Page 47 - 2017 Special Report
P. 47
Hainan Province 海南省

An Island ofTourism and Agriculture by the policy, the Chinese central government loosened 旅游和农业之岛 括保健及美容器材、餐具及厨房用品和玩具,免税商品
previous restrictions in October 2012. The minimum age 种类扩大至21种。
Hainan province includes over two for purchasing duty-free commodities was lowered to 海南省由两百多个岛屿构成,位于中国南海,与大
hundred islands off of China’s 16, while the upper value limit for duty-free commodities 陆南部沿海相对望。海南岛(距离广东南部沿海 为了让免税购物政策发挥最大作用,世界最大的免
southern coast in the South China Sea, with Hainan was increased from 5, 000 yuan to 8, 000 yuan. Moreover, 30英里)的面积占全省陆地面积的97%。海南岛是中国 税购物中心已在度假胜地三亚落成。座落在海棠湾的国
Island (30 miles off the coast of Guangdong) accounting three additional categories of commodities have been 最小的省份,也是最大的经济特区,与夏威夷岛、巴厘 际购物中心耗资34.5亿人民币,占地12.5万平方米。
for 97 percent of provincial land area. China’s smallest added to the duty-free list, namely, beauty and health 岛、布吉岛处于同一纬度之上,目前已经发展成为中国 自2014年9月开业以来已吸引了众多高端品牌及旗舰店
province and largest special economic zone, Hainan care products, tableware and kitchen appliances, and 首屈一指的旅游度假胜地,被誉为“东方夏威夷”。 进驻。
is at the same latitude as Hawaii, Bali and Phuket and toys - expanding the scope of duty-free commodities to
has developed into one of China’s prime resort areas, 21 categories. 虽然服务业占全省国内生产总值比重在2015年达到 离岛旅客每人每次累计免税购物金额不得超过
earning the nickname “oriental Hawaii”. 53.3%,海南省也拥有全国最大的渔业和经济作物种植 8000元人民币,各种免税商品的购买限制数量可参考
In an effort to bring the huge potential of the duty- 业,像椰子、辣椒、咖啡、茶叶和橡胶等经济作物都在 《暂行办法》附件内容。旅客在按完税价格全额缴纳进
Although the service industry accounted for 53.3 free policy into full play, construction of the world’s 全国占有极其重要的地位。 境物品进口税的条件下,每人每次还可以购买1件单价
percent of GDP `in 2015, Hainan also has the largest largest duty-free shopping center has begun in the 8000元人民币以上的商品。
primary sector of all of China’s provinces, through the resort city of Sanya. With an investment of 3.45 billion 经济情况
important contribution of its fisheries and tropical cash yuan, the Haitang Bay International Shopping Center has 海南岛拥有全国42.5%的热带大陆,用以发展农
crops like coconuts, pepper, coffee, tea and rubber. attracted a vast number of top-end and flagship stores 到海南省旅游的大多数游客都是中国人。为了改 业、林业、畜牧业和渔业。主要农业生产作物包括天然
to its 125,000 square meter complex after opening in 变这种情况,中国国务院宣布了战略性规划,力争到 橡胶、咖啡、烟草、热带花卉、热带水果如椰子、西
Economy September 2014. 2020年把海南省建设成为世界级的“国际旅游目的 瓜、香蕉等。同时,海南省把香料种植加工发展成为主
地”。经中央政府批准,海南省计划到2020年新增 要产业。
While many of the tourists who travel to Hainan The accumulative value of the duty-free goods 325个旅游度假村和110家五星级酒店,这也是海南省
are Chinese, the government is attempting to change purchased per one-time visitor departing from Hainan 十三五的既定目标之一。持有中国国家旅游局许可的国 海南省蕴含着中国70%的钛矿资源,也是中国主要
this – the State Council has announced a strategic plan Island is limited to 8,000 yuan and the allowable quantity 际旅行社可以组织免签旅游团,参加免签旅游团的外国 的产盐中心。主要出口产品包括水产品、家具和木材、
to make Hainan a world-class international tourist of each individual type of good is as shown in the Annex 游客不需要签证即可到海南岛旅游。 电气和电子产品、钢铁产品等。海南省主要进出口贸易
destination by 2020. The government plans to have in below. As long as the import duty of the goods has been 伙伴为欧盟、东盟、美国和日本。
place 325 tourist projects and 110 five star hotels by paid, each visitor may also purchase one product priced 中央政府一直积极推动海南岛发展成为国际旅游
the end of 2020, as stipulated in Hainan’s 13th Five Year over 8,000 yuan. 目的地。在已出台的政策中,最有价值的包括有免税政 产品 海南省主要工业产品
Plan. Tourists may visit the island without a visa as long 策、离岛退税政策以及旅游团免签政策,目前免签政策 成品糖 全国排名(共30个省/直辖市)
as they are part of a tour group organized by a state- Hainan Island occupies 42.5 percent of the nation’s 已经扩大到26个国家和地区。 天然气 6
approved international travel agency. total tropical landmass used for agriculture, forestry, 原油 18
animal husbandry and fishery. Major agricultural 为了把海南省建设成为国际旅游目的地,政府提 汽车 16
The most valuable government policies issued in industries include natural rubber, coffee, tobacco, 出了一系列优惠政策,实行离岛旅客免税购物政策,便 纸制品 23
connection with promoting Hainan as an international tropical flowers and tropical fruits such as coconuts, 是其中之一。离岛免税政策是众多激励措施中含金量最 化肥 15
tourist destination are the island’s duty-free policies, watermelons and bananas. Hainan is also developing 高、影响力最广的优惠政策。从2011年4月开始,游 20
post-departure tax refunds, and visa exemptions for aromatic vegetables into a major industry. 客可以在免税商店购买免税商品,然后乘飞机离开海南
tourists from 26 countries and regions. 岛,极大地促进了海南省旅游业和高端购物消费。得益
The province is home to 70 percent of China’s 于离岛免税政策,海南省经济增长迅猛。为了延续增长
Since April 2011, tourists have been able to purchase titanium reserves and is a major salt production center. 势头,中国中央政府决定于2012年10月放宽离岛免税
duty-free commodities at duty-free stores in the Main exports include aquatic products, furniture and 政策门槛,政策适用对象年龄下调至年满16周岁,离
province and leave the island by air, greatly increasing wood, electrical and electronic products, and iron and 岛旅客每人每次免税购物限额从5000元人民币上调至
tourism and high-end consumption. Having recognized steel. Hainan’s main import and export trading partners 8000元人民币。此外,免税商品新增三大类产品,包
the tremendous benefits brought to the local economy are the E.U., ASEAN, the U.S. and Japan.

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