Page 46 - 2017 Special Report
P. 46
In addition to industrial output value, the development in Cambodia, Bangkok in Thailand, Kuala Lumpur in 铁路
zones are a key source of jobs in the province. The Malaysia, and Singapore.
province’s industrial zones have been developing their 长期以来,广西铁路网络落后于邻近省份。目前,
industrial cluster according to the area characteristics. Ports and Waterways 广西政府正在加速推进广西铁路建设,计划在2016至
For example, the coastal areas of Qinzhou, Beihai and 2020年间投入8000亿元人民币扩建铁路网,届时广西
Fangcheng are now focused on petrochemicals, power Guangxi’s main port is at Beibuwan (Gulf of Tonkin), 铁路里程将增加至6000公里。
plants, manganese steel, sugar, and high-tech products. which lies just off the coast of northeastern Vietnam
and has an annual goods output approximately equal 其中一条重要铁路的建设关系到与东盟国家的贸
Efforts have been made by the local government to to that of Guangdong’s Zhanjiang and Fujian’s Xiamen 易关系的发展。广西计划加快修建从南宁至新加坡的高
increase both foreign- and domestic investment in the combined (119 million tons). The province plans to raise 速铁路,连接越南,为建设南宁-新加坡经济走廊做好
region. Global companies like Toyota, General Motors, the capacity of the port to over 450 million tons by the 准备。
NEC and IBM have all made investments in Guangxi. end of 2020, according to Guangxi’s 13th Five Years Plan.
Many large enterprises have established regional During the past few years, it invested heavily in terminal 修建南宁-新加坡高速铁路的第一步是建设南宁到
headquarters in the city since July 2010 (when incentives and navigation channel projects with the goal of turning 中国边境凭祥萍乡市路段的铁路。南宁-新加坡经济走
were introduced to encourage doing so), including the the port into a hub for ASEAN trade. 廊以南宁为起点,经过越南首都河内、老挝首都万象、
brewer, Tsingtao, and household appliance maker, Haier. 柬埔寨首都金边、泰国首都曼谷、马来西亚首都吉隆
As part of the China-ASEAN framework, the Pan-
Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Zone is comprised of 水路及港口
the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Guangdong
and Hainan provinces, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, 北部湾港(东京湾)是广西的主要港口,面向越南
Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei. 东北部海岸,每年货物吞吐量大约相当于广东湛江港或
Infrastructure 规划,广西计划到2020年提高港口吞吐量至4.5亿吨。
Air 望把北部湾港建设成为东盟贸易枢纽。

Guangxi’s airports include Nanning Wuwei, Guilin
Lianghe, Beihai Fucheng, Liuzhou Baihe, and the much
smaller Baise Tianyang and Quzhou Cheung Chau Island.


Guangxi’s railway network, which has long lagged
behind that of neighboring provinces, is currently
undergoing development and expansion. The province
plans to spend 800 billion yuan on railway construction
between 2016 and 2020, extending its railway to 6,000

This project is integrally connected to Guangxi’s
development of trade with ASEAN. The province plans to
accelerate the construction of a high-speed railway from
Nanning to Singapore via Vietnam as the groundwork
for the Nanning-Singapore Economic Corridor.

The first step of this is a railway segment between
Nanning and Pingxiang, a city near China’s border with
Vietnam. The larger Corridor is planned to encompass
Hanoi in Vietnam, Vientiane in Laos, Phnom Penh

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