Page 36 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 36
Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting is our company's big event. Employees show their talents,
hobbies, enjoying the fun of this team activity.

Employees’ children's internship program

公馆为员工子女提供实习计划,优先给员工子女提供对口的实习机会 .
Company is committed to create a positive environment and better development platform for employees and their families.

Wechat Platform

人力资源与行政部微信公众号“广粤公馆 HR”,打破了员工与公司之间的壁垒。每月由公众号发布的员工快讯《广粤家园》,
HR&AD in particular established a Wechat platform, named as ‘HR of The Canton Residence’ , which let Information
spread faster, more efficient and transparent enhancing the interaction between the company and employees.

Monthly service star& Annual Excellent Employees

According to the commendation letters from our guests and employees’ performance, each department would single out
excellent employees as the service stars or annual excellent employees and gave bonuses for encouragement.


作为关爱型的企业,广粤公馆 2015 年离职率低于广州市企业年平均
离职率。2014 年度离职率更由 2013 年的 40.81% 降至 26.03%,2015 年较
2014 年再下降 6 个百分点,离职率逐年下降。
Turnover rate declines year by year because of the caring enterprise
culture and effective mutual communications.

在公司内部,很多员工出于对公司的认同,会积极转发招聘信息并推荐合适人选,内部员工推荐率占招聘成功率的 31.5%。
Many employees are willing to recommend suitable candidates based on their own feelings and recognition of the company.

各类员工活动员工的参与率都非常之高,广粤公馆 HR 微信平台关注量
在 2016 年突破上千,各类员工趣事及活动推广得到员工喜爱及高度参与。
Through sharing funs and advance notice activities via our Wechat platform,
our our employee involvement and participation is quiet high and the follower
of our platform has broken one thousand on 2016.
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