Page 38 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 38
k Hard, Play Hard

BIG WIN Celebrations

When employees fall into a routine, it can be difficult to motivate them. The
Celebrate Wins program was set up to reward all of the great work that is being
done by Skulls. When a manager recognizes outstanding contributions by an
individual or group on their team they are encouraged to apply to celebrate the
WIN! Applications which meet the standards set by the MOB HR team will be
given a cash reward which is to be used on team building activities that the teams
can decide upon themselves. HR will share the news of their big win and
celebration photos on the intranet with the entire office to encourage everyone to
step it up!

当大家都埋首于枯燥的日常工作的时候,怎么激励员工呢? 季度杰出贡献

Skull Week

Skull Week is an annual event filled with fun activities to promote
Skullcandy culture and team-building, to make staff step away
from their desk, to give back to the community, and to celebrate
what it means to be a Skull. All of the activities are organized by
a Skull Week committee, which is led by the HR team. The
committee members discuss and execute fun activities that
appeal to the entire office. In the past, various events like
basketball, badminton, ping pong, darts, arm wrestling,
Mahjiang, a flea market, team sharing, and family day.

Skullcandy 每年都会举办一次为期一个月的 Skull Week 活
尽情享受运动和游戏带来的乐趣,真正明白成为 Skullcandy 一

Company Trip

Each year, The MOB will organize a company trip for all staff to a city
outside of Guangdong. The company trip is led by the MOB HR team
and supported by a Skull Trip committee. In addition a theme for the
trip is designated to focus staff attention such as: “Communication” ,
“We Own It” , “Creativity” , and “Professionalism” . The goal of the
trip is to create a time where all Skulls are engaged and have
opportunities to reconnect. At least one full day of team building
activities is scheduled to make sure that the trip is more than just a
vacation and each time a stronger team returns.

公司 HR 每年都会组织一次员工省外旅行,所有行程和计划都由
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