Page 26 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 26
TTI Recruitment Open Day

更重要的是,它带来的还有更为高效的招聘效果。2011 年 5 月 14 日,创
科第一届的招聘开放日吸引了近 200 位求职者前来应聘,当日成功进入录
取意向名单达 43 人,最终通过背景调查、薪资谈判等环节,一共 26 名候
选人成功加入 TTI。这个数字不容小觑,对单场招聘会来说,这是一个惊
浏览量突破 40000 条,转发量接近 2000 条,很快就收到了许多候选人的应聘申请。

从 2011 年到 2015 年期间,TTI 创科集团成功举办了 12 届招聘开放日。过去几年期间,参加招聘会的人数和成
功被录用人数每年递增,一共吸引了 1800 名来自全国各地优秀人才汇聚 TTI 亚太工业园,通过严格的笔试、面试、参观、
企业宣讲和产品体验等招聘环节,成功招聘了近 227 位优秀人才加入 TTI 创科集团,为集团发展提供许多关键岗位
的管理和技术人才 , 也大大宣传了创科的雇主品牌。

TTI's Recruitment Open Day is definitely a brand new experience for
the candidates and it brings them very positive hiring results as well.
Their initial Open Day was held on May14,2011 and has been
attracted 200 candidates who came to their site and they have the
intention to offer 43 candidates and after the reference check and
negotiation with the package , 23 have successfully came on board.
For a single job event, this is a very encouraging number.

Lots of preparation were done before the event and they have also
focused a lot on the “Internet+” approach. Tailor-made advertisement
was sent out through Weibo and We-Chat plus the websites and one
of their recent record shows that 40,000 visitors visited our ad page and it has been forwarded more than 2000
times. Since 2011, they have had 12 Recruitment Open Days held in our company and 1800 candidates visited
their site and 227 excellent candidates have joined TTI through this channel . It helps them to get the desired talents
and at the same time helps to promote the employer's brand.
招聘当天采用现场面试,招聘经理们和 HR 一起参与面试,现场决定录用意向
率。为了让求职者更全面深入的了解 TTI,创科的一站式招聘活动提供亚太工业园
各主要生产区、研发及技术中心、办公楼、宿舍的参观 , 让候选人了解未来的工
午餐,当然少不了的是增加了公司产品的体验专区,让求职者对 TTI 的产品也有了
During the Open Day, hiring managers and HR members conduct the interviews
together and hiring decision are made at the end of the day. This helps them to
shorten the overall lead-time tremendously and also allows the candidates to
make a final decision very soon. The one-stop hiring event also offers candidates
to be able to visit their key production floors, our Asia Innovation Center and
Technical center, office area and the dorm as well, and they could conduct the
“ reality-check” already on site. The company introduction, the free lunch at the employee canteen plus experiencing
the DIY products really impressed all the candidates.

With is new hiring event, the final result was very satisfactory , and the costs were only 10% of the any tailor-made
job fair . We could then use the saved recruitment budget for other purposes.
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