Page 45 - 2017 Special Report
P. 45
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Zone 广西壮族自治区

Link to South China comprehensive utilization of low-quality iron resources, 连接南亚的通道 万桶,其炼油化工一体化项目20万吨聚丙烯厂也同时投
and laterite-nickel ore. 入塑料生产。
As the only province of China with both land and 广西壮族自治区是中国唯一一个与南亚有水陆两路直
water connections to Southeast Asia, Guangxi’s Food processing, auto manufacturing, petro- 接交通的省份。2010年初,中国-东盟自由贸易区 聚焦经济开发区
position was significantly enhanced by the inauguration chemicals, power generation, nonferrous metals, 正式建立,广西的重要位置进一步加强。广西自治区西
of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area in early 2010. The metallurgy and machinery are the seven key industries of 临越南,通过西江与香港和澳门连接,地理位置优越。 广西自治区拥有多个高新技术开发区,旨在吸引外
province borders Vietnam to the west and is connected Guangxi. In addition, building materials, pharmaceutics, 2015年,广西对越南边境小额贸易额在广西出口总额占 商对物流、生物工程、信息技术、电子零部件和造船业
to Hong Kong and Macau by the Xi River. Cross-border, textiles and garments, shipbuilding, as well as the 比大约为64%。 的投资。南宁-贵州-昆明经济带和北部湾经济区目前正
small-value trade with Vietnam accounted for around 64 marine equipment manufacturing industries have grown 在建设之中,同时政府也不遗余力加强与台湾和自治区
percent of Guangxi’s total exports in 2015. rapidly in recent years. Pine resin is notable as an export- 广西省会城市南宁在中国-东盟关系中扮演了尤 内外地区的合作。目前,超过8282家企业进驻116个
oriented commodity produced in the city of Wuzhou. 其重要的角色。南宁是中国-东盟博览会的永久举办城 工业园,其中包括中国石油集团、国投华靖电力控股有
The provincial capital of Nanning in particular plays The province’s heavy industries include iron, cement and 市,中国-东盟经济园位于南宁市华侨投资区。作为省 限公司、印尼金光集团、新加坡来宝集团、中国粮油食
a key role in China-ASEAN relations. The city is the steel works in Liuzhou, as well as machinery production 级经济园,中国-东盟经济园有利于加强广西与东盟国 品集团以及可口可乐公司。
permanent home of the annual China-ASEAN Expo and in Nanning and Wuzhou. Pinyang produces ceramics, 家的合作。
the China-ASEAN Economic Park, a provincial-level park fans, felt caps, copperware, combs, brushes and straw 南宁、柳州、钦州、桂林、玉柴等地的高科技工业
based in the Nanning Overseas Chinese Investment bonnets. 经济情况 开发区在2011年创造的工业总产值均超过100亿元人
Zone, which aims to enhance cooperation between the 民币。除了贡献工业总产值外,开发区也为广西创造大
region and the ASEAN countries. In January 2012, Sinopec opened a renovated refinery 广西自治区少数民族众多,其经济主要以农业和旅 量就业机会。各个工业区根据地方特点发展产业集群,
in the coastal city of Beihai. The new facility can refine 游业为基础(特别是以漓江风景和石灰岩山峰闻名的桂 例如,沿海地区的钦州、北海和防城港目前主要发展石
Economy 100,000 barrels per day, and is integrated with a 200,000 林市)。当地农产品有甘蔗以及桑蚕制品,广西是中国 油化工、发电、锰钢、蔗糖和高技术产品。
ton-per-year polypropylene unit for producing plastics. 最大的蔗糖生产基地。主要粮食作物包括水稻、玉米、
Guangxi is home to many ethnic minority groups 小麦和甘薯。主要经济作物有花生、芝麻、苎麻、烟 广西各级地方政府努力吸引国内外资本在该地区的
and its economy is based on agriculture and tourism Spotlight on Development Zones 草、茶叶、棉花和靛蓝。广西也盛产水果,最著名的水 投资。跨国企业如丰田、通用汽车、日本电气(NEC)
(especially the city of Guilin, known for its proximity 果有柚子、柑桔、橘子、柠檬、荔枝、梨子、木瓜、香 和美国国际商业机器公司(IBM)等公司纷纷落户广
to the Lijiang River and Karst Peaks). Key agricultural Guangxi is also home to new high-tech development 蕉和菠萝。该地区木业出产檀香木和软木,水产是当地 西。政府实行激励措施,吸引大型企业在广西开设区域
products include sugarcane, of which Guangxi is the zones aimed at attracting investors in the logistics, bio- 另外一项重要产业。 总部。自2010年7月以来,共有三十家大型企业在广西
leading producer in China, and silk-worm products. engineering, IT, electronic components and shipping 建立区域总部,其中包括啤酒制造商青岛啤酒股份有限
Major grain crops include rice, maize, wheat and sweet industries. The Nanning-Guizhou-Kunming Economic 广西具有种类繁多的矿物和金属,铝加工业比较 公司以及家电制造商海尔集团。
potatoes. Leading commercial crops include peanuts, Belt and the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone are being 发达。2011年,广西新建了各类矿物质研究与发展中
sesame, ramie, tobacco, tea, cotton, and indigo. Guangxi constructed and efforts are being taken to enhance the 心,投入3000万元人民币,用于研究开发新金属材 作为中国-东盟合作框架的内容之一,泛北部湾经
is also a major producer of fruit: most notably pomelos, cooperation with Taiwan and other areas in and outside 料、综合利用低质量铁资源和含镍铁矾土资源。 济合作区成员包括广西壮族自治区、广东省、海南省、
tangerines, mandarin oranges, lemons, lychee, pears, of Guangxi. At present, over 8,282 companies have 越南、马来西亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚、菲律宾以及
papayas, bananas and pineapples. The region’s timber settled into Guangxi’s 116 industrial parks, including 食品加工、汽车制造、石油化工、发电、有色金 文莱。
(sandalwood and cork) and fishing industries are both China Petroleum, SDIC Power Holdings, Sinar Mas Group 属、冶金和机械是广西自治区的七大支柱产业。此外,
important contributors to the local economy. of Indonesia, Noble Group of Singapore, China National 建筑材料、制药、纺织品和服装、造船以及海洋设备制 基础设施
Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO) and 造产业也在快速发展。松木树脂是梧州特有的出口商
The province is also known for its wide variety of Coca Cola. 品。广西的重工业包括柳州的炼铁、炼钢和水泥制造业 航空
minerals and metals, and its aluminium processing 以及南宁和梧州的机械制品。广西平阳主要生产陶瓷、
industry. In 2011, Guangxi launched a new materials The high-tech enterprises in the High-Tech Industrial 扇子、毡帽、铜器、梳子、毛笔和草帽等。 广西的机场包括南宁吴圩机场、桂林两河机场、
research and development center, investing 30 Development Zones of Nanning, Liuzhou, Qinzhou, 北海福成机场、柳州白莲机场以及小型机场百色田阳机
million yuan in R&D for new metallic materials, the Guilin, Yuchai and other industrial zones all generated an 2012年1月,中国石油在广西沿海城市北海的炼油 场、梧州长洲岛机场。
industrial output value of over 59 billion yuan in 2015. 厂完成改造,重新投入使用。新炼油厂每天可以炼油10

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