intellectual property protection system. The intellec- 知识产权制度有能力符合世界知识产权保护体系
tual property section of RCEP requires its member 的要求。CPTPP的知识产权部分对缔约国提出
states, especially the less developed ASEAN states, to 了更高的要求,代表着未来世界知识产权保护制
catch up on IP protection so as to meet the interna- 度沿着高标准发展的方向,中国正在积极考虑加
tional standards, which will promote their own intel- 入CPTPP的理由之一就是希望CPTPP建立的高
lectual property system’s ability to meet the require- 水平知识产权保护体系反向推动中国知识产权保
ments of the world intellectual property protection 护体系发展。CAI着重于中国与欧盟之间的商业
system. The intellectual property section of CPTPP 投资,由于目前没有具体文本,很难详细评估,
makes higher demands on its member states, and 欧盟与中国就知识产权部分达成何种协议,但可
represents the high standard of the future world in- 以预见,欧盟会在关于商业秘密保护、技术强制
tellectual property protection system. One of the 许可等方面提出要求。而ETA着重关注中美之间
reasons that China is actively considering joining 知识产权制度的差异以及中国知识产权保护实施
the CPTPP is that, China hopes the high-level intel- 问题,对中国的部分知识产权程序提出了要求,
lectual property protection system set up by CPTPP 回应美国对于中国知识产权问题的担忧。虽然
can in turn promote China’s intellectual property ETA只是双边协议,但其本质与RCEP和CPTPP
protection system. CAI emphasizes business invest- 不相同。尽管如此,由于ETA是世界两大经济体
ment between China and EU. Since we do not have 国家之间的协议,因此地位尤为重要。
the concrete text, it is hard to assess in detail what
kind of agreement China and EU reached regarding 迫于美国及其他国家的压力,为提高知识产权制
intellectual property. However, we can foresee that 度,中国现在意识到发展知识产权的重要性。
the EU will make demands on protection of trade
secrets, compulsory technology licensing, etc. The 习近平表示,知识产权是国际竞争力的核心要
ETA emphasizes the different intellectual property 素,也是国际争端的焦点,中国要深度参与世界
systems of China and the US, and the implementa- 知识产权组织框架下的全球知识产权治理,推动
tion issues of intellectual property protection in Chi- 完善知识产权及相关国际贸易、国际投资等国际
na. It raises requirements for some of the Chinese 规则和标准,推动全球知识产权治理体制向着更
intellectual property procedures, and responds to 加公正合理方向发展26。2021年4月,中国最高
US’s concern about China’s intellectual property is- 人民法院明确,人民法院将在2021年-2025年加
sues. The nature of ETA is different than the CPTPP 大对关键核心技术、新兴产业、重点领域及种源
and CPTPP although it is only a bilateral agree- 等知识产权司法保护力度,严格落实集成电路布
ment. Nevertheless, since it is an agreement between
the two countries that have largest economies in the 26 《求是》第三期,《全面加强知识产权保护工作 激发创
world, it is important.

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