Page 10 - 2015 brochure-AmCham's CHRMA
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nwhile, to achieve our vision, several tailor-made approaches and programs have been developed
and delivered to encourage employee to grow and develop their career.


Programs & Achievements ● 主题专家评估

● SME Assessment 为建立 COE (“精英中心”),公司已于 2014
年推出 SME(“主题专家”),这一评估体系主要是以
To build up the CoE ( ‘Centre of Excellence’ ), SME 评估员工个人的能力并为其职业发展设立发展通道。
( ‘Subject Matter Expert’ ) Assessment as the key 截止至 2015 年,公司已认证 40 多名 SME。
exercise for evaluating talent capability and building up
the pipeline of talent development has been launched in ● 教育资助计划
2014. More than 40+ SMEs has been certified in 2015.
为了鼓励员工提高其知识和技能,公司从 2013
● Education Sponsorship 年起启动了一项公司资助政策且试运行,并于 2014
To encourage employees to improve their knowledge and 用外部培训资源时的相关事项,以指引部门或员工
skills, they’ ve started a Company Sponsorship Policy 对其培训及学习计划进行有序的规划和处理。
pilot run from 2013 and available from 2014. This policy
is a supplement of using external resources which could
guide department and employee to plan and process their
training & learning plan.

Education Sponsorship & LOMA Exam Incentive encourage staffs’ learning and development.
“教育资助及 LOMA 考试鼓励”计划激励了员工的学习与发展热情
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