Page 32 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 32
Innovation Pioneer – Best Practice

a. International Trainee program:
o JE’ s talent investment often begins with its robust university training programs including : On-site Campus Talk,
JE Scholarship and Education Subsidy, Motor Design Competition, 2-year Intensive Training and Mentorship Program
and International Assignment.

o Accessing university-level individuals gives it access to some of the best and brightest talent at the onset of their
careers, giving both JE and the trainees’ mutual opportunities for learning and growth. JE builds strategic relationship
with top universities that we are able to grow and succeed. Here are some university partnership examples for year
2015/16: Harbin Institute of Technology (China) , Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Community College,
Institute of Vocational Education (Hong Kong).

b. Innovative talent acquisition tools and channels
o A global applicant tracking system (iCIMS) was launched globally to establish a global talent database and build long
term talent pipeline for JE.
o JE leverages technology to attract talent and establish employer branding. We use various selection and
assessment tools including Occupational Personality Questionnaire, Learning Agility, MBTI, Hogan to identify the right
candidates for the right jobs.
o JE Portal and JE In Motion are JE’ s social media tools which are widely used not only for employee communication
but also encourage internal referral and internal promotion.
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