Page 39 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 39

汤臣倍健创立于 1995 年 10 月,2002 年系统地将膳食补充剂引入中国非直销领域,并迅速成长为中国膳
原料专供基地建立,再到全球自有有机农场建立。迄今为止,汤臣倍健原料产地遍及世界各地 23 个国家和地区,

Established in October 1995, BY-HEALTH systematically
introduced dietary supplements into Chinese indirect
sales market in 2002 and rapidly develops into the
leading brand and benchmark enterprise in this industry.
BY-HEALTH has been adhering to execute the
“three-step” , differential global quality strategy, first from
global raw material sourcing, then the establishment of
exclusive global raw material supply bases, and
ultimately, building its self-owned organic farms
worldwide. So far, its raw materials were imported from
23 countries and regions; it has also established five
exclusive raw material supply bases in countries such as
Brazil and Australia; and its self-owned organic farms
are also under construction. BY-HEALTH thus
unswervingly seeks high-quality raw materials globally,
and gathers their nutritional essence to build the United
Nations of superior nutrition supplements.

Proposing a forward-looking talent strategy, on the heels of the Company strategy change.

Change is coming, focus on the major OD subject

2014 年到 2016 年间,汤臣倍健陆续孵化出无限能、每日每加、健乐多、HiRun 等新品牌,并与美国营养品巨头
NBTY 成立合资公司健之宝,在华拿下国际知名保健品品牌“自然之宝”(Nature’s Bounty)和运动领域领先品牌“美
During the period of 2014 to 2016, BY-HEALTH has launched several new brands such as NATURONE, merryplus,
GmyMax, HiRun, etc. We have Set up a joint venture company named Bounty of Health, with the famous Nutrition
enterprise NBTY from America, and obtained the global famous health care brand of Nature’ s Bounty and the sports
field leading brand of MET-Ex. In the meanwhile, BY-HEALTH is making strategic arrangements actively in the huge
health ecosphere, to realize its vision——being the ‘United Nations’ of superior nutrition supplements.
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