Page 9 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
P. 9


友邦资讯科技有限公司 ( 简称 “AIAIT” ) 是在友邦集团在中国设立的全资 IT 技术共享服务公司。
AIAIT 的宗旨是为集团属下全球的业务单位 ( 包括 18 个国家 / 地区 ) 提供高品质和高性价比的软件开发,

AIAIT 的第一家办事处于 1994 年在广州成立,其后,AIAIT 业务拓宽,2000 年北京办事处成立,
到目前约有 720 名人员在广州北京两地。
AIA Information Technology Company Limited ( ‘AIAIT’ for short) is an AIA fully owned Technology
Shared Services organization in China. The mission of the company is to provide top-quality and
cost-effective products and professional services to the AIA companies (i.e. 18 markets / BUs) for
them to make substantial and lasting improvements in their performance.
The first AIAIT office was established in Guangzhou in 1994, and Beijing office also built up in 2000,
since then AIAIT continues to grow and currently there are around 720 members in Guangzhou and


According to philosophy of learning & development (so called 70-20-10), we’ ve built up AIAIT’ s learning
& development platform to well support our employee capabilities & development.

按照学习发展的理念 ( 即 70-20-10),我们逐渐建立了 AIAIT 学习与发展平台,为员工的能力培养与发
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