Page 40 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 40
公司战略的转变必然带来对组织能力的巨大挑战。汤臣倍健 HR 认识到在公司战略方向发生重大转变的关键时刻,必须对
人才战略进行提前规划,以确保未来 1-3 年关键人才的供给足以支撑公司战略的实施和落地。这一提议得到了公司最高

Therefore, when we look backward to 2 years ago, the great change and impact from mobile internet is recalled upon
the consumer relationships and consumer needs. The High-level of BH-HEALTH was thinking of major strategy changes
like overseas merge and acquisition, hatching new projects, improving consumer oriented serving competence. At the
same time, the human resource team was in considerations of the huge challenges the organization may face in
competences according to such company strategy changes. The HR people realized that they have to plan the talent
strategy in advance, to support the company strategy implementation, by means of providing sufficient key talents in the
future 1-3 years. This proposal got approved from the top decision committee and HR was authorized to lead the project.

Redefine talent

HR 与外部顾问(智睿企业咨询)共同进行了度身定制的项目设计,锁定了重要

The strategy transition of traditional company signifies the redefinition of talents
(competences, personalities, knowledge, experience, attitudes, new thinking that may be
required ), and the high-importance/urgency of the talent reservation. Putting right persons
on right positions will virtually affect the strategy implementations considering the organization growth and strategy
direction, especially for the talent development and selections on key positions. The HR designed a tailor-made project
with the help from external consultant (DDI Consulting), focused on the main objective outputs, and made the top
managements involved deeply in a very compact way.

这一历时 6 个月的项目产出了高效的结果,使公司管理层对人才的观念实现了统一,在未来人才的选用育留上形成了

As a quite efficient result of this 6 month project, the management has aligned their talent views, and got an accordant
language in talent selection, utilization, development and retention. Continuous applications and value transferred have
also been taken out during the following two years.
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