Page 134 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 134
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Reform Commission, the country's top economic it more of a threat to humans. Some birds have
regulator, said in July 2022 that it is considering died from the disease, but the vast majority were
releasing pork from central reserves and guiding culled to try to stop the highly infectious virus from
localities to release extra stocks in a timely manner spreading. The spread of the disease has largely
to prevent sharp increases in hog prices. Keeping been blamed on the migration of wild birds flying
price stability in the pork and hog markets will help over domestic flocks and transmitting the virus
keep overall prices reasonable and ensure stable through their droppings. The bird flu virus–H5N1–
economic operations. The price increases were poses only a low risk to humans, according to the
a result of multiple factors like a bullish mood Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No
about rising hog prices, transportation disruptions human infections of the highly pathogenic avian
due to heavy rains and a fall in imports. Despite influenza, or HPAI, which includes H5N1, have ever
the recent price hikes, there is insufficient room been reported in the US. The virus can spread from
for further hog price gains in the later months of birds to people, but such infections are rare and
2022 considering factors such as China's sufficient have not led to outbreaks among humans. The
supply of hogs, slowing pork consumption in July virus also does not pose a special risk to the United
and August and the recent pig feed price declines. States’ food and export supply. The CDC states
China is capable of meeting its annual consumer that for any poultry or eggs, proper handling and
inflation target for 2022, and the government will heating it to an internal temperature of 73 C kills any
take solid steps to stabilize supplies and prices. bacteria and viruses present, including any HPAI
Next, government agencies will work with relevant viruses. The deaths of millions of egg-laying birds
parties to strengthen regulation of the futures and are driving the price of eggs up to historic levels for
spot markets and crack down on illegalities and consumers and businesses alike. In January 2022,
irregularities such as spreading false information, government officials announced the arrival of bird
hoarding, price gouging and speculation in the flu in the US after a wigeon duck in South Carolina
market to maintain normal market order (Shijia). tested positive. It was then detected in Indiana in
February. Scientists believe that wild migratory
Poultry/Eggs birds brought the virus to North America. The
spread of this virus is one of the reasons that China
Due to an outbreak of bird flu in the United States, has limited imports of poultry from the United
Hong Kong's food safety authority suspended the States, in an attempt to stem the further spread of
import of poultry meat and products from bird the virus (Heping).
flu-affected areas in the United States in March
of 2022. The Center for Food Safety (CFS) of the While there is concern about the spread of
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) the virus, steps are being taken to determine its
government's Food and Environmental Hygiene origin and propagation. A Chinese research team
Department said the decision was made in view has systematically identified the origin, evolution,
of a notification from the World Organization and propagation of the H5N1 virus, which has
for Animal Health about outbreaks of highly caused avian influenza outbreaks globally. The
pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. The CFS has research, conducted by the Harbin Veterinary
instructed the trade to suspend the import of Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of
poultry meat and products, including poultry eggs, Agricultural Sciences, was published recently in the
from the areas with immediate effect (Xinhua, journal Emerging Microbes & Infections. The study
“Hong Kong Suspends Import of Poultry Products found the currently circulating H5N1 virus emerged
from U.S. Over Bird Flu”). in the Netherlands in October 2020 as an H5N8
avian influenza-virus recombination with subtypes
An outbreak of bird flu in the United States such as H1N1 and H3N8. The H5N1 virus was
hit 25 states by April 2022, killing over 23 million responsible for the loss of over 70 million domestic
chickens and turkeys in the worst outbreak since poultry in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America
2015. Federal health officials are watching for since October 2020. The researchers performed a
potential mutations of the virus that could make detailed phylogenic analysis of 233 representative
H5N1 strains isolated from 28 countries. They
Reform Commission, the country's top economic it more of a threat to humans. Some birds have
regulator, said in July 2022 that it is considering died from the disease, but the vast majority were
releasing pork from central reserves and guiding culled to try to stop the highly infectious virus from
localities to release extra stocks in a timely manner spreading. The spread of the disease has largely
to prevent sharp increases in hog prices. Keeping been blamed on the migration of wild birds flying
price stability in the pork and hog markets will help over domestic flocks and transmitting the virus
keep overall prices reasonable and ensure stable through their droppings. The bird flu virus–H5N1–
economic operations. The price increases were poses only a low risk to humans, according to the
a result of multiple factors like a bullish mood Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. No
about rising hog prices, transportation disruptions human infections of the highly pathogenic avian
due to heavy rains and a fall in imports. Despite influenza, or HPAI, which includes H5N1, have ever
the recent price hikes, there is insufficient room been reported in the US. The virus can spread from
for further hog price gains in the later months of birds to people, but such infections are rare and
2022 considering factors such as China's sufficient have not led to outbreaks among humans. The
supply of hogs, slowing pork consumption in July virus also does not pose a special risk to the United
and August and the recent pig feed price declines. States’ food and export supply. The CDC states
China is capable of meeting its annual consumer that for any poultry or eggs, proper handling and
inflation target for 2022, and the government will heating it to an internal temperature of 73 C kills any
take solid steps to stabilize supplies and prices. bacteria and viruses present, including any HPAI
Next, government agencies will work with relevant viruses. The deaths of millions of egg-laying birds
parties to strengthen regulation of the futures and are driving the price of eggs up to historic levels for
spot markets and crack down on illegalities and consumers and businesses alike. In January 2022,
irregularities such as spreading false information, government officials announced the arrival of bird
hoarding, price gouging and speculation in the flu in the US after a wigeon duck in South Carolina
market to maintain normal market order (Shijia). tested positive. It was then detected in Indiana in
February. Scientists believe that wild migratory
Poultry/Eggs birds brought the virus to North America. The
spread of this virus is one of the reasons that China
Due to an outbreak of bird flu in the United States, has limited imports of poultry from the United
Hong Kong's food safety authority suspended the States, in an attempt to stem the further spread of
import of poultry meat and products from bird the virus (Heping).
flu-affected areas in the United States in March
of 2022. The Center for Food Safety (CFS) of the While there is concern about the spread of
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) the virus, steps are being taken to determine its
government's Food and Environmental Hygiene origin and propagation. A Chinese research team
Department said the decision was made in view has systematically identified the origin, evolution,
of a notification from the World Organization and propagation of the H5N1 virus, which has
for Animal Health about outbreaks of highly caused avian influenza outbreaks globally. The
pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. The CFS has research, conducted by the Harbin Veterinary
instructed the trade to suspend the import of Research Institute under the Chinese Academy of
poultry meat and products, including poultry eggs, Agricultural Sciences, was published recently in the
from the areas with immediate effect (Xinhua, journal Emerging Microbes & Infections. The study
“Hong Kong Suspends Import of Poultry Products found the currently circulating H5N1 virus emerged
from U.S. Over Bird Flu”). in the Netherlands in October 2020 as an H5N8
avian influenza-virus recombination with subtypes
An outbreak of bird flu in the United States such as H1N1 and H3N8. The H5N1 virus was
hit 25 states by April 2022, killing over 23 million responsible for the loss of over 70 million domestic
chickens and turkeys in the worst outbreak since poultry in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America
2015. Federal health officials are watching for since October 2020. The researchers performed a
potential mutations of the virus that could make detailed phylogenic analysis of 233 representative
H5N1 strains isolated from 28 countries. They