Page 19 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 19
It is absolutely exciting to have a dynamic team with passionate team members, which definitely will bring
continuous rewards for the hotel. Thus, they have set up a quarterly Service Award system to reward associate
with the improvement of hotel profitability.


The Service Incentive calculated based on hotel monthly revenue is posted on associate notice board which
allows associate to have a clear overview of the hotel business as well as the return associates acquire by
their hard work and effort, thereby having keen anticipation of the hotel operation and it helps improve staff
moral and motivation. Oakwood can feel the associate’ s happiness and excitement at work place while
seeing them gathered in front of the notice board and discuss about the service incentive with smile in their

酒店的营运,从而帮助减少工作的负面情绪。当 Oakwood 看到员工们聚在布告栏前欣喜而热列地讨论服务奖金

Service Award, the extension of golden moment and service incentive. Though service award is a very
common practice in any company, it is the most sincere appreciation for the loyal associate. The service award
recognizes the associates’ sense of belonging, attachment and ownership within the company.


The comprehensive continuous recognition & reward program initiatives have effectively reduce staff turnover
rate after the first opening year. A stable team helps to build and provide a comfortable and secured living
environment for all their guests. The associates have direct daily contact with all long term guests and get to
know the guests needs and service preferences. This has enables them to achieve their service objective
which is delivering superior excellence service consistently to all their guests.

正是这种全面持续的激励认可系统,使 Oakwood 的人员流失率在经过开业第一年的磨合以后逐年走低。对
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