Page 37 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 37


Skullcandy 是全美排名第一的耳机销售商,位于华侨城的骷髅音响(深圳)有限公司为美国
Skullcandy Inc 直接投资的子公司,在产品开发、供应链管理、采购以及品质控制方面为 Skullcandy
品牌的设计、研发提供全方位的支持。Skullcandy 不仅着眼于产品,更着重于建设并延续自己独特的
力工作和尽情玩乐已经成为 Skullcandy 所包容和鼓励的一种理念。
Skullcandy is the NO.1 seller of earphones in the US and their Shenzhen, Manufacturing Operations
Base (or the MOB as we call it) is responsible for getting all of their great designs into mass
production and shipped out on time. The MOB was established to support the brand’ s growth by
creating China based teams who can focus on product development, quality, supply chain, and
pricing goals. Most importantly though, their team does all of that while staying true to their unique.

Skullcandy culture which is centered on product technology, music, action sports, and lifestyle
enhancing products. Work hard, play hard is a philosophy that Skullcandy embraces and
encourages. Working hard doesn’ t necessarily mean working long hours at Skullcandy, it means
bringing your best effort to everything you do and realizing that teamwork and good communication
are the best route to team success.

Communication is the Key!

Members of the MOB are all asked to do one very important thing: make good communication a priority in everything
they do. In exchange Skullcandy makes the same promise to all employees and performs the following activities to
ensure that they feel confident in their knowledge of the company.

Skullcandy has created a companywide intranet (like Weibo), in which Skulls can see if colleagues are interested
in participating together on fun activities from recent and get updates on important events.
The MOB has also set up a Skull Wechat and QQ group. Skulls enjoys these platforms for open discussions,
kidding, information sharing, and to receive HR notices. HR has also set up a public Wechat Subscription
Accounts which provides regular updates on the unique activities that the MOB is performing and insight into the
unique culture of the Skullcandy MOB.

公司也创建了微信群,QQ 群以及公司微信公众号,公司和员工很乐于在这些公众平台上讨论问题以及分享各种信息。
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