Page 48 - 2017 Special Report
P. 48
Hainan’s Major Industrial Products yachts, residential vehicles, outdoor sports, scuba diving, 海南省主要工业产品 规划还提出,要积极促进海口市与泛珠三角地区
and golf. In addition, the Plan aims to cultivate three 以及国际友好城市之间的经济交流与合作,扩大与东盟
Product National Rank (total 30 to five medical, health and rehabilitation institutions 产品 全国排名(共30个省/直辖市) 10+1各国的经济合作与贸易往来。此外,规划希望调
provinces/municipalities) meeting international advanced standards and 整和优化出口商品结构,鼓励和支持增加光伏产品、海
providing services such as Chinese medicine, hot springs 洋产品、食品和饮料以及电子机械产品的出口。同时,
and dietary therapy. 水力发电 23 规划提出调整和优化直接使用外资的结构,努力吸引外
Refined Sugar 6 In terms of raising innovative capability, the Plan
encourages enterprises with the necessary conditions 基础设施
to establish state, provincial and municipal-level 来源:政府数据(中国国家统计局官方网站)
key laboratories and state and provincial-level key 航空
Natural Gas 18 engineering technology R&D centers, and aims to
cultivate a group of high- and new- technology 海南岛现有三亚凤凰国际机场和海口美兰国际机场
Crude Oil 16 enterprises, innovative enterprises, and state and 海南省拥有开阔的海床,其面积覆盖海南岛周围半 两个机场,输送大部分出入海南省的旅客。
provincial-level IPR pilot enterprises. 径200英里范围之内。海南省各级政府充分发挥地理优
Cars 23 势,积极发展水产业以及在南海地区开发近海石油和天 铁路
Well-known domestic and foreign schools are 然气。自1996年以来,海南岛一直通过长达770公里
Paper 15 encouraged to establish branch schools in the province 的管道向香港输送天然气。南海发现大量的石油和天然 海南岛东环市际轨道连接岛内两大城市海口和三
and large enterprises to establish training bases 气储量,很多分析人士认为未来海南岛具有无限发展潜 亚。当地政府计划在海南岛西岸建造另一条高速铁路,琼
Fertilizer 20 in Haikou, the provincial capital. Local schools are 能。然而南海附近岛屿的归属问题,中国和其他临近国 州海峡渡口连通海南岛铁路与大陆铁路。
encouraged to establish mutual recognition of courses 家一直存在很大争议。
Hydropower 23 and accreditation with foreign schools. In addition, the 水路及港口
development of accounting, legal, economic appraisal 海南省“十三五”规划提出加快发展现代服务业,
Source: National Data (official website of NBS) and consulting services are encouraged, with the Plan 包括旅游、商业会展、现代物流和体育休闲等。同时大 海南岛最大的港口为海口港、三亚港、八所港和洋
aiming to cultivate a group of internationally renown 幅度提高对新能源、新材料和生物医学产业的投资力 浦港。
Hainan’s territory covers an enormous amount of intermediary service enterprises. 度,使之成为拉动经济增长的主要支柱产业。规划希望
seabed - a radius of about 200 miles around the island 形成五大工业集群,包括汽车制造、食品饮料、农产品
area - and the local government is keen to exploit In terms of the environment, the Plan hopes to 加工、光伏工业、医药制药、文化创意和休闲娱乐产
this in terms of aquaculture and offshore oil and gas achieve a 90 percent rural waste treatment and disposal 业,到2015年总产值达到100亿元人民币。加快发展
production in the South China Sea. Since 1996, Hainan rate and a 95 percent industrial waste safety disposal 高尔夫和游艇旅游业,引进一系列具有国际影响力的高
has been supplying Hong Kong with natural gas through rate in the rural area, and prohibits the development 尔夫锦标赛,开发高尔夫培训和相关行业,建立游艇贸
a 770-kilometer pipeline. Large oil and gas reserves have of high energy consumption, high water consumption, 易场所和游艇俱乐部。规划鼓励打造旅游设备制造业基
been discovered in the South China Sea, a major source high emission and overcapacity industries. The Plan 地,制造包括游艇设备、私家车、户外运动、潜水运动
of conflict between China and its neighboring countries also aims to increase the utilization rate of clean energy 和高尔夫运动。此外,规划提出要培育3-5个符合国际
in recent times. by 2020. 先进标准的医疗、健康和康复机构,同时能提供中医
The 13th Five-Year Plan of Hainan aims to promote The Plan aims to actively promote Haikou’s economic
the modern service industries, including tourism, exchange and cooperation with the pan-PRD region 在提高创新能力方面,“十三五”规划鼓励具备相
commercial exhibitions, modern logistics, and sports and with international sister cities, as well as expand 关条件的企业组建国家级、省级和市级重点实验室和重
and leisure. It also aims to greatly increase investment economic cooperation and trading with the Silk Road 大工程技术研发中心,培育一批高新技术企业、创新型
into the new energy, new materials and biomedical nations. In addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize 企业和国家级、省级知识产权示范企业。
industries, such that they become the province’s main the province’s export goods structure and encourages
pillars of economic growth. The Plan hopes to form five and supports expanding the export of photovoltaics, 规划鼓励国内外知名院校到海南省建立分校,支持
industry groups in the automobile, food & beverage and marine products, food and beverages, and electrical and 大型企业在省会城市海口设立培训基地,鼓励省内学校
agricultural product processing, photovoltaic, medical mechanical products. In addition, it hopes to adjust and 与外国学校建立课程、学分互相承认制度。此外,规划
and pharmaceutical, cultural and creativity, and leisure optimize the structure of FDI utilization by increasing 鼓励发展会计、法律、经济评估和咨询服务等行业,培
and entertainment industries. It also plans to accelerate efforts to attract investment in the high- and new- 育一批国际知名的中介服务机构。
the development of the golf and yacht industries by technology industries, modern service industries, and
introducing a series of internationally influential golf public infrastructure. 在环境保护方面,规划希望实现城市垃圾处理率
tournaments, developing golf training and associated 达到100%,城市污水处理率达到90%。高能耗、高水
industries, and establishing yacht trading venues and 耗、高排放量工业和产能过剩产业将被禁止继续发展。
yacht clubs. The Plan also encourages the creation of a 此外,到2015年,全省实现清洁能源使用率95%,所
base for manufacturing travel equipment including for 有重点项目、大型公共设施项目将全面实施合同能源
94 95
and golf. In addition, the Plan aims to cultivate three 以及国际友好城市之间的经济交流与合作,扩大与东盟
Product National Rank (total 30 to five medical, health and rehabilitation institutions 产品 全国排名(共30个省/直辖市) 10+1各国的经济合作与贸易往来。此外,规划希望调
provinces/municipalities) meeting international advanced standards and 整和优化出口商品结构,鼓励和支持增加光伏产品、海
providing services such as Chinese medicine, hot springs 洋产品、食品和饮料以及电子机械产品的出口。同时,
and dietary therapy. 水力发电 23 规划提出调整和优化直接使用外资的结构,努力吸引外
Refined Sugar 6 In terms of raising innovative capability, the Plan
encourages enterprises with the necessary conditions 基础设施
to establish state, provincial and municipal-level 来源:政府数据(中国国家统计局官方网站)
key laboratories and state and provincial-level key 航空
Natural Gas 18 engineering technology R&D centers, and aims to
cultivate a group of high- and new- technology 海南岛现有三亚凤凰国际机场和海口美兰国际机场
Crude Oil 16 enterprises, innovative enterprises, and state and 海南省拥有开阔的海床,其面积覆盖海南岛周围半 两个机场,输送大部分出入海南省的旅客。
provincial-level IPR pilot enterprises. 径200英里范围之内。海南省各级政府充分发挥地理优
Cars 23 势,积极发展水产业以及在南海地区开发近海石油和天 铁路
Well-known domestic and foreign schools are 然气。自1996年以来,海南岛一直通过长达770公里
Paper 15 encouraged to establish branch schools in the province 的管道向香港输送天然气。南海发现大量的石油和天然 海南岛东环市际轨道连接岛内两大城市海口和三
and large enterprises to establish training bases 气储量,很多分析人士认为未来海南岛具有无限发展潜 亚。当地政府计划在海南岛西岸建造另一条高速铁路,琼
Fertilizer 20 in Haikou, the provincial capital. Local schools are 能。然而南海附近岛屿的归属问题,中国和其他临近国 州海峡渡口连通海南岛铁路与大陆铁路。
encouraged to establish mutual recognition of courses 家一直存在很大争议。
Hydropower 23 and accreditation with foreign schools. In addition, the 水路及港口
development of accounting, legal, economic appraisal 海南省“十三五”规划提出加快发展现代服务业,
Source: National Data (official website of NBS) and consulting services are encouraged, with the Plan 包括旅游、商业会展、现代物流和体育休闲等。同时大 海南岛最大的港口为海口港、三亚港、八所港和洋
aiming to cultivate a group of internationally renown 幅度提高对新能源、新材料和生物医学产业的投资力 浦港。
Hainan’s territory covers an enormous amount of intermediary service enterprises. 度,使之成为拉动经济增长的主要支柱产业。规划希望
seabed - a radius of about 200 miles around the island 形成五大工业集群,包括汽车制造、食品饮料、农产品
area - and the local government is keen to exploit In terms of the environment, the Plan hopes to 加工、光伏工业、医药制药、文化创意和休闲娱乐产
this in terms of aquaculture and offshore oil and gas achieve a 90 percent rural waste treatment and disposal 业,到2015年总产值达到100亿元人民币。加快发展
production in the South China Sea. Since 1996, Hainan rate and a 95 percent industrial waste safety disposal 高尔夫和游艇旅游业,引进一系列具有国际影响力的高
has been supplying Hong Kong with natural gas through rate in the rural area, and prohibits the development 尔夫锦标赛,开发高尔夫培训和相关行业,建立游艇贸
a 770-kilometer pipeline. Large oil and gas reserves have of high energy consumption, high water consumption, 易场所和游艇俱乐部。规划鼓励打造旅游设备制造业基
been discovered in the South China Sea, a major source high emission and overcapacity industries. The Plan 地,制造包括游艇设备、私家车、户外运动、潜水运动
of conflict between China and its neighboring countries also aims to increase the utilization rate of clean energy 和高尔夫运动。此外,规划提出要培育3-5个符合国际
in recent times. by 2020. 先进标准的医疗、健康和康复机构,同时能提供中医
The 13th Five-Year Plan of Hainan aims to promote The Plan aims to actively promote Haikou’s economic
the modern service industries, including tourism, exchange and cooperation with the pan-PRD region 在提高创新能力方面,“十三五”规划鼓励具备相
commercial exhibitions, modern logistics, and sports and with international sister cities, as well as expand 关条件的企业组建国家级、省级和市级重点实验室和重
and leisure. It also aims to greatly increase investment economic cooperation and trading with the Silk Road 大工程技术研发中心,培育一批高新技术企业、创新型
into the new energy, new materials and biomedical nations. In addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize 企业和国家级、省级知识产权示范企业。
industries, such that they become the province’s main the province’s export goods structure and encourages
pillars of economic growth. The Plan hopes to form five and supports expanding the export of photovoltaics, 规划鼓励国内外知名院校到海南省建立分校,支持
industry groups in the automobile, food & beverage and marine products, food and beverages, and electrical and 大型企业在省会城市海口设立培训基地,鼓励省内学校
agricultural product processing, photovoltaic, medical mechanical products. In addition, it hopes to adjust and 与外国学校建立课程、学分互相承认制度。此外,规划
and pharmaceutical, cultural and creativity, and leisure optimize the structure of FDI utilization by increasing 鼓励发展会计、法律、经济评估和咨询服务等行业,培
and entertainment industries. It also plans to accelerate efforts to attract investment in the high- and new- 育一批国际知名的中介服务机构。
the development of the golf and yacht industries by technology industries, modern service industries, and
introducing a series of internationally influential golf public infrastructure. 在环境保护方面,规划希望实现城市垃圾处理率
tournaments, developing golf training and associated 达到100%,城市污水处理率达到90%。高能耗、高水
industries, and establishing yacht trading venues and 耗、高排放量工业和产能过剩产业将被禁止继续发展。
yacht clubs. The Plan also encourages the creation of a 此外,到2015年,全省实现清洁能源使用率95%,所
base for manufacturing travel equipment including for 有重点项目、大型公共设施项目将全面实施合同能源
94 95