Page 41 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 41
maximum the transferred value through continuous applications

2014-2016 年,汤臣倍健在新的人才标准指引下,进行了高层关键人才的引进、中层管理人员的人才盘点、集团范
目前,汤臣倍健已为 4 个新经营单位及新项目甄选和输出关键人才,其中大部分为内部培养的人才。未来还将持续为

From 2014 to 2016, BY-HEALTH has taken out below OD (organizational development) activities based on the new
talent criteria:
● brought in top talents for key positions,
● took out mid-management talent review, selected out internal high potential talents, described current talent
situation and gaps clearly, and took related HR activates accordingly (buy through external channels or build up from
internal channels).
● BY-HEALTH has outlet talents for key positions to 4 new subsidiaries/projects, and most of them are from internal.
And this will be continued for the future new projects on plan.

该项目在持续应用实践中,加强了 HR 团队与各层管理人员的人才观念,提升了人才建设能力,使得组织能力得到
了进一步提升。HR 在该项目中还进行了能力内化和再应用,并自行设计完成了几个关键职能的人才标准建置与人才盘点。

As an extra achievement, the HR team and managements have enhanced their talent views and competencies in
talent development in the continuous application practices of this project. Therefore, the competence of the whole
company has been improved accordingly.HR has got the specialty skills transferred and reapplied. They designed
and completed several internal OD projects independently, such as setting up talent criteria and making talent
reviews for several key functions in the whole group. The department leaders have also learned to apply the
methodology and tools in making department talent strategies, and began to take more responsibilities in developing
their own talents.

目前,汤臣倍健仍然在战略实施的路上,依然急缺人才。面对未来,HR 未尽的工作还很多,我们求贤若渴。
Therefore BY-HEALTH is still on the road, and talents are still badly in need. The HR team of BY-HEALTH has a lot
of work to do facing the future, we are thirsty for proper talents.
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