Page 31 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 31
licant Tracking System(ATS)

1. 与微信对接,以便外部候选人可以获知美赞臣的招聘机会
2. 取代手工报表制作,能精准地从系统导出数据报表以便用于分析招聘的有效性和效率
3. 创建人才库,为美赞臣战略性储备人才
4. 精确地管理猎头推送的简历,避免由于简历重复而导致的不必要的争论
5. 加电子化审批流程,大大节省时间,提高效率
6. 范管理招聘流程

ATS can effectively solve the following issues
1. Integrated with Wechat for candidate to know our jobs easily
2. Replace manual reports and run reports accurately to analyze recruitment effectiveness
3. Build up talent pool for strategic recruitment
4. Precisely manage resumes from headhunters and avoid unnecessary controversy due to the duplicate resumes
5. Online approval to save time and enhance efficiency
6. Standardized recruitment process

Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO)



They outsource all manager level below positions to two professional vendors, taking advantage of their rich recruitment
experience and huge talent pools resources to recruit right talents with shortest time and the most reasonable price.
They have on site recruiters who are responsible for managing recruitment process, improving lead time and controlling
quality of candidates.

移动社交招聘 Linkedin & WeChat 招聘系统 Applicant Tracking System(ATS)
2015 年 4 月 3 日,Linkedin 中国页面上线。第 2015 年 7 月 20 日,招聘系统上线。他们预测

一个通过 Linkedin 招聘的总监级别人员已于 7 月 通过使用 ATS 提高效率,将会减少 1% 的空岗率,为
27 日上岗,大大节省猎头费用。目前不断有来自 公司创造相应的生产力。
Linkedin 的候选人在面试流程中,他们预计至 2015
年底至少可以节省 7% 猎头费用。 由于实现了线上电子化表单审批,可以为人力
资源经理和招聘人员分别节省 10% 和 30% 的时间并
2015 年 7 月 20 日,WeChat 上线。目前粉丝数 可处理更多重要的事项。
量达到 2000+,平均信息页面浏览量达到 1800+,雇 ATS launched on July 20th, 2015. They estimate they
主品牌得到很好的传播。目前陆续通过微信端收到 can decrease 1% of vacancy rate to create
越来越多外部简历和内部推荐简历。 corresponding productivity by increasing efficiency after
ATS launched.
After they launched Linkedin on April 3nd, 2015, the first Online approval through ATS can save 10% time of HR
director level candidate from Linkedin on board on July managers and 30% time of recruiters to deal with other
27th. They expect they can save 7% of headhunter fee important issues.
by Linkedin by the end of 2015.
招聘流程外包 Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO)
Mead Johnson China Recruitment Wechat went live on 2015 年 4 月 1 日实施,预计至今年年底可以节省
July 20th, 2015. Currently we have more than 2000
followers and 1800+ average page views that indicates 18% 猎头费用,招聘时间缩短 10 天。
good employer branding communication with our talents.
Now we’ re receiving more and more external and They expect to save 18% of headhunter fee and shorten
internal referral resumes through Wechat. 10 days lead time after RPO launched on April 1st, 2015.
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