Page 11 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 11
LOMA Exam Incentive LOMA ● LOMA 考试鼓励计划

To better understand and support life insurance business for AIA 为了更好地理解和支持友邦保险业务单元的
BUs, they encourage employees to enrol LOMA ( ‘Life Office 人寿保险业务,公司鼓励员工报名参加 LOMA(“人
Management Association’ ) Exam with certain incentive policy. 寿保险管理协会”) 考试并相应的推出资助及奖励
● Team Building
● 团队建设计划
They organize Team Building activity every year to enhance the
sense of teamwork. What they focus on is let employees find 公司每年都组织团队建设活动来增强团队合作
they could make it/ make it better through teamwork when 意识。他们所关注的是让员工自己意识到:“当挑
challenges coming, which proves more than words. More 战来临时能够通过团队合作来达到预定目标或使之
employees reflect that they know more about each other than 更好”。通过员工在活动中的亲身体验,一切都不
before and have good teamwork environment, showed from 言自明。另外,公司的年度调查也显示:有更多的
annual L&D survey. 员工表明“比以往更加了解周围的同事并处于良好
● Talent Mobility Program
● 人才流动及发展计划
At AIA Group, they are committed to people development and
providing their employees with the opportunity to grow and being 友邦保险集团以员工发展、为公司员工提供成
the best they can be. To encourage mobility within AIA Group, a 长机会和做最好的自己为己任。为鼓励友邦保险集
platform ‘AIA Careers’ is being built from 2012 to enable 团内部的人才流动,公司自 2012 年起一直在搭建
employee’ s access and application to jobs posted by in other 一个称为友邦保险职业发展的平台,从而使员工能
AIA entities and submit applications online. This new platform 够访问和申请其他友邦保险兄弟公司发布的工作并
provides employees more career opportunities and autonomy in 能在线提交申请。这一新建平台为员工提供了更多
managing their own career development. For AIAIT, there are 的职业机会和自身职业发展管理的自主性。而就
30+ mobility cases since in 2013 being achieved (including AIAIT 而言,自 2013 年平台完成以来已在集团范围
Cross Function, Project Secondment, and Transfer in/out) within 内实现 30 多个人才流动的成功案例 ( 其中包括跨
group-wide. 部门、项目借调和转入 / 转出等流动形式 )。

● Reward & Recognition ( ‘R&R’ ) Program ● 奖励与认可计划

They understand that ‘Rewards are more than just pay’ . It’ s “奖励不仅是物质”。R&R 计划已经植入了支持
included financial and non-financial programs that support 员工获得成就、认同和个人成长感的物质与精神上
employees’ sense of achievement, recognition and personal 的鼓励。公司已将有总经理签字的证书作为非物质
growth.Certificate framed with GM’ s signatures has been 性奖酬在周年晚宴上颁发,同时为相关奖项准备了
awarded in Annual Dinner as Non-financial Reward while certain 作为物质性奖金。
bonus being provided for related awards as Financial Reward.
● 英语演讲俱乐部计划
● Toastmasters Club
As supporting all of AIA market in Asia-Pacific, English becomes 语已成为与客户沟通的主要语言。因此,有必要为
the major language for communication with entities’ client. 员工构建一个通过实践学习的平台,以提高员工的
Therefore, it is necessary to build the learn-by-doing platform for 英语和沟通技能。国际英语演讲俱乐部是久经考验
employee to improve their English & communication skills is 的一种帮助员工提供沟通能力的方法,并且已被
necessary. Toastmasters Club is the proven way to help staff to 5000 家公司采用 ( 国际英语演讲协会是一家非营利
become a better communicator, which has been introduced by 教育组织,其通过一种全球性俱乐部网络来传授公
5,000 companies for English Learning (Toastmasters 众演讲与领导技能 )。
International is a non-profit educational organization that
teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a 在他们的努力下,第一个 AIAIT 英语演讲俱乐
worldwide network of clubs.) 部于 2010 年在广州公司成立。随着广州俱乐部取
得的巨大进步 ( 广州俱乐部在 2011 年~ 2015 年其
So, with their efforts, the first Toastmasters Club for AIAIT was 间已获得“Selected Distinguished Club”/
founded in Guangzhou Office in 2010. With the great “President Distinguished Club”的荣誉 ) 。北京
progresses they made (GZ Club has won the honour of 公司英语演讲俱乐部也于 2014 年相继成立。
‘Selected Distinguished Club’ / ‘President Distinguished Club’
from 2011~2015), the Toastmasters Club for Beijing Office was
founded as well in 2014.
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