Page 29 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 29


美赞臣营养品公司创立于 1905 年,公司总部位于美国伊利诺斯州,自公司创立伊始,美赞臣便
开始。2009 年,美赞臣公司正式脱离百时美施贵宝集团成为独立的上市公司。目前是全球最大的婴
幼儿营养品公司。1993 年,美赞臣营养品(中国)有限公司成立,在广州设立工厂。2011 年在广州
设立研发中心。目前公司拥有近 2000 名员工,是中国市场上领先的国际婴幼儿奶粉品牌。
Mead Johnson Nutrition Company was founded in 1905, and its global headquarters is located in
Glenview, Illinois, in the United States. Mead Johnson is a global leader in infant and children’ s
nutrition. The company has been committed from its very beginning to nourishing the world’ s
children for the best start in life. As a result of its split-off from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company in
2009, Mead Johnson became an independent public company. Now Mead Johnson is the world’ s
largest company exclusively focused on infant and children’ s nutrition. Mead Johnson Nutrition
China was founded in 1993. Our manufacturing facility is located in Guangzhou. Mead Johnson
Pediatric Nutrition Institute China was founded in 2011 in Guangzhou. With nearly 2,000 employees,
Mead Johnson is the leading international brand of infant formula in the Chinese market.

在互联网 + 新形态下,美赞臣面临新的机遇和挑战。在公司战略层面,美赞臣中国敏锐地进行战略转型,提出“电

因此在 2014 年末,我们拥抱变革,尝试“digital”及“Social Media”创新,在听取了业务部门和人力资源部
内部的需求和建议后,重新建立聚焦战略重点与业务需求的 SMART 招聘模型。SMART 模型提供整体的战略性招聘解决
方案,以打造卓越的雇主品牌为基石,运用科学的系统(Applicant Tracking System)有效管理招聘流程并建立美
赞臣中国人才库,有针对性的开拓新颖的招聘渠道(RPO / WeChat / Linkedin),最终达到降低招聘成本、提高招聘
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