Page 132 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 132
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
2.2 Animals and Related Products
Key Take-Aways to promote balanced development between
grassland and animal husbandry. The revised law
• China’s pork market is stabilizing in the will come into force on March 1, 2023 (Xinhua,
wake of Covid. China Revises Animal Husbandry Law).
• The bird flu outbreak will not significantly Pork
affect Chinese chicken consumption.
China will strengthen its supervision over the
• China is the world’s second-largest dairy country's hog spot and futures markets in a bid to
market after the US and the largest one in terms of rein in pork price hikes, according to the country's
dairy imports. Despite its tremendous growth, per top economic planner. Joint efforts will be made
capita consumption remains low. to promptly detect abnormal transactions and
enhance penetrative supervision, the National
• The Chinese government and growing Development and Reform Commission said
health awareness among consumers are powerful in a statement after a meeting with the Dalian
drivers of dairy consumption in China. Commodity Exchange, where hog futures are
traded. The two sides will work together to crack
• China has rapidly growing breeding down on illegal activities such as the fabrication
programs in place. and spreading of information about price rises,
hoarding for profit, price gouging, and malicious
Background speculation. The price of pork, a staple meat in
China, has been rising in 2022. From June 20 to
China's National People's Congress Standing 24, the average pork price tracked by the Ministry
Committee on Sunday passed the newly revised of Agriculture and Rural Affairs increased 5.4%
Animal Husbandry Law to boost the green week on week, rising 31.6% from 2021. China
development of the industry. In order to promote has been stepping up efforts to ensure the
the high-quality development of animal husbandry, market supply of pork and stabilize prices. The
the revised law stipulates that governments at or world's largest pork producer and consumer
above the county level shall incorporate animal is considering releasing pork from its central
husbandry development into their respective reserves and guiding local pork reserve releases
economic and social development plan, and (Xinhua, “China to Step Up Supervision of Hog
the state shall establish and improve a modern Futures Market to Tame Pork Price Hikes”).
livestock and poultry breeding system. It also
improved the regulations on the prevention and Experts say that China's continued efforts to
control of livestock and poultry diseases, and curb rising pork prices and crack down on market
the harmless treatment of feces to ensure public misconduct and irregularities will help stabilize
health and safety. The state shall strengthen the the market and keep overall prices within a
monitoring of livestock and poultry diseases and reasonable range within 2022. Experts believe
the development of livestock and poultry vaccines, China is capable of meeting its annual target of 3%
according to the revised law. In line with relevant consumer inflation for 2022, which leaves room
provisions of the Grassland Law, the newly revised for more policy stimulus to shore up growth. Their
Animal Husbandry Law also introduces provisions remarks came after the National Development and
2.2 Animals and Related Products
Key Take-Aways to promote balanced development between
grassland and animal husbandry. The revised law
• China’s pork market is stabilizing in the will come into force on March 1, 2023 (Xinhua,
wake of Covid. China Revises Animal Husbandry Law).
• The bird flu outbreak will not significantly Pork
affect Chinese chicken consumption.
China will strengthen its supervision over the
• China is the world’s second-largest dairy country's hog spot and futures markets in a bid to
market after the US and the largest one in terms of rein in pork price hikes, according to the country's
dairy imports. Despite its tremendous growth, per top economic planner. Joint efforts will be made
capita consumption remains low. to promptly detect abnormal transactions and
enhance penetrative supervision, the National
• The Chinese government and growing Development and Reform Commission said
health awareness among consumers are powerful in a statement after a meeting with the Dalian
drivers of dairy consumption in China. Commodity Exchange, where hog futures are
traded. The two sides will work together to crack
• China has rapidly growing breeding down on illegal activities such as the fabrication
programs in place. and spreading of information about price rises,
hoarding for profit, price gouging, and malicious
Background speculation. The price of pork, a staple meat in
China, has been rising in 2022. From June 20 to
China's National People's Congress Standing 24, the average pork price tracked by the Ministry
Committee on Sunday passed the newly revised of Agriculture and Rural Affairs increased 5.4%
Animal Husbandry Law to boost the green week on week, rising 31.6% from 2021. China
development of the industry. In order to promote has been stepping up efforts to ensure the
the high-quality development of animal husbandry, market supply of pork and stabilize prices. The
the revised law stipulates that governments at or world's largest pork producer and consumer
above the county level shall incorporate animal is considering releasing pork from its central
husbandry development into their respective reserves and guiding local pork reserve releases
economic and social development plan, and (Xinhua, “China to Step Up Supervision of Hog
the state shall establish and improve a modern Futures Market to Tame Pork Price Hikes”).
livestock and poultry breeding system. It also
improved the regulations on the prevention and Experts say that China's continued efforts to
control of livestock and poultry diseases, and curb rising pork prices and crack down on market
the harmless treatment of feces to ensure public misconduct and irregularities will help stabilize
health and safety. The state shall strengthen the the market and keep overall prices within a
monitoring of livestock and poultry diseases and reasonable range within 2022. Experts believe
the development of livestock and poultry vaccines, China is capable of meeting its annual target of 3%
according to the revised law. In line with relevant consumer inflation for 2022, which leaves room
provisions of the Grassland Law, the newly revised for more policy stimulus to shore up growth. Their
Animal Husbandry Law also introduces provisions remarks came after the National Development and