Page 21 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 21


伟迪捷标识技术有限公司(Videojet Technologies)是工业标识市场的全球的领导者,隶属于
美国丹纳赫集团的工业平台,丹纳赫位列美国财富 500 强的第 149 位。公司全球总部坐落在美国伊利
诺斯州芝加哥地区的伍德代尔市,在 135 个国家有超过 3,000 名的销售和服务人员,年销售额超过
$800M。我们为各行各业 200 亿件产品做标识,拥有 35 种产品线,300 多种不同配方的墨水,我们每

有超过 22 个办事处。我们的制造中心在珠海 , 年营业额约 10 亿。

Videojet technologies Inc. is a leader in industrial identification market, attached to Danaher Group
of Industry,whom is ranked #149 on fortune 500. Our global headquarters is located in Wooddale,
Chicago Area, state of Illinois, USA. We have more than 3,000 sales and service employees in 135
Countries, Annul sales over $800M. Each year, we mark 20 billion pieces of products in a wide
range of industries; we have 35 kinds of product Lines to produce ink of more than 300 different
formulations. We manufacture, sell and provide high-quality after-sales service for our clients who
use the industrial identification equipment for printing key product information, accessories and
Our China headquarters is located in the city of Shanghai Cao hejing development Zone, we have
sales management center in Beijing, shanghai and Guangzhou, we have 22 branches in China, the
manufacture is located in the city of Zhu hai. Annul sales over $0.15B.
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