Page 15 - 2021 Policy Watch
P. 15
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Comparison of Scope of the Intellectual Property
Sections in the CPTPP, RCEP, CAI and ETA11


The intellectual property section of RCEP consists of RCEP知识产权部分共十四节,CPTPP知识产权
14 sections, while the intellectual property section of 部分主要有十一节,两者全面涵盖总则、著作
CPTPP consists of 11 sections. Both of them compre- 权、商标、地理标志、专利、工业设计、遗传资
hensively cover the general provisions, copyright, trade- 源、不正当竞争、国名、知识产权权利的实施等
marks, geographical indications, patents, industrial 知识产权法主要领域。
design, genetic resources, unfair competition, country
names, the implementation of intellectual property RCEP和CPTPP的范围涵盖《民法典》第123条
rights and other main areas of intellectual property law. 规定的几乎全部知识产权客体,ETA的范围局限
The scope of RCEP and CPTPP cover virtually all sub- 但这是可以理解的,中国和美国之间的知识产权
ject matters of intellectual property in the Civil Code, 制度较为完善,而RCEP缔约方之一的东盟十国
Article 123, while the ETA is limited to some specific 需要持续健全知识产权制度健全,因此,RCEP
aspects of IP, which are less comprehensive than RCEP. 涵盖全部的知识产权客体主要是为了东盟十国。
However, it is understandable, as the IP systems of 甚至对于柬埔寨、老挝人民民主共和国、马来西
China and the US are more advanced than those of 10 亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、越南等7国适用十年
ASEAN states in RCEP that still need to substantially 或十五年过渡期12。
improve their IP systems. Therefore, RCEP covers all
subject matters of intellectual property mainly for the 10 对 比 RCEP, CPTPP知 识 产 权 规 则 总 体 上 代 表
ASEAN states. A transition period of ten or fifteen years 了知识产权国际规则的更高标准发展方向,其
can even be applicable to 7 ASEAN countries, namely 强化了传统知识产权保护、明确知识产权保护
Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Ma- 标准、扩展知识产权保护内容、细化知识产权
laysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam12. 保护规则、规定严格的执法程序和法律责任
等 。 CPTPP知 识 产 权 规 则 相 对 于 RCEP具 有 更
Compared to RCEP, the intellectual property rules in 高标准,一是CPTPP涉及商标的知识产权保护
CPTPP generally represent the development direction 范围更为宽泛,例如,CPTPP保护客体纳入声
towards higher standards that improve traditional in- 音、气味商标等非传统商标类型;明确了地理标
tellectual property protection, specify the protection 志应尊重在先商标的规则,保护“已获得权利的
standard, expand protection matters, refine protection 在先商标”或“待审查的在先善意申请或注册的商
rules and provide strict law enforcement procedures and 标”;二是CPTPP涉及专利的知识产权保护更为
legal responsibilities. CPTPP’s intellectual property 具体明确。CPTPP涉及专利保护的程序性制度
rules have a higher standard than those of RCEP. First, 不断细化,如补充了与农用化学品相关的专利保
CPTPP involves a broader scope of intellectual prop- 护措施;三是CPTPP涉及版权的知识产权保护
erty protection of trademarks. For example, CPTPP 更为灵活:CPTPP增加了在另一缔约方领土内
protects subject matters including non-traditional 首次发表的作品享有不低于本国领土内首次发表
trademark types such as sound and odor trademarks. 的待遇;增加了保护“未固定”表演作品的规定,
It specifies that geographical indications should re- 即表演者享有授权或禁止广播或向公众传播其“
spect the rules of pre-existing trademarks, and protect 未固定”表演的专有权;四是与知识产权相关的

11 Details see attachment 11 具体对比参照附表
12 RCEP Chapter 11, Annex 11A
12 《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》第十一章附件一

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