Page 41 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 41


设在中国香港,集团旗下拥有雇员近 4,500 名。无限极(中国)有限
1992 年,是一家从事中草药健康产品开发、生产及销售的大型港资


LKK Health Products Group (hereinafter refers as LKKHPG or the Group) is a member of Lee Kum
Kee Group, a century-old Hong Kong enterprise. LKKHPG is a Hong Kong-based company with
nearly 4,500 employees. Infinitus (China) Company Ltd. (Infinitus (China) for short), founded in
1992, is a member of LKK Health Products Group (LKKHPG for short). It focuses on developing,
manufacturing and distributing Chinese herbal health products.
Headquartered in Guangzhou, Infinitus (China) has two production bases in Xinhui, Guangdong and
Yingkou, Liaoning. It’ s strong independent scientific technologies and development capability of
core independent intellectual property rights has been critical to the sustainable development of its
business and future expansion.

供应链人才资源部(以下简称“SCHR”)开辟专业技术路径,搭建起专业技术 + 管理的“双通道”人才发展路径。


2014-2015 年,SCHR 与供应链及研发业务部门共同开展专业技术人员实践,现已认定专业技术岗位 43 个,完成
超过 100 名人员评定,有效识别专业技术人才并拓宽其发展通道。

Infinitus (China) is a company to provide high quality Chinese herbal health products. In the company, Supply Chain
and R&D is one of the essential organizations to guarantee product quality with large amount of technological staff.
Supply Chain Human Resource Dept.(SCHR for short) devoted to improving productivity, and designed a two-way
career path(technical + management ) to attract and retain technical top talents.
Technical talent career path is an overall program with “two-way path” “three scopes” “nine levels” system design. In
practice, this program ran smoothly by 7 steps, such as position setting, talent assessment and result analysis.
From 2014 till now, together with Supply Chain and R&D business units, SCHR successfully conducted the
technical talent program, and have already completed 43 technical positions confirmation and more than 100 talent
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