Page 38 - 2017 Special Report
P. 38
Guangdong Province 广东省

Heart of the PRD 6. Plastics 珠三角地区的中心区域 9. 通用设备制造
7. Petroleum refining and nuclear fuel processing
Guangdong has the largest re- 8. Garments and footwear 广东省地区国内生产总值在全国各省排名第一,也 10. 纺织业
gional GDP of Chi- 9. General purpose machinery 是中国出口第一大省,其对外贸易占全国比重超
na’s provinces and is the country’s biggest exporter, ac- 10. Textiles 过四分之一。省会城市广州是粤语文化中心。全国四个 另外,广东省政府正在加紧发展金融业,提出到
counting for more than a quarter of China’s total foreign 经济特区中有三个落户广东—深圳、珠海、汕头。 2015年将金融业发展为广东省支柱产业的目标。2012
trade. The provincial capital, Guangzhou, is the heart of Furthermore, the provincial government is also 年,广东省金融工作办公室发布《广东省建设珠江三角
Cantonese culture. Guangdong is also home to three out taking steps to advance the financial industry. In 在珠江三角洲地区,广东省各城市不仅在经济上独 洲金融改革创新综合实验区总体方案》。该方案提出,
of four of China’s original special economic zones - Shen- 2012, the province’s Financial Department released its 领风骚,在其他各个方面也遥遥领先。2014年,广州 到2015年,金融业增加值将占广东省国内生产总值比
zhen, Zhuhai and Shantou. “Overall Plan of Guangdong Province in Establishing an 市位列福布斯评选的“中国大陆最佳商业城市”首位。 重达8%以上,到2020年达10%以上。
Integrated Experimental Area for Financial Reform and 广州大力支持微型、中小型企业发展,在2012年11月
In terms of commerce, Guangdong leads not only the Innovation”. The Plan suggests that added value in the 更出台相关的税收激励措施。 中国(广东)自由贸易试验区(新)
PRD but, in many cases, the country as a whole, ranking financial industry will account for more than 10 percent
number one in Forbes China’s “Best Cities for Business of provincial GDP by 2020. 经济情况 2015年4月20日,中国国务院公开发布广东、天
2015”. The city is actively supporting the development of 津、福建自由贸易试验区的总体方案,以及新的《自贸
micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, such as via The New Guangdong FTZ 广东省政府发布的官方数据显示,广东省经济2016 区负面清单》。负面清单详细列明了禁止或限制外商投
tax incentives introduced in a November 2012 circular. 年预计增长7.5%,去年的国内生产总值超过了一万亿美 资的行业,适用于中国现有的四个自由贸易试验区。
On April 20, 2015, the policy frameworks for the 元。假如广东省是一个国家,其经济总量将名列世界第
Economy Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian Free Trade Zones (FTZs) 16位,排在墨西哥和西班牙之后,超过印度尼西亚和荷 实施范围
were officially published by the State Council, along with 兰。广东省也在采取措施促进经济转型,把发展重点从
Guangdong’s economy is estimated to grow by 7.5 an updated Negative List, which details prohibited or 制造业转移到服务业。由于人均工资在全国位居前列, 中国(广东)自由贸易试验区的实施范围为116.2
percent in 2016, and reached a GDP output of more restricted industries for foreign investment in all of the 广东省将会越来越重视推动国内消费,减少经济对出口 平方公里,涵盖三个现有的经济开发区:
than US$1 trillion last year, according to official statistics four existing FTZs in China. 和廉价劳动力的依赖。
released by the Guangdong government. If Guangdong · 广州南沙新区片区(含广州南沙保税港区)
were a separate country, it would rank as the world’s Geographic Scope 2015年,珠江三角洲地区的经济总量在广东省经济 重点发展产业:船舶运输、物流、金融业、国际贸易、
sixteenth largest economy, behind Spain and Mexico, 的比重达到79.2%,工业产值排名前十的行业包括: 高端制造业等。
and ahead of Indonesia and the Netherlands. Guangdong The Guangdong FTZ covers an area of 116.2 square · 深圳前海蛇口片区
is also taking action to shift its focus onto services rather kilometers and consists of the three following, pre- 1. 通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造 重点发展产业:金融业、现代物流、信息服务科技服务
than manufacturing. With average wages among the existing development zones: 等。
highest in the country, there is a growing potential 2. 电力机械及设备制造 · 珠海横琴新区片区
to reorient the provincial economy toward domestic · Guangzhou Nansha New Area (including 重点发展产业:旅游休闲、金融服务、文化科教、高新
consumption rather than exports and cheap labor. Nansha bonded port) 3. 金属冶炼及压延加工 技术等。
Major industries: shipping industry, logistics, financial
The PRD contributed 79.2 percent of Guangdong’s industry, international trade, high-end manufacturing 4. 化工原料及化工产品 放宽外商投资限制
economic growth in 2015 through the following leading
industrial outputs: · Shenzhen Qianhai Development Zone 5. 汽车工业 粤港澳服务贸易自由化
Major industries: financial industry, modern logistics, · 允许港澳服务提供者在自贸试验区设立独资国
1. Communications equipment, computers and information services, technology services 6. 塑料制品 际船舶运输企业。
other electronic equipment · 允许港澳服务提供者在自贸试验区设立自费出
· Zhuhai Hengqin New Area 7. 石油炼制及核燃料加工 国留学中介服务机构。
2. Electrical machinery & equipment Major industries: tourism industry, finance services, · 允许在自贸试验区设立的港澳资旅行社(各限
3. Smelting and processing of metals cultural and education industry, hi-tech industries 8. 服装和鞋类 5家)经营内地居民出国(境)(不包括台湾地区)团
4. Raw chemical materials and chemical products
5. Automobiles

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