Page 22 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 22
伟迪捷珠海工厂的目标是成为丹纳赫全球 130 余家工厂里最富有竞争力的工厂之一,成为兄弟公司在中国首选

而他们 2014 年初的现状是薪酬与绩效管理、人才培养处于初级水平,管理人员无法调动员工的积极性。例如除
了 1% 的工人可以做组长、主管外,其它无论做了多少年都是普通工人,因此缺乏成长动力;工人依靠工龄增长工资,
报率逐年降低;绩效管理每年做一次,由主管与经理主观打分,分数 99% 集中在合格线。因此绩效管理只是形式。

因此,2014 年他们设计员工星级管理制度,目的是打造一套人力资源管理制度来激励积极上进的工人。从而提
升生产品质,且入职 1 年或以上的工人能操作 2 个或以上工位。

VJ Zhuhai’ s target is to be one of the most competitive factories in Danaher Global, to be the first option as OEM
in China. So they need our operators with multiple skills.

But their C&B and performance management is at junior level at the beginning of 2014, so their managers were not
able to motivate associates.
They initiated Star Grading Program for operators in order to incentive them with HR management system in 2014,
targeted to improve the performance of quality and insure that all associates with more than one year of service
were qualified for at least two positions.


Operators concern incomes, enterprise concern how much value the associate can create for the company, good
attitude and ability are both essential factor to create value. So they design from the theory of “learn more, perform
better then higher income” . They design career path to operators with the fair and transparency star grading
program to assess skill level of operators, then they gain corresponding salary level. Therefore, the qualification of
examination links together with their daily performance, as well as the interest of company link with operators’ .
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