Page 42 - 2017 Special Report
P. 42
Fujian Province 福建省
Cross-StraitTrade Hub outdoor advertisements and register company names 海峡两岸贸易中心 为了支持设备制造产业的发展,福建省政府积极推
with Taiwanese idioms. All these measures were 进电力生产。例如,政府在福清市规划建设的生活垃圾
Directly facing Taiwan, Fujian’s coastline aimed to reduce the commercial costs to Taiwan- 福建省位于东南沿海,海岸线直接面对台湾,两岸 焚烧发电厂已经在2011年完工并投入运行。
provides easy access to funded enterprises and help to attract more large-scale 经济贸易来往非常方便。福建省曾经是大陆与台
cross-strait trade and business. The province used to companies and projects to Pingtan. 湾海空两路交通的唯一枢纽,但在几年前政府开始允许 福建省政府主要集中精力吸引外资投资13个行业,
be the sole hub for all air and sea transportation to 大陆其他地区与台湾直接交通往来,在吸收台湾投资方 包括电子和信息技术、机械设备、石油化工、钢铁和有
Taiwan, but several years ago the government began Historically, Fujian’s key industries have been 面,广东省和江苏省已经超越福建省。虽然如此,随着 色金属、造船、新能源、生物医药(中医药)、物流、
permitting direct links with other parts of the country, agriculture, footwear and clothing, but in recent years 海峡两岸关系日益改善,福建从经济上获益最大,同时 新材料、建筑材料以及纺织品。本省其他行业还有水产
following which Guangdong and Jiangsu surpassed the area has increasingly focused on high-tech and 也得到中央政府的充分关注。福建省的主要经济发展动 养殖和渔业。
Fujian in terms of attracting investment from Taiwan. electronic goods. Fujian’s industrial clusters have 力来自厦门、福州、泉州、漳州和莆田。近年来,福建
Nonetheless, Fujian stands to gain the most from the become stronger in electronic information, equipment 省也涌现出不少后起之秀。 福建省主要工业产品全国排名(共30个省/直辖市)
continuing improvement of cross-strait relations, both manufacturing and petrochemicals, with these industries
economically and in terms of its importance to the state accounting for more than 60 percent of total industrial 经济情况 产品 全国排名
government. The main economic engines in Fujian are output value.
Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Putian. 福建经济和台湾经济关系密切,有着很强的互补 化学纤维 3
There are also a number of less well-known economic A prime example of an equipment manufacturer 性——两个地区的支柱产业都包括电子产品、石油化工
gems hidden throughout the province. headquartered in Fujian is Lonking Holdings, one of the 和机械制造。目前全球经济持续衰退,如果充分利用这 电视机 3
largest construction machinery manufacturers in China 一有利的经济因素,加强两地贸易往来,将会为双方带
Economy (making and distributing loaders, road rollers, excavators 来巨大收益。2013年5月,福建省会城市福州设立台湾 布匹 5
and forklifts). In late 2011, the company invested 3.5 商品原产地证明办公室。
The economies of Fujian and Taiwan are closely billion yuan in an excavator manufacturing line in the 纸品 6
related and complementary – with the pillar industries Longyan Economic Development Zone. The project is 2012年6月,中国国家工商行政管理总局出台16
of both regions consisting of electronics, petrochemicals estimated to produce 15,000 excavators annually. 条政策措施,以推动福建地区经济发展,加强该地区与 水力发电量 7
and machinery. If this favorable economic factor can 台湾地区的联系。新政策授予当地工商部门直接处理外
be properly utilized, gains from the increased trade To fuel such industry, Fujian province has taken 商投资企业注册登记和其他商业许可的权力,无需再通 微型计算机设备 9
between the two regions could benefit both sides amid measures to promote energy production. For example, a 过国家工商总局北京办公室办理,为台湾企业进入福建
the ongoing global economic downturn. In May 2013, household waste-fuelled power plant in Fuqing city was 市场提供更多便利。此外,新政策允许台资企业在户外 移动电话 14
the capital city of the province – Fuzhou – set up an completed and entered operation in 2011. 广告发布中使用繁体中文及在企业名称中使台湾地区习
administration office to handle the certification of origin 惯用语。这些政策有利于台资企业降低经营成本,吸引 啤酒 11
for goods made in Taiwan. The provincial government focuses on attracting 更多大企业和项目进驻平潭地区。
foreign investment in 13 industries, namely electronics 来源:国家数据(中国国家统计局官方网站)
In June 2012, China’s State Administration of Industry and information technology, machinery, petrochemicals, 福建省以往的支柱产业包括农业、制鞋业和服装
and Commerce issued 16 new policies to promote steel and non-ferrous metals, shipbuilding, new energy, 业。近年来,随着高技术电子产品的不断发展,福建省 聚焦厦门
the development of the region and strengthen its bio-pharmaceuticals (traditional Chinese medicine), 工业集群越来越集中于电子信息、设备制造和石油化
bond with Taiwan. The new policies empowered local logistics, new materials, construction materials and 工,这些产业在工业总产值的比重超过60%。 福州是福建省省会城市,而厦门市则是福建省重要
offices to directly handle registration applications and textiles. Other key industries in the province include 的贸易枢纽,也是中国四个经济特区之一(其他三个特
other business-related licenses for enterprises funded aquaculture and fisheries. 福建省设备制造产业的典型代表当属中国龙工控股 区是广东省的深圳市、珠海市和汕头市)。厦门港和厦
with overseas capital, rather than going through the 有限公司,是中国最大的建筑机械制造商之一(专营装 门机场是全国第三大最繁忙的港口及机场,仅次于广州
Beijing office, and thereby making it more convenient 载机、压路机、挖掘机、叉车等产品的生产与销售)。 新白云国际机场和深圳宝安机场。
for Taiwanese enterprises to gain market access. 2011年底,该公司在龙岩经济开发区投资建设的挖掘
Additionally, the new policies allowed Taiwan-funded 机生产线建成投产,项目总投资35亿元人民币,预计年
enterprises to use traditional Chinese characters on 产能1.5万台挖掘机。
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Cross-StraitTrade Hub outdoor advertisements and register company names 海峡两岸贸易中心 为了支持设备制造产业的发展,福建省政府积极推
with Taiwanese idioms. All these measures were 进电力生产。例如,政府在福清市规划建设的生活垃圾
Directly facing Taiwan, Fujian’s coastline aimed to reduce the commercial costs to Taiwan- 福建省位于东南沿海,海岸线直接面对台湾,两岸 焚烧发电厂已经在2011年完工并投入运行。
provides easy access to funded enterprises and help to attract more large-scale 经济贸易来往非常方便。福建省曾经是大陆与台
cross-strait trade and business. The province used to companies and projects to Pingtan. 湾海空两路交通的唯一枢纽,但在几年前政府开始允许 福建省政府主要集中精力吸引外资投资13个行业,
be the sole hub for all air and sea transportation to 大陆其他地区与台湾直接交通往来,在吸收台湾投资方 包括电子和信息技术、机械设备、石油化工、钢铁和有
Taiwan, but several years ago the government began Historically, Fujian’s key industries have been 面,广东省和江苏省已经超越福建省。虽然如此,随着 色金属、造船、新能源、生物医药(中医药)、物流、
permitting direct links with other parts of the country, agriculture, footwear and clothing, but in recent years 海峡两岸关系日益改善,福建从经济上获益最大,同时 新材料、建筑材料以及纺织品。本省其他行业还有水产
following which Guangdong and Jiangsu surpassed the area has increasingly focused on high-tech and 也得到中央政府的充分关注。福建省的主要经济发展动 养殖和渔业。
Fujian in terms of attracting investment from Taiwan. electronic goods. Fujian’s industrial clusters have 力来自厦门、福州、泉州、漳州和莆田。近年来,福建
Nonetheless, Fujian stands to gain the most from the become stronger in electronic information, equipment 省也涌现出不少后起之秀。 福建省主要工业产品全国排名(共30个省/直辖市)
continuing improvement of cross-strait relations, both manufacturing and petrochemicals, with these industries
economically and in terms of its importance to the state accounting for more than 60 percent of total industrial 经济情况 产品 全国排名
government. The main economic engines in Fujian are output value.
Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Putian. 福建经济和台湾经济关系密切,有着很强的互补 化学纤维 3
There are also a number of less well-known economic A prime example of an equipment manufacturer 性——两个地区的支柱产业都包括电子产品、石油化工
gems hidden throughout the province. headquartered in Fujian is Lonking Holdings, one of the 和机械制造。目前全球经济持续衰退,如果充分利用这 电视机 3
largest construction machinery manufacturers in China 一有利的经济因素,加强两地贸易往来,将会为双方带
Economy (making and distributing loaders, road rollers, excavators 来巨大收益。2013年5月,福建省会城市福州设立台湾 布匹 5
and forklifts). In late 2011, the company invested 3.5 商品原产地证明办公室。
The economies of Fujian and Taiwan are closely billion yuan in an excavator manufacturing line in the 纸品 6
related and complementary – with the pillar industries Longyan Economic Development Zone. The project is 2012年6月,中国国家工商行政管理总局出台16
of both regions consisting of electronics, petrochemicals estimated to produce 15,000 excavators annually. 条政策措施,以推动福建地区经济发展,加强该地区与 水力发电量 7
and machinery. If this favorable economic factor can 台湾地区的联系。新政策授予当地工商部门直接处理外
be properly utilized, gains from the increased trade To fuel such industry, Fujian province has taken 商投资企业注册登记和其他商业许可的权力,无需再通 微型计算机设备 9
between the two regions could benefit both sides amid measures to promote energy production. For example, a 过国家工商总局北京办公室办理,为台湾企业进入福建
the ongoing global economic downturn. In May 2013, household waste-fuelled power plant in Fuqing city was 市场提供更多便利。此外,新政策允许台资企业在户外 移动电话 14
the capital city of the province – Fuzhou – set up an completed and entered operation in 2011. 广告发布中使用繁体中文及在企业名称中使台湾地区习
administration office to handle the certification of origin 惯用语。这些政策有利于台资企业降低经营成本,吸引 啤酒 11
for goods made in Taiwan. The provincial government focuses on attracting 更多大企业和项目进驻平潭地区。
foreign investment in 13 industries, namely electronics 来源:国家数据(中国国家统计局官方网站)
In June 2012, China’s State Administration of Industry and information technology, machinery, petrochemicals, 福建省以往的支柱产业包括农业、制鞋业和服装
and Commerce issued 16 new policies to promote steel and non-ferrous metals, shipbuilding, new energy, 业。近年来,随着高技术电子产品的不断发展,福建省 聚焦厦门
the development of the region and strengthen its bio-pharmaceuticals (traditional Chinese medicine), 工业集群越来越集中于电子信息、设备制造和石油化
bond with Taiwan. The new policies empowered local logistics, new materials, construction materials and 工,这些产业在工业总产值的比重超过60%。 福州是福建省省会城市,而厦门市则是福建省重要
offices to directly handle registration applications and textiles. Other key industries in the province include 的贸易枢纽,也是中国四个经济特区之一(其他三个特
other business-related licenses for enterprises funded aquaculture and fisheries. 福建省设备制造产业的典型代表当属中国龙工控股 区是广东省的深圳市、珠海市和汕头市)。厦门港和厦
with overseas capital, rather than going through the 有限公司,是中国最大的建筑机械制造商之一(专营装 门机场是全国第三大最繁忙的港口及机场,仅次于广州
Beijing office, and thereby making it more convenient 载机、压路机、挖掘机、叉车等产品的生产与销售)。 新白云国际机场和深圳宝安机场。
for Taiwanese enterprises to gain market access. 2011年底,该公司在龙岩经济开发区投资建设的挖掘
Additionally, the new policies allowed Taiwan-funded 机生产线建成投产,项目总投资35亿元人民币,预计年
enterprises to use traditional Chinese characters on 产能1.5万台挖掘机。
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